Airport And Local Airspace Questions (KLZU) Flashcards
What are the traffic patterns for each runway at your airport? What is the MSL altitude for the traffic pattern?
Left hand traffic pattern unless atc says otherwise.
2100’ MSL
How do you enter and exit the traffic pattern at your airport? What, if any, radio communications are required?
Establish & maintain two-way coms with tower while in airspace(Class D)
While tower is inactive enter 45 down wind and announce intentions on CTAF
What radio calls are recommended in the traffic pattern at your airport? What, if any, radio communications are required?
Establish & maintain two-way coms with tower.
Readbacks, communicate intentions (touch&gos, taxi back, full stop, departure, arrival)
What is the standard direction of turns in the traffic pattern? Give an example of a visual display indicating a nonstandard traffic pattern.
Standard traffic pattern is left hand turns.
Diagram would be right hand turns
What is CTAF? Explain CTAF procedures at your training airports.
Common Traffic Advisory Frequency.
Maintain contact with tower and announce intentions.
How do you determine if a runway is closed?
A yellow cross closed runway marking is preset
What are the typical dimensions of a class D airspace and what requirement(s) must be met prior to entry?
Most Class D airpsace is a circle with a radius of approximately 4 NM extending up to 2500’ MSL.
Must establish two-way radio coms w/ tower and maintain contact during all operations to, from, or on that airport.
What is the maximum speed permitted for aircraft below 10,000’ MSL? What is the maximum speed allowed in Class B airspace? What is the maximum speed allowed in a VFR corridor through Class B airspace?
Below 10,000’ MSL 250 knots
Class B 250 knots
VFR corridor Class B 200 knots
If you receive ATC instructions that you feel may compromise safety or will cause you to violate an FAR, what should you do?
Refuse to comply and notify ATC immediately
What is the meaning of each of the following ATC light signals?
Steady green
Flashing green
Steady red
Flashing red
Alternating green&red
Flashing white
-Steady green (clear to land)
-Flashing green (return for landing)
-Steady red (give way & continue to circle)
-Flashing red (airport unsafe, do not land)
-Steady green (Cleared for takeoff)
-Flashing green (Cleared for taxi)
-Steady red (STOP)
-Flashing red (taxi clear of runway in use)
-Flashing white (return to starting point on airport)
-Alternating red&green (exercise extreme caution)
In addition to equipment requirements and student pilot certificates, what other requirement(s), if any, must be met before a student pilot is authorized to fly solo with Class B airspace?
The endorsement of receiving training in Class B airspace and student log book endorsement.