AirOps 2 Flashcards
What is Category 1?
Repairable within aircraft custodians capability
What is Category 2?
Repairable within custodians forward maintenance organisation I.e. on base
What is Category 3?
Repairable on base, with contractor assistance (outside custodians capability)
What is Category 4?
Repairable but requires special facilities or equipment
What is Category 5?
Beyond economic repair
What is a Diversion?
The act of flying to another airfield, other than that originally intended for the purpose of landing
What reasons are there for diverting?
Aircraft unservicable, shortage of fuel, weather,obstruction on runway or destination airfield closed
What is a Grade 1 diversion?
Mandatory instruction by Operating Authority
Captain may override if he cannot comply
Must inform Op Auth
What is a Grade 2 diversion?
An advisory instruction by op auth or atc
Captain may reject div, must have enough fuel for div if he cannot land
What are the considerations for a Diversion?
Runway length, facilities, nav aids, range=fuel, weather and pilot experience/skill/quals
Define an accident
An occurence which results in a person being killed or suffering major injury or an aircraft sustaining Category 4 or 5 damage
Define an incident
An air safety occurrence which has not resulted in an accident but resulted in any or all of the following:
1) An aircraft sustaining cat 1, 2, or 3 damage
2) A person recieving a reportable over 3 day injury
3) An event which comprimises air safety
What is a Hazard Observation?
A near miss
What is an AIRPROX?
A situation in which, in the opinion of a pilot or air traffic personnel, the distance between aircraft as well as thier relative positions and speed have been such that the safety of the aircraft involved may have been comprimised.
When must a DASOR be reported?
Within 24 hours
What is FOD?
Defined as any item or material, other than birds or wildlife, that orginates from any source, either external to or part of an aircraft and which has the potential to cause damage.
How can aircrew reduce FOD?
1) Do not carry unnecessary articles in flying suit
2) Whatever you take into a cockpit - take out after trip
3) Tie pens to flying suit
4) Report lost articles no matter what it costs you
How can non-aircrew reduce FOD?
No vehicles used on airfield
Secure rubbish dumps, bins with lids
Pick up any rubbish you see blowing around
Educate visitors
What is an instrument approach?
A descent into an airfield environment under ATC, using specific aid/aids, to carry out an authorised approach
What is a circling approach?
An approach dring which an aircraft manoeuvres outside of a 30degree arc of the centre line of the active runway in order to achieve a position to continue with a visual approach.
What is a precision approach, give examples
Uses a facility that provides both Azimuth and Glidepath information
What is a non-precision approach, give examples
Uses a facility that provides only Azimuth information SRA PAR (azimuth only) VOR TACAN
What is DH?
Decision Height (precision)
The height at which missed approach must be initiated unless required visual references have been established & aircraft positoin suitable for visual approach
The MIN DH for Militray Aircraft FW is 200ft (150ft helis)
Procedure Minima
The lowest DH or MDH authorise for use for a given procedure
What is the MDH?
Minimum Descent Height (non-precision)
The lowest height to which an aircraft may descend until the required visual references have been established & aircraft position suitable for visual approach.
Then drive to missed approach point!
The MDH for Military Aircraft is 250ft
What are the actions to avoid birds?
1) Avoid areas of known concentrations
2) Choose sortie times outside bird activity times
3) Increase height
4) Reduce speed
5) Use landing light
6) Climb to atleast 1000ft near coasts and cross perpendicular
What is MSD for low flying?
Minimum Separation Distance - authorised min distance in all directions between an aircraft and the surface of the earth, an objcet or person
What is the SSR (squawk) for low flying?
What are the minima for flying the Tutor at 500ft MSD?
surface in sight - 5km, 1500m, 500ft vertical from cloud
surface not in sight - 5km, 1500m, 1000ft from cloud
What is the low flying safety frequency?
278.0 MHz and Guard
What are the exceptions for flying below 500ft in the Tutor?
1) TO and landing
2) Emergency
3) When forced by weather
4) If instructed by ATC
5) When engaged in SAR duties
What are PINS?
Pipeline Inspection Notification System
Details promulgated by NOTAM 0800-1700 daily
Normally fly between 500-700ft, may operate lower
What is CANP?
Civil Aircraft Notification Procedure
Civil operators inform Tactical Booking Cell of operations below 1000ft AGL
Tactical Booking Cell publish UKL Notam
Flight Planning clerk inserts details on BIDNWS map
DH/MDH = Procedure minima + additional allowances
What are the additional allowances for green, white, amber and PIFG ratings?
Green rating add 0ft
White rating add 200ft
Amber rating add 300ft
PIFG (MELIN) add 1000ft
What category is the Tutor?
Cat A