Aircraft Systems Questions Flashcards
What is System Thinking?
- System Thinking is the ability to take a holistic or a total systems view of the development or analysis of any system
- Take into account all influences or factors which may effect the behavior of a system
- System thinking is a way to understand and manage complex problems
What are the major systems of an aircraft?
- Airframe and structure provides the lift and control surfaces and the passenger cabin
- Avionics represents the “brain” of the aircraft providing navigation, communications, autopilot and display functions
- Aircraft systems provides the means and flying the aircraft reliable and safe
What is the definition of Aircraft Systems?
A group of components that work together to perform a common aircraft function is generally referred to as an aircraft system.
-> Aircraft systems enable a reliable and safe operation of an aircraft due to a proven system design philosophy
What are the Safety Objectives?
- System hardware has to fulfill strict environmental and safety requirements
- Software fulfills strict requirements by dissimilating programming (different project teams and program languages)
- Each system has a self-monitoring function
- Multiple redundancy is the essential factor for a high level of safety
- Each redundant (backup) system allows a safe continuation of the flight and landing
- Automatic backup or separation in the case of a system failure to prevent immediate intervention of the crew (reduces workload)
- Each single system failure leads to a single failure in the appropriate system/sub-system
- The combination of the two failures does not lead to a total loss of the superior system
What are the Handling Quality Objectives?
- Keep the workload for the crew as low as possible: If all systems are in normal operation no action by the crew is needed or signals are displayed
- Instruments and displays using synoptic and visual designs
- Clear assignment of a visual system indication of the represented system for a good understanding of the current system status
- Most switches, displays and signals are applied in “flow” of the schematics system diagram
- Master Warning Panel is visible for all flight crew members
What are the Maintainability Objectives?
- Good accessibility to all system components
- Commonality of all system components
- Commonality and replicability within an aircraft and within an aircraft family
- Maintainability and reliability are considered as major design parameters
- “Built-In Test Equipment” supports failure reorganization - it has to be independent of the electrical
- Manual control and test of the integrity of the protective circuits
- Spatial separated maintenance areas of each larger system allows a faster inspection and simultaneously maintenance, without interfering of maintenance personnel or devices
- Spatial separation of hydraulic and electrical connections
What are the Flexibility Objectives?
- Space for future instruments, avionics and equipment for the baseline aircraft of an aircraft family
- The addition of further instruments and equipment is not limited by energy and power system capacities - a power margin (buffer) of +20% should be provided
- Additional wiring capacities and interfaces are provided in baseline layout
What are the advantages of Fly-By-Wire (FBW)?
- Weight and parts reduction by replacement of heavy mechanical linkages
- Lower maintenance costs (less complex system)
- Pilot work reducing (automatic control features)
- Better and common aircraft handling characteristics on different aircraft types
- Greater flexibility including new functionality and changes after initial design/production
- Features of autopilot are in manual control mode available (i.e. attitude control)
- Safety enhancement by highly reliable flight envelope protection systems
- Minimizing of structural loads by control design or active load control
- Common control surfaces for different types
- Possibility to implement new control laws functions (i.e. adaptive wing, variable camber)
What is Fault Tolerance and which fault classes exist?
Fault Tolerance
Fault Tolerance is a term that is used to define the ability of any system to withstand single or multiple failures which results in either no loss of functionality or a known loss of functionality or reduced level of redundancy while maintaining the required level of safety
- Class 1 fault: A failure which results in some particular component becoming totally inoperative. Example: Loss of power to an electronic component
- Class 2 fault: A failure which results in some particular component remaining active, but the functionality it provides is in error. Example: False signals by erroneous operation sensor
-> Fault tolerant flight control systems require the principal techniques of redundancy, dissimilarity, and installation segregation
What is Redundancy in Aircraft Systems?
Redundancy is the multiplication of flight critical components or functions of the safety-critical system with the intention of increasing reliability of the system (backup/fail-safe)
What is Dissimilarity in Aircraft Systems?
Dissimilar implementations increases robustness to common-mode faults for safety critical systems by using dissimilar hardware and/or dissimilar software. The objective is to tolerate a “design error” of the system
Name some examples for hardware redundany
- Multiple flight control computer
- Different control surface actuation
- Different power sources/systems)
- Ram Air Turbine (RAT) as a last power back-up
How can actuators be categorized?
- Simple Mechanical/Hydraulic Actuation
- Fly-By-Wire Hydraulic Actuator (HA)
- Electro Hydrostatic Actuator (EHA)
- Electro-Mechanical Actuator (EMA)
- Electrical Backup Hydraulic Actuator (EBHA)
What are the benefits of electric powered actuation?
- Reduced Weight: Fewer hydraulic components: Weight reduction of approx. 450kg for the Airbus A380
- Improved Performance and Optimization: Hydraulic pump/system is a continuous load on the engine -> electric load is on demand/when needed.
- Improved Maintainability and Robustness: Elimination of hydraulic system improves reliability -> higher Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) for electrical system compared to hydraulic system. Efficient Segregation & Independence of the Actuation Power provides robustness
What functions are fulfilled by the Flight Management System (FMS)?
- Navigation
- Flight planning
- Trajectory prediction
- Performance computations (e.g. fuel consumption)
- Guidance
The definition of an Interface Control Document (ICD) enables the major project contractor to declare and agree their interfaces. What are typical interface categories?
- Installation
- System Connections
- Power Offtakes
What is the advantage of a “no-bleed engine”?
Eliminating the pneumatic bleed results in a more efficient engine operation due to reduced overall airplane level power requirements
What is the propulsion control problem?
The basic control problem is to control fuel flow and air flow to the engine to operate at its optimum efficiency within the aircraft flight envelope (speeds, altitudes, temperatures). The major design aspects are reliable, economical and long-term operation under defined predictable conditions
What are the goals of Engine Air Management?
- Ensure efficient operation
- Maintain safety margin to engine surge line
- Optimum acceleration without surge
- Variable intake area/shock control for high Mach
What is FADEC, what are the principal functions and main benefits?
Principles of Engine Control - Full Authority Digital Engine Control
The FADEC also called Engine Control Unit is a fully redundant digital control system which provides complete engine management and control. The FADEC is mounted on the fan casing
Principal Functions
- Optimized engine efficiency
- Protection from operation outside engine limits
- Coordination of engine/aircraft control functions
- Saves weight, reduces pilot workload and reduces maintenance costs
Main Benefits
- Enhance basic control functions: Engine start, idle acceleration etc.
- Optimized engine control: air management, bleed-air control (anti-surge), cooling
- Enhanced engine protection: thrust limitation, critical speed and pressure
- Improved pilot/engine interface
- Improved reliability and safety