Aircraft Performance and Systems Flashcards
A rectangular wing, as compared to other wing planforms, has a tendency to stall first at the…
wing root, with the stall progression toward the wing tip.
If airspeed is increased during a level turn, what action would be necessary to maintain altitude? The angle of attack…
must be decreased or angle of bank increased.
If airspeed is increased, during a level turn, lift would also increase. To remain at the same altitude, the pilot would have to either…
decrease the angle of attack or increase the angle of bank.
The use of carburetor heat increases the temperature of the air, decreasing its density, thus …
richening the mixture.
Fuel/air ratio is the ratio between the…
weight of fuel and weight of air entering the cylinder.
(As opposed to entering the carburetor. )
If all index units are positive when computing weight and balance, the location of the datum would be at the…
nose, or out in front of the airplane.
An object located aft of the datum is measured in ________, if located forward of the datum, it is measured as _____________.
An object located aft of the datum is measured in positive inches, if located forward of the datum, it is measured as negative inches.
While maintaining a constant angle of bank and altitude in a coordinated turn, an increase in airspeed will do what to the rate of turn and load factor, and why?
decrease the rate of turn resulting in no change in load factor.
For any angle of bank, the rate of turn varies with the airspeed. If the angle of bank is held constant and the airspeed is increased, the rate of turn will decrease. The load factor remains the same for a given bank angle, regardless of airspeed.
Under what circumstance may ramp weight exceed the published maximum takeoff weight?
When the aircraft is loaded to the zero fuel weight plus all usable fuel on board.
Maximum ramp weight is the total weight of a loaded aircraft including a
On a wing, the force of lift acts perpendicular to, and the force of drag acts parallel to the
The flightpath
The test trick is to try to confuse this with the longitudinal axis.
At an airspeed that coincides with the L/D Max, in steady flight, the pilot can expect to obtain the airplane’s maximum
Glide Range
A fixed-pitch propeller is designed for best efficiency only at a given combination of…
airspeed and RPM.
Manufacturers select prop types with a pitch that will operate efficiently at the expected ________. Thus, every fixed-pitch propeller must be a compromise, because it can be efficient at only a given combination of ____.
Manufacturers select prop types with a pitch that will operate efficiently at the expected cruising speed of the airplane. Every fixed-pitch propeller must be a compromise, because it can be efficient at only a given combination of airspeed and RPM.
With regard to the technique required for a crosswind correction on takeoff, a pilot should use…
rudder as required to maintain directional control, aileron pressure into the wind, and higher than normal lift-off airspeed in both conventional - and nosewheel-type airplanes.
Shock waves, buffet, and airflow separation take place above the…
critical Mach number.