Aircraft parts and nomenclature Flashcards
Engine manufacturer
Pratt and Whitney
Type of autopilot
4 Axis Autopilot
Three main modules of the helicopter
Cockpit, Cabin (HSA), and Tail-boom
KIAS Abreviation
Knots of Indicated Air Speed
Maximum airspeed
167 KIAS
Cruising airspeed
150 KIAS
Usable fuel capacity
414 Gallons
Fuel burn per hour
140 gallons/ 950 lbs per hour
Fuselage ground clearance
6.55 inches
Main rotor clearance
Tail rotor clearance
Main rotor clearance with blade droop, at the front of the aircraft
shelf -like fin on the tail boom. Keeps the aircraft level by redirecting air from the main rotor.
Pitot tube
Tube that uses barometric pressure to determine airspeed
Brand and type of spotlight
IBF acronym
Intake barrier filter. Air filters mounted on the cowling for both engines.
Brand of hoist
Brand of interior manufacturer
Aerolite, 8 configurations possible
Radio varieties (2)
2 COBHAM CPs, 2 Gemelli ICS CPs.
ECLS acronym
Engine Control Levers
Dual concurrency items (6)
Landing gear (three green), ECLS, fire bottles, fuel switches, engine mode switch, hydraulic shut off switch.
Camera type
Wescam gimbal
Rear step, houses landing gear
Helicopter controls
Cyclic (stick), collective (up and down)