Aircraft landing gear systems Flashcards
What is the purpose of a torque link on an oleo strut?
To keep the wheel in alignment and prevent the piston from coming out of the cylinder
A landing gear shock strut should be inflated with what gas(es)
nitrogen or dry air
What conditions should a mechanic look for during a regular inspection of the exposed piston section of a landing gear?
Cleanliness, evidence of damage, and proper extension
What prevents air from leaking out between the two halves of a split wheel assembly?
an o-ring
Why are fusible plugs installed on some aircraft wheels?
to release the pressure generated by heat build up before a tire blows
What safety precaution must be taken when removing a wheel from an axle or when disassembling a wheel?
Verify that the tire is completely deflated before removing a wheel from an axle or before wheel assembly.
What are the visible signs of excessive heating on a wheel bearing?
The bearing surfaces show discoloration
How are the pilot’s nose wheel steering commands transmitted to the steering control unit of a large aircraft?
Steering signals may be transmitted mechanically, electrically, or hydraulically
How is the nose wheel steering mechanism usually actuated on a small aircraft?
By means of a mechanical linkage connected to the rudder pedals.
What is the name of the unit that prevents a nose wheel from vibrating or oscillating?
a shimmy damper
What are the most common sources of power used to extend and retract landing gear?
Hydraulic pressure and electric motors
At what times should a gear retraction check be performed?
During annual or other inspections and following a hard landing.
What mechanism(s) ensure that a nose wheel is not turned as it retracts into its wheel well?
Internal centering cams in the strut or an external track
Name several types of brake actuating systems.
Independent master cylinders, boosted brakes, and power-controlled brakes.
What is the function of an anti-skid system?
Anti-skid systems allow large aircraft to achieve maximum braking effectiveness without allowing wheels to skid or lock.
What is the purpose of a debooster?
To reduce hydraulic system high pressure to a lower value for more satisfactory brake action
Describe two methods of bleeding brakes?
A pressure pot can be attached to the bleeder valve and fluid forced back towards the master cylinder and/or reservoir, or the master cylinder can be used for forcing fluid from the reservoir to the brakes,
before a brake system can be inspected for leaks
Pressure must be applied to the system
What maintenance function has the greatest impact on tire service life?
Ensuring that the tires are properly inflated
What effet(s) does under-inflation have on aircraft time> and
Internal heat damage possible leading to premature tire -failure and more tread wear on the shoulders than the center.