Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department Flashcards
Organizational ie. Squadrons; responsible for on aircraft maintenance
Intermedie; ie. AIMD handles repair of components removed from aircraft
Depot ie. Contractors, handles rework, overhaul etc.
What are the divisions of AIMD?
IM-1 Administrative branch of AIMD
IM-2 airframes
IM-3 avionics
IM-4 Ground support equipment
Name the rates within AIMD
AD Aviation machinist mate AM Aviation structural mechanic AE Aviation electricians mate AT Aviation electronics technician AZ Aviation maintenance administrationman AO Aviation ordnanceman AS Aviation support equipment technician PR aircrew survival equipmentman
How many work centers and what are they?
MATCOM (Material Control) Liaison between AIMD and Supply (S-6)
AIRSpeed - Mission is to reduce waste in process
Production Control (PC) - manage the production efforts of all WCS, monthly maintenance plan, and NALCOMIS
Quality Control (QA)- Concept to prevent the occurrence of defects
What does NALCOMIS stand for?
Naval aviation logistics command management information system
What is OOMA?
Optimize organizational organizational maintenance activity
What is OIMA?
Optimized intermediate maintenance activity
What is MAF?
Maintenance action form
What is WUC?
Work unique code, seven digits
What is JCN?
Job control number, nine digits
What is MCN?
MAF control number seven digits
When discovered code
What is SMQ?
Special maintenance qualification
Type maintenance code
Correct action
Type equipment code
What are the eight inspection intervals for aircraft?
Daily- Good for 72 hours unless aircraft lies, then good for 24 hours.
Turn around- In between flights; good for 24 hours
Acceptance- When gaining aircraft custody
Transfer- When turning aircraft over
Conditional- Went over condition occurs i.e. lightning strike, bird strike, hard landing.
Special- Meets a specific interval i.e. flight hours, rounds fired, there’s flown
Phase- period cycle of flight hours; each phase focuses on specific parts
ASPA- Aircraft service. Adjustments; check to see if more flight hours can be added to aircraft.
What is the term FCF?
Functional check flight
What is the term weight and balance program mean?
Insurance weight and balance factors are accurate for at all times
What is the term aircraft logbook mean?
Historical record of all major maintenance, inspections, modifications completed on the aircraft.
What is the term PMS?
Planned maintenance system
What is the term MRC?
Maintenance requirement cards, scheduled maintenance requirements
What is the term PMIC?
Periodic maintenance information cards
What is the the IPB stand for?
Illustrated parts breakdown
What is the term MIM stand for?
Maintenance instruction manuals
What is quality assurance?
Concept is to prevent the occurrence of defects
How many and what types of audits is under quality assurance?
Program Audit
What is quality assurance, special?
Directed by the MO to be completed on a discrepancy trend in a work center or program is discovered.l
Quality assurance, workcenter?
Initial audit from WCS within 30 days and annually. An additional annual audit conducted jointly by the division chief and the DIVO
Quality assurance, program audit?
Initial audit conducted within 30 days of turnover, and annually director of the program manager. QA also conduct audits annually on programs.
What five programs does quality assurance manage?
Maintenance department safety
Technical data management program
Aircraft confined space program
Naval aviation maintenance discrepancy report
NAMP compliance auditing program
What makes up the quality assurance personnel?
QAO quality assurance officer QAS quality assurance supervisor QAR quality assurance representative CDQAR collateral duty QAR CDI collateral duty inspector
What does IM-2 Airframes consist of?
Consist of air frames, power plants, and life support Work Centers.
How many IM-2 airframe work centers are there and what are they?
Oil lab ADs Hydraulic shop AMs Tire/wheel shop AMs Welding shop AMs NDI non-destructive inspection Airframe shop AMs Power Plants ADs Paraloft PRs Oxygen shop PRs Composite shop
What are the parts of a basic hydraulic system?
Pump Actuator Reservoir Tubing Selector valve
What are the landing gear components?
Shocks Wheels Brakes Brace (upper and lower) Extender/retractor cylinder
What are the selections of a check engine?
Intake Compression Combustion Turbine Exhaust
What are the different types of engine?
Turbo jet (none aboard) (EA-6B prowler) Turbo shaft (helicopters) (SH-60 Huey, cobra, CH-53, V-22) Turboprop. (None on board) (E-2C/D Hawkeye) Turbo fan (AV-8B, F-35)
What are the components of IM-3 Avionics?
gun shop AOs Calibration lab ATs Battery shop AEs Avionics Shop ATs Communications and navigation ATs
What are the functions of the IM-4 GSE, Ground support equipment
Maintains support equipment
Support equipment
What are the support equipment for IM-4 ground support equipment?
Spotting dolly Forklift Fire truck Aircraft crash crane/Tilly Mobile electronic power plant Huffer
Define SE, training and licensing program?
Ensures that personnel using GSE are properly trained
Define SE, miss use/abuse program.
All hands responsibility
What pieces of equipment required on flight deck door in flight quarters?
P-25, tilly, 20k Forklift