Flight Maneuvering Load Acceleration Limits
Clean configuration:
-1G to +2.5G
Other configurations:
0G to +2.0G
Environmental Envelope - Minimum TAT
Mean Runway Slope
-/+ 2%
Runway Altitude
12,500 feet
Nominal Runway Width
45 M
Wind For Takeoff And Landing: Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind
Dry: 40 knots (gust including)
Damp / Wet: 32 knots (gust including)
- The maximum demonstrated crosswind value is not an Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) limitation: It is the maximum crosswind condition experienced during the aircraft certification campaign.
- Airbus recommends that operators should not intentionally operate in crosswinds that exceed this value.
Maximum Tailwind For Takeoff
15 knots
Maximum Tailwind For Landing
At or Below 11,000 feet:
15 knots
Above 11,000 feet:
10 knots
Maximum Wind For Passenger Door Operation
40 knots (or 50 knots, if the aircraft nose is into the wind).
The passenger doors must be closed before the wind speed exceeds 60 knots.
Maximum Wind Speed For FWD And AFT Cargo Doors Operation
40 knots (or 50 knots, if the aircraft nose is into the wind, or if the FWD and AFT cargo doors are on the downwind side of the aircraft).
FWD and AFT cargo doors must be closed before the wind speed exceeds 60 knots.
Cockpit Window Open Maximum Speed
230 knots
Wipers Maximum Operating Speed
230 knots
Maximum Operating Speed VMO/MMO
330 knots / M0.86
Maximum Speed With The Landing Gear Extended (VLE)
250 knots / M0.55
Maximum Speed With The Landing Gear Operating – Extension And Retraction (VLO)
250 knots / M0.55
Maximum Speed For Landing Gear Gravity Extension (VLE/VLO)
200 knots
Maximum Tire Speed
Ground speed of 204 knots
Maximum Taxi Weight
233,900 kg (515,661 pounds)
Maximum Takeoff Weight (Brake Release)
233,000 kg (513,676 pounds)
Maximum Landing Weight (VH-EBA to EBD)
180,000 kg (396,831 pounds)
Maximum Landing Weight (200 series)
182,000 kg (401,241 pounds)
Maximum Landing Weight (300 series)
187,000 kg (412,264 pounds)
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (VH-EBA to EBD)
168,000 kg (370,376 pounds)
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (200 series)
170,000 kg (374,785 pounds)
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (300 series)
175,000 kg (385,808 pounds)
Minimum Weight (VH-EBA to EBD)
116,000 kg (255,737 pounds)
Minimum Weight (200 series)
116,000 kg (255,737 pounds)
Minimum Weight (300 series)
121,000 kg (266,760 pounds)