Aircraft Flashcards
What are the fixed wing aircraft of the Royal Navy?
- GROB Tutor
- Hawk
- JSF (future - deck trails in 2018)
What types of Sea King are there?
Three types:
- Sea King Mk4 - ‘Junglie’ - Commando helicopter for troop movement or heavy lifting
- Sea King Mk5 - Search and Rescue
- Sea King Mk7 - ‘Bagger’ - Airborne Surveillance and Control Helicopter. Uses Searchwater 2000 AEW (airborne early warning) Radar to detect surface and air contacts
What is the Sea King Mk5?
Sea King Mk5 - Search and Rescue
What is the Sea King Mk7?
Sea King Mk7 - ‘Bagger’ - Airborne Surveillance and Control Helicopter. Uses Searchwater 2000 AEW (airborne early warning) Radar to detect surface and air contacts
What is the Lynx Mk8 armed with?
Armed with Stingray torpedos or Sea Skua ASM and a machine gun
What is the Merlin Mk3?
Merlin Mk3 - Primarily a commando helicopter
Armed with GPMG, sting ray torpedos and depth charges
What types of Wildcat are there?
One, it will replace the Lynx Helicopters - performs better, new systems and improved weaponry.
Carries ASM, Stingray torpedos, depth charges and mahcine gun
What is the Search and Rescue helicopter?
Sea King Mk5 - Search and Rescue
What types of Lynx helicopter are there?
- One - Lynx Mk8
Acts in an anti-submarine and marine attack role.
Operates from some Type 23 frigates and Type 45 destroyers
Armed with Stingray torpedos or Sea Skua ASM and a machine gun
What is the Merlin Mk2?
Merlin Mk2 - Anti-Submarine and Force Protection - will replace sea king in Airborne Surveillance and Control role with introduction of crowsnest programme
Armed with GPMG, sting ray torpedos and depth charges
What is the Sea King Mk4?
Sea King Mk4 - ‘Junglie’ - Commando helicopter for troop movement or heavy lifting
What is the JSF and its capabilites?
It is the F35 (B variant for the Royal Navy). It will be based off the new Queen Elizabeth carriers.
Its capabilities are:
- STOVL (short take off, vertical landing)
- Can fly 450 nautical miles
- Speed of up to 1.6 mach
Replaces the Harrier.
Where are the aircraft based?
- RNAB Culdrose
- RNAB Yeovilton
- On board LPD, LPH, LSD(A) and as needed elsewhere
What are the rotary aircraft of the Royal Navy?
- Lynx
- Merlin
- Sea King
- Wildcat (to replace Lynx)
What types of Merlin are there?
Two types:
- Merlin Mk2 - Anti-Submarine and Force Protection - will replace sea king in Airborne Surveillance and Control role with introduction of crowsnest programme
- Merlin Mk3 - Primarily a commando helicopter
Armed with GPMG, sting ray torpedos and depth charges
What is the Lynx Mk8?
Acts in an anti-submarine and marine attack role.
Operates from some Type 23 frigates and Type 45 destroyers
Armed with Stingray torpedos or Sea Skua ASM and a machine gun
What is the Commando Helicopter Sea King?
Sea King Mk4 - ‘Junglie’ - Commando helicopter for troop movement or heavy lifting
What is the Airborne Surveillance and Control Helicopter?
Sea King Mk7, to be replaced by Merlin Mk2