Airborne Monitoring Flashcards
What is the tracer radionuclide of the ACP control system? MFP? U? TRU?
What is the airborne limit of the ACP system (beta/gamma)? MFP system (beta/gamma)? U system (alpha)?? TRU system (alpha)?
1 x 10^-9 uCi/ml
2 x 10^-10 uCi/ml
2 x 10^-12 uCi/ml
4 x 10^-13 uCi/ml
Why are the predominant radionuclides for each control system of major concern?
Long radioactive half-life
Energy and number of alphas, betas, and gammas produced in decay
The limiting organ where dose is received in the body
What is a ‘tracer’ radionuclide?
The one radionuclide in a mixture that if controlled to its limits, will maintain the control system limits
What is the airborne radon daughter radioactivity limit?
1 x 10^-8- uCi/ml above outdoor background levels
What is the sample volume size for ACP/MFP/U air samples? TRU air samples? Radon?
5.6 m3
11.3 m3
0.85 m3
For beta/gamma air samples (ACP), what is the beta/gamma activity if you read 100 corrected counts per minute (CCPM)? 250 CCPM?
8 x 10^-11 uCi/ml
2 x 10^-10 uCi/ml
For alpha air samples (U), what is the alpha activity if you read 4 counts per minute (CPM)?
2 x 10^-12 uCi/ml
For radon air samples, what is the beta/gamma activity if you read 100 CCPM? 500 CCPM?
2 x 10^-9 uCi/ml
1 x 10^-8
For alpha air samples (TRU), what is the alpha activity if you read 2 CPM?
4 x 10^-13 uCi/ml
What situations require airborne surveys every four hours?
In occupied rad work facilities where radiological work is performed
In occupied areas where surface contamination exceed the limits of Article 502
During rad work that has been known to cause or has the potential for airborne radioactivity
When are air samples required to be taken in the ‘work space’?
In rad facilities when rad work is performed in these spaces
When opening a rad system to the atmosphere
Before removal of respiratory protection when exiting an airborne rad area
Whenever airborne rad levels are greater than Article 402 limits
How often are Staplex air samples required to be calibrated? ICAMs?
6 months
12 months
If radon is suspected on an air sample planchet, the planchet must be kept in a petri dish and counted down. How is the petri dish labeled?
What is the count time for beta/gamma on an Staplex planchet? Alpha count time?
15 seconds
60 seconds