air way blocks 3/15 Flashcards
what is the sensory innervation head, face and neck:
- cranial nerve that services the face and head?
- –a. what are the 3 branches?
- –b. what is the 1 branch that services the nose?
- –c. what are its 2 branches - cranial nerve that services mouth?
- cranial nerve that services larynx and stomach?
- –what are its 2 branches in the larynx?
Sensory Innervation
- Trigeminal Nerve (CN V)
- –a. opthalmic (v1),maxillary (v2), mandibular (v3)
- –b. Maxillary V2
- –c. anterior ethmoidal & sphenopalatine ganglion - Glossopharyngeal Nerve (CN IX)
- Vagus Nerve (CN X)
- -Superior Laryngeal nerve & Recurrent Laryngeal nerve
what is the trigeminal distribution (3 parts)?
- opthalmic (V1)
- maxillary (V2)
- mandibular (V3)
what areas does the V2 branch of the trigeminal nerve serve?
nose, nasopharynx (upper)
what areas does the glossopharyngeal serve?
the mouth, tongue, oropharynx
- what areas does the vagus nerve serve?
2. what are 2 of its branches?
- the epiglottis down to stomach
2. recurrent and superior laryngeal nerves
superior laryngeal nerve services:
- mucosa above vocal cords
- (External branch services cricothyroid muscle)
recurrent laryngeal nerve services:
mucosa below vocal cords
(Also controls 4 of the 5 intrinsic larynx muscles: posterior, lateral & thyroarytenoid, and arytenoides muscles.
- Nerve V2 is a branch of the ___ nerve?
- nerve V2 is called the ___ nerve? what does it innervate?
- what nerves does it branch into?
- V2 is a branch of the TRIGEMINAL NERVE
- called the MAXILLARY NERVE; supplies innervation to nose
- branches into the:
sphenopalantine nerves
- how many branches
- what do they service
- what is it a branch of?
- 2 branches (long and short)
- – Long: inside of nose and soft palate;
- -Short: sphenoid tissue - sphenopalating ganglion via maxillary nerve branch (V2) of the trigeminal nerve (CN V)
glossopharyngeal nerve-what branch services everything?
lingual branch of glossopharyngeal services posterior section 1/3 the tongue (dont confuse it with lingual nerve (from v3))
-also services vallecula of oropharynx
vagus nerve superior laryngeal nerve 1. what does it innervate 2. how many branches 3. what do branches do and service
- area above vocal cords;
- 2 branches
3a. internal branch which dives thru thyrohyoid membrane and innvervates the mucosa
3b. external branch- descends on top of the larynx under the sternothyroid muscle and provides motor to crycothyroid muscle
vagus nerve
recurrent laryngeal nerve:
1. where does each loop run under?
2. where does it enter and what does it control?
- loops under subclavian (inominate artery) on right and aorta on left
- enters below thyroid cartilage and gives motor innervation to rest of vocal cord muscles (arytenoides, posterior areytenoid, lateral areytenoid & and thyroaretynoid)
what is the gold standard for airway management (preemptorally)
fiberoptic bronchoscope
when the SLN nerve is blocked, sensory innervation to what is blocked?
Provides Sensory block to: -base of tongue ‐ posterior surface of epiglottis ‐ aryepiglottic folds ‐ arytenoids (i.e. mucosa above vocal cords).
SLN block:
what is the needle size, drug (&%), and dose?
-Needle / Drug / Dose
5/8 ” 25‐g needle
2% lidocaine
2 – 3 mL bilaterally