Air Traffic Control Flashcards
Why do we legislate airspace activities?
Increased safety
Improved efficiency
Protect the environment
Who enforces legislation in respect to safety?
Civil aviation = CASA
Military aviation = DASA
What is the purpose of the OAR Office of Airspace Regulation?
Primary role of the OAR is to regulate Australian airspace in accordance with Airspace Regulations
What are the two types of Control Services?
ATC RADAR Service or ATC non RADAR Service (procedural)
What are the two types of airspace?
Controlled and Outside Controlled Airspace
Define Control Area (CTA) and Control Zone (CTR)
CTA - controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified height above the surface of the earth.
CTR - controlled airspace surrounding controlled aerodromes with the vertical limits extend from ground to either:
- lower limit of overlaying CTA
- highest holding level + a buffer
What is a FIR?
Flight Information Region - an airspace of defined dimensions within which flight information and SAR alerting services are provided.
What are the two main FIR’s in Australia?
Melbourne and Brisbane
What publications make up the FLIP?
How often are AIP supplements issued?
Every 28 days and checklist of current supps 4 times per year
Who do you order all FLIP and AIP documents from?
What are the three types of aerodromes?
Licensed, Military, Unlicensed
Name the two types of visual approach guidance systems
Three types of obstacle lighting that may be used to indicate a structure that penetrates the obstacle limitation surface of an aerodromes
- low intensity steady red for most situations
- medium intensity flashing red for early or special warning
- flashing white strobe for day/night marking of tall structures
Permanent threshold markings for runways with a width of 30m or more
Threshold line at edge of runway with parallel longitudinal white lines (piano keys) on runways 30m or more
What does LJR mean WRT NOTAM Category?
Military low flying operations
How are NOTAMS cancelled?
Self cancelling, or cancelled by subsequent NOTAM
Define the NOTAM indicators NOTAMC, NOTAMN, NOTAMR
C = cancels NOTAM N = new information R = replaces
What is the series code for sub-FIR NOTAMS for Area 21?
What information is required before flight?
A. Current weather reports and forecasts for the route
B. The airways facilities available on the route
C. The condition of aerodromes to be used and their suitability
D. The ATC rules and procedures for the flight
E. NOTAMS, head office, FIR, and location specific questions
Search and rescue required time
Significant weather
Prohibited, Restricted and Danger areas
Infra red satellite picture
Receiver autonomous integrity
ADF flight notification
What is the VMC requirements for aeroplanes and helicopters below 10,000ft in class C airspace?
5km horizontally, 1000ft vertically
What is the VMC requirements for a helicopter below 3000ft AMSL or 1000ft AGL (whichever is higher) in class G (non-controlled airspace)?
5000m and clear of cloud in sight of ground and water.
What is helicopter VMC below 700ft above ground or water in class G and what conditions must be met?
800m clear of cloud
Day only
Speed to allow pilot to see obstacles and aircraft in sufficient time to avoid collision
If within 10nm of INST APP maintain 500ft separation from IFR aircraft and make all broadcast and listening watch requirements