Air Ops Flashcards
Take-off minima ( Without LVTO approval ) ?
Day : 500 m
Day : 400 m ( Center line marking or runway edge lights or runway center line lights )
Night : 400 m ( Runway end lights and runway edge lights or runway center line lights )
Adequate Aerodrome ?
Available and equipped with ATS, Sufficient lighting, communications, meteorological reports, navigation aids and emergency services
Weather permissible aerodrome ?
Adequate aerodrome + weather
Instrument runway minima ( lowest DH/MDH ) ?
PA runway with CAT I : 200 ft
NPA runway : 250 ft
PA runway CAT I minimum RVR or VIS ( m ) ?
RVR 550 m
NPA runway minimum RVR or VIS ( m ) ?
RVR 750 m
CAT A minimum ( circling ) ?
MDA : 400 ft
Vis : 1500 m
CAT B minimum ( circling ) ?
MDA : 500 ft
Vis : 1600 m
CAT C minimum ( circling ) ?
MDA : 600 ft
Vis : 2400 m
CAT D minimum ( circling ) ?
MDA : 700 ft
Vis : 3600 m
Visual approach minima ( Vis m ) ?
800 m
Continuous Descent Final approach
Final Reserve Fuel ( Part NCO ) ?
- 10 min VFR Maximum continuous cruise power at 1500 ft above destination, in sight of the aerodrome
- 30 min Holding speed at 1500 ft above destination VFR
- 45 min Holding speed at 1500 ft above destination or destination alternate VFR night + IFR
Is a destination alternate mandatory for IFR flights ( Part NCO ) ?
Yes unless :
- +/- 1 hour after the ETA or from ATD to ETA+1 whichever is the shortest period
Ceiling : MDH/DH +1000 ft for an available IAP
Vis : 5000 m
Criteria for alternate aerodrome ( Part NCO ) ?
+/- 1 ETA or ATD- ETA +1h Whichever is the shorter period
a) For ALTN adm with DH<250 ft :
- Ceiling : DH or MDH + 200 ft
- Vis : 1500 m
b)For ALTN adm with DH>=250 ft :
- Ceiling : DH or MDH + 400 ft
- Vis : 3000 m
c) For ALTN adm w/o IAP :
Ceiling : Higher of 2000 ft and Minimum safe IFR height
Vis : 5000m
RVR Minima for continued approach ? ( Part NCO )
a) Controlling RVR : Touchdown RVR
b) If Touchdown RVR not reported =>Midpoint RVR
Take-off alternate ? ( Part CAT )
- 2 engined aeroplanes :
1 hour at OEI cruising speed ( if not available remaining engine set at Maximum Continuous Power ) in ISA , Still air with actual Take-off mass - 3 or 4 engined aeroplanes :
2 hour flight time at all engine operating speed in ISA , Still air with actual Take-off mass
3 Fuel schemes ?
1) Basic Fuel scheme
2) Basic Fuel scheme with variations
3) Individual Fuel scheme
No destination alternate aerodrome criteria ? (Part CAT)
1) Duration of planned flight from T/O to Landing < 6 hours or in the event of in-flight re-planning < 4 hours
2) 2 separate runway usable ;
+/- ETA ceiling is at least 2000 ft or the circling height + 500 ft, whichever is greater
Ground vis at least 5 km
CAT I Minima ?
RVR : 550 m
DH : 200 ft
CAT II Minima ?
RVR not less than 300 m
100 ft < DH < 200 ft
CAT IIIA Minima ?
RVR not less than 175 m
DH < 100 ft or no DH
CAT IIIB Minima ?
50 m < RVR < 175 m
DH < 50ft or no DH
CAT IIIC Minima ?
RVR : no limitation
no DH
Minimum Enroute IFR Altitude :
The lowest published altitude between radio fixes that meets obstacle clearance requirements between those fixes and in many countries assures acceptable navigational signal coverage. The MEA applies to the entire width of the airway, segment, or route between the radio fixes defining the airway, segment, or route.
in effect between radio fixes on VOR airways, off airway routes, or route segments which meets
obstacle clearance requirements for the entire route segment and in the USA assures acceptable
navigational signal coverage only within 22NM of a VOR.
Mode 1 ?
Independant parallel approaches : simultaneous approaches to parallel instrument runways where radar separation minima are not prescribed between aircraft using adjacent ILS.
NOZ : Normal Operating Zone
NTZ : No Transgression Zone
Mode 2 ?
Dependent parallel approaches : simultaneous approaches to parallel instrument runways where radar separation minima between aircraft using adjacent ILS are prescribed.
No “NOZ” or “NTZ” concept
Mode 3 ?
Independent parallel departure : simultaneous departures for aircraft departing in the same direction from parallel runways.
Mode 4 ?
Segregated use of runways : simultaneous operations on parallel runways where one runway is used for approaches and landings, and one runway is used for departures.
Oxygen minimum requirements ( pressurised aeroplanes ) :
100 % of pax ?
Entire flying time when cabin pressure altitude exceeds 15 000 ft but not less than 10’ supply
Oxygen minimum requirements ( pressurised aeroplanes ) :
30 % of pax ?
Entire flying time when cabin pressure altitude exceeds 14 000 ft but does exceed 15 000 ft
Fixed distance markers, when provided, shall commence….
300 m from the far end threshold