What is the first step of the air leak test?
Pull both brake knobs
Example: My air pressure gauges are reading between 120-140 PSI.
What should you do after building air pressure to 120-140 PSI?
Turn off the tractor then back to the on position to see the gauges
Example: I am turning my tractor off then back to the on position to see my gauges.
What is the next step after the gauges stabilize?
Hold the brake pedal for 60 seconds to ensure not losing more than 4 PSI
Example: I will now hold my brake pedal for 60 seconds to ensure I do not lose more than 4 PSI.
What should you do if you lose more than 4 PSI?
Tell the examiner
Example: (60 seconds is up) I did not lose more than 4 PSI.
When should you expect to hear or see the low-pressure alarm?
At or before 55 PSI while fanning the brakes
Example: I will now fan my brakes until I hear or see my low-pressure alarm at or before 55 PSI.
At what pressure should both brake knobs pop out?
Between 20-45 PSI while fanning the brakes
Example: I will now fan my brakes until both of my brake knobs pop out between 20-45 PSI.
What happens if anything is missed during the air leak test?
You fail
Example: Ensure air leak test is done properly. If anything is missed, you fail. If you notice you messed up anything, ask the examiner to restart.
What is the final step of the air leak test?
Conclude the air leak test
Example: This concludes my air leak test.
What should you ask for after completing the air leak test?
Help to check the lights
Example: Can you please get out and help me check my lights?
What’s the second step of the air leak test?
I will build air pressure to the governor shut off between 120-140 Psi
Once the Psi reaches the governor shut off. I’ll say what ?
My air pressure gauges are reading between 120-140 PSI.
After you hold your brake pedal for 60 seconds and the psi didn’t leak more then 4 psi what’s next ?
I will fan the brakes until I see or hear my low pressure alarm at 55psi
What will you say after fanning your brakes?
I will say my low pressure alarm is at or on before 55 psi.
After you do your low pressure alarm what’s next ?
I will now fan my brakes into both of my brake knobs pop out between 20-45 psi.
How will you introduce your air leak test ?
I will now begin my air leak test. I will start by pulling both tractor knobs out.
Then I will build air pressure to the governor shuts off between 120-140
I will build are pressure to