Air law test Flashcards
Student pilot permit
-PSTAR exam
-14 years
-one passenger
-only valid in Canada
-cat 4
-25 hours total
15 dual (2 x-c)
5 solo
-16 years
-add night
-multiple passengers
-all ICAO countries
-cat 3
-45 hours total
17 dual (3 x-c, 5 instrument)
12 solo (5 x-c)
-17 years
-24 months
-attend TC safety seminar
-recurrent training program
-complete training program
-meet requirements for issue or renewal of licence
-complete written exams for licence
-flight review
-self paced study course
5 year recency
-act as PIC once or;
-Write PSTAR and complete flight review and have log book certified
-6 month
-5 take off and landings to carry passengers
-same at night
Personal logs
-aircraft type and registration
-flight crew position
-place of departure and arrival
-intermediate take offs and landings
-flight time and conditions
-must be certified
Safely approaching aircraft
-avoid prop
-check for chocks
-check mags off
-check master switch off
Safely leaving aircraft
-mags and master switch off and keys out
-wheel chocks in
-gust lock
-tie down wings if windy
Safety briefing
-emergency exits
-seat belt
-first aid and fire extinguisher
-what to do in emergency
4 forces
How lift is created
-Bernoulli theorem
Total energy in system is constant
-airflow deflected off bottom of wing
-leading edge
-trailing edge
Factors affecting lift
-angle of attack
-velocity of airfoil
-density of air
-wing area
-shape of airfoil
Coefficient of lift
-relative measure of airfoils lifting capabilities
-higher camber will have greater CL
-Cl increases to critical angle of attack the decreases rapidly in stall
-total aircraft drag= induced drag + parasite drag
-parasite drag =interference drag +profile drag
Reducing parasite drag
-retractable undercarriage
-clean aircraft
-flush rivets
-landing gear fairings
-streamlined design
Induced drag
-lower surface airflow outwards
-upper surface airflow inwards
Wingtip vortices
-clockwise on left
-counter clockwise on right
-greatest at low airspeeds, clean configuration, heavy
Reducing induced drag
-aspect ratio = span/average chord
-ground effects
Airfoil design
Thickest 25% chord from leading edge
Thickest 50% chord
High speed aircraft
Airfoil terms and design
Shape of wing from above
-angle of incidence
Angle wing is fixed on longitudinal axis
Twist in wing at root
-stall strips
On leading edge near root
-wing fences
Prevent airflow across wing
Spanwise on top of airfoil to increase drag reducing lift
-speed breaks
Increase drag without reducing lift
-vortex generators
Vertical plates to re-energize boundary layer
Slots vs slats
Lift device on leading edge to re-energize boundary layer
Retractable leading edge slots
-increase max CL of wing
Steep approach angles
Better visibility over nose
Improved take off performance
Slower landing speeds
Full flaps in high winds increases weather vane effect
Weaken aircraft if at too high airspeed
Flap design
-plain flap
Simple flap design to increase camber
-split flap
Low pressure area between wing and flap
-fowler flap
Combines camber change with increase in wing area and slot
-zap flap
Increases wing area without slot
-double slotted flap
Combines camber changes and slots
Trim tabs
Adjustable or fixed surfaces on trailing edge to relieve pilot workload
Works as both horizontal stabilizer and elevator
Servo/anti-servo tabs
Tab on trialing edge of control surface moves opposite
Eases force required by pilot to move surface
-anti servo
Moves in same direction
Increases force required
Aileron drag
-when rolling
-down going aileron increases lift and drag
-up going decreases lift and drag
-causes adverse yaw
Solutions to aileron drag
-fries ailerons
Upgoing creates parasite drag
-differential ailerons
Upgoing at greater angle parasite drag
Balanced controls
-aerodynamic balance
Extending part of control surface in opposing airflow
-mass balance
Place a weight in front of control surface hinge
-static stability
Initial tendency to return
-dynamic stability
Overall tendency to return
C of G position
Positive static stability
Tail down force required
Weight increase, stall speed increase, TAS decrease
-less forward
Less positive static stability
Decrease in weight
Stall speed decrease
Range increase
No tail down force
Neutral static
Unrecoverable from stall or spin
Lateral stability
Angle wing makes with horizon
Aircraft will roll back to level
-keel effect
High wing aircraft
Weight below wing and acts as pendulum to correct stability
Wing drop to create side slip
Directional stability
-vertical stabilizer
Greater surface area after c of g
Area on upward wing creates more drag causing aircraft to go straight
Causes of undesired yaw
-adverse yaw
-prop torque
-asymmetric thrust
-Gyroscopic procession
Climbing definitions
-service ceiling
Highest altitude where aircraft can maintain 100 rpm rate of climb
-absolute ceiling
Altitude where aircraft can no longer climb
Load factor
Load acting on wing/weight of aircraft
Rate and radius
-greater airspeed; greater radius, lower rate
-greater bank; smaller radius, greater rate
-laminar flow
Smooth airflow lift
-turbulent flow
Rough airflow no lift
-transition point
Where airflow changes
-will stall at same IAS
Stall in turns
Outer wing stall first
Inner wing stall first
Rapid and irregular fluctuations of varying intensity upward and downward
Maneuvering speed
Max speed where full control deflection will now cause damage to aircraft