Air Concept Flashcards
How Many Features are in the Air Concept?
29 Features
How many Preconditions?
12 Features minus Feature 08 in NEI
List the 12 Preconditions
01: Air Quality Standards
02: Smoking Ban
03: Ventilation Effectiveness
04: VOC Reduction
05: Air Filtration
06: Microbe and Mold Control
07: Construction Pollution Management
08: Healthy Entrance
09: Cleaning Protocol
10: Pesticide Management
11: Fundamental Material Safety
12: Moisture Management
Feature 01 Baseline elements?
Fomaldehyde Volatile Organic compounds Particulate Matter Carbon Monoxide Ozone Radon
Formaldehyde Effects and Limit
Short Term health: eye, nose, throat irritation; coughing or wheezing; nausea
Long Term: Severe skin irritation, respiratory problems, increased risk of cancer
Limit: 27ppb max
VOC Effects and Limit
possible to be more that 5x present indoors than outdoors
Health: throat and nose irritation, headaches, nausea, liver damage, increased risk of cancer
Limit: 500 micrograms/m^3 mas
Particulate Matter Effects and Limit
Health: respiratory distress, decreased lung function, irregular heartbeat, increased risk of lung cancer
PM10: 50micrograms/m^3 max
PM2.5: 15micrograms/m^3 max
CO Effects and Limit
Health: Headaches, fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea
Limit: 9ppm max
Short Term Health: eye irritation , chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath, throat irritation
Long Term Health: lung tissue inflammation and the inability to fight respiratory infections
Limit: 51 ppb max
Short Term: No Effects
Long Term: Lung Cancer
Limits: 0.148 Bg/L (4pCi/L)
Describe Ventilation rates needted to ensure quality indoor air
Ventilation Desing: must be designed within the requirements of ASHRAE 62.1-2013.
Demand Controlled Ventilation: CO2 Levels must be under 800ppm. Exterior levels are typically in the 300-400 range.
Describe the Filtration Requirements that ensure guality indoor air
Two Filter types are used: Carbon Filters and Media Filters. Carbon removes VOC and large particles while Media filters remove smaller particles. If a project recirculates air, then it must have additional racks for carbon filters in the main air duct line. If Outdoor air is filterned in, then a MERV rating of 13 is required for the filter.
Describe the different ways to manage and remove construction pollution, outdoor contaminates, and pesticides
Protect ducts: seal off or clean ducts
Replace Filters
Manage absorptive materials
Keep dust contained to specific areas
Describe Health Effects of Lead
Health: central nervous system, cardiovascular system, reproductive system, hematological system, kidneys
Describe Health Effects of Asbestos
Health: increased risk of mesothelioma, asbestosis, lung cancer
Describe Health Effects of Polychlorinated biphenyls
negatively infect skin and impair liver functionality
Basically death lol.
Coughing, sore throat, chest pain, increased blood pressure or heart rate, and head aches.
Identify the four ways that moisture can enter the building
Bulk Water
Capillary Water
Air transported Moisture
Vapor Diffusion
Exterior Liquid Management
Narrative describing: Site drainage and irrigation local water table building penetrations porous building materials
Interior Liquid Management
Narrative describing: plumbing leaks appliances porous building materials new materials that have high moisture content
Condensation Management
Narrative that addresses: high interior humidity levles air leakage issues cooler surfaces oversized AC units
Materials Selection and Protection
narrative describing:
exposed entryways and glazing
porous cladding
finished floors in potentially wet areas
interior sheathing in potentially wet areas
Sealing and storing of absorptive materials during construction
Identify the 17 Optimization Features
13: Air Flush
14: Air Infiltration Management
15: Increased Ventilation
16: Humidity Contorl
17: Direct Source Ventilation
18: Air Quality Monitoring and Feedback
19: Operable Windows
20: Outdoor Air Systems
21: Displacement Ventilation
22: Pest Control
23: Advanced Air Purification
24: Combustion Minimization
25: Toxic Material Reduction
26: Enhanced Material Safety
27: Antimicrobial Activity for Surfaces
28: Cleanable Environment
29: Cleaning Equipment
Explain the importance of Air Flushing
it removes all of the air pollutants and particles that were in the building during occupancy. It is run at certain temps (min 59F) and humidity (60%) for a specific amount of time.
Consequences of humidity and air leakage and how it can be managed
It can cause Condensation which causes mold. Also structural issues. It is managed through a series of testing to check materials and unwanted voids. Guidlines are also set by ASHRAE 0-2005 AND NIBS 3-2012.
What are the strategies that measures and manages Air Quality and Building performance
Monitor indoor air for particle count, carbon dioxide, and ozone. The data is then saved for a minimum of three years and shared with IWBI. A plan must then be put in place to fix issues. The public must also be given access to displays that explain the conditions.
What is the importance of operable windows and how can indoor air quality be managed
They are important because it gives the end user control. It can be managed by placing monitors on a window or sending notifications to the individuals saying when to close the window.
Describe Dedicated Outdoor Air systems
This is a system that uses 100% outdoor air. It is good for controlling better air humidity. It must be approved from design drawings
Describe Displacment Ventilation Systems
Air from floor plenum and return in the ceiling plenum. Kyle you know this one.
how can air in a building be purified and sanitized?
have more carbon filters in the duct lines than are required by design, or use some kind of UV system to sanitize and breakdown air pollutants and particles
Describe how to manage combustion
Ban any elements such as fire places that cause a high amount of combustion. Limit the use of items that are necessary
Describe how to manage building products that can cause bad air quality
limit the amount of chamicals that I can’t even pronounced on page 71
Describe how to manage toxic pollutants from materials
Be careful in choosing green and clean materials that have been approved.
Describe strategies to keep a clean indoor environment
choose materials that are smooth, free of defects, dosn’t allow the collection of dust and particles. Also provide storage for items that don’t have to be out and seal locations that can be difficult to clean.