Ainsworth's strange situation and cultural variations Flashcards
What is Ainsworth’s strange situation?
A controlled observation developed by Mary ainsworth and Silvia bell. To observe and attach caregiver infant attachment. It took place in a controlled setting with and a two way mirror and cameras.
-Floor was tiled so the movements were large which allowed for accuracy.
-All babies in the original were between 12 and 18 months.
What were the behaviours used to observe attachment?
Proximity seeking, secure base exploration behaviour, stranger anxiety, separation anxiety, reunion behaviour.
What is proximity seeking?
Infants try to maintain close physical contact with caregiver
What is secure based behaviour?
Even when we are independent of our attachment figures we tend to make regular contact with them and treat them as a base from which we explore.
What is stranger anxiety?
the caution and wariness displayed by infants when encountering an unfamiliar person
What is separation anxiety?
the distress displayed by infants when a customary care provider departs
What is reunion behaviour?
behaviour on being reunited with a caregiver
What are the strange situation episodes?
- Baby is encouraged to explore- secure base ans exploration.
- A stranger comes in and approaches the baby- stranger anxiety.
- Caregiver leaves and stranger tries to interact with baby- separation and stranger anxiety.
- Caregiver returns and stranger leaves- reunion behaviour and secure base behaviour.
- Caregiver leaves baby alone- separation anxiety.
- Stranger returns- stranger anxiety.
- Caregiver returns- reunion behaviour.
How long are the episodes?
3 minutes
What is Type A attachment?
insecure-avoidant attachment
Characteristics of type A?
-22% of babies.
-Avoid social interaction and intimacy.
-These babies explore freely without bothering to know where the mother is. They don’t show proximity seeking and secure base.
-No reaction when caregiver leaves and have little stranger anxiety.
-Make little effort when the caregiver returns and may even avoid the reunion.
What is Type B attachment?
Characteristics of Type B?
-66% of babies.
-Harmonious and cooperative relationships.
-Explores happily but regularly returns to caregiver.
-Moderate separation and stranger anxiety.
-Require and accept comfort at the reunion stage.
What is Type C attachment?
insecure resistant
Characteristics of Type C?
-Clingy relationships.
-Seeks proximity so will explore less.
-High levels of stranger and separation anxiety.
-At the reunion stage, may resist comfort.S