Aii Flashcards
Define intelligence
The word intelligence means the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. It refers to the mental capacity of a person in different grounds. It is not limited to a single area. an intelligent person may have poor memory. Humans are considered the most intelligent species due to certain mental capacities that other living things lack
What is artificial intelligence
Ai can refer to the ability of machines to perform cognitive tasks such as thinking perceiving learning problem solving and decision making. Ai can be classified broadly into two categories on the basis of their capabilities and functionalities
The three domains of ai are data , computer vision and natural language processing
Who coined the word ai
John McCarthy coined the term ai he demonstrated the first running ai program at Carnegie Mellon University
Write the name of different types of intelligence possessed by human beings
Linguistic intelligence
Mathematical intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence
Intrapersonal intelligence
Musical intelligence
Spatial intelligence
Naturalistic intelligence
Bodily kinesthetic intelligence
2 benifits of computational thinking
Use the most suitable computing tools and techniques to help solve a problem or situation
Apply computing strategies such as divide and conquer to any situation
What do you mean by machine learning
In machine learning programming is minimise so that the machine learns from the experience and actions as a human does this is the science of getting a computer to act without programming
Who developed python and where
Python is an open source source programming language developed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 at the National research institute for mathematics and computer science in the Netherlands
What is oop
Object oriented programming languages follow the concept of object oriented programming oop it helps to break down a program into a number of small functions or methods this type of program places emphasis on data and objects objects are the fundamental feature of an
Write two features of python
Easy to learn and read python has simple structure and easy to understand keywords therefore it is easy to understand the language and write programs in it
Easy to maintain python source code is easy to maintain
What do you mean by interpretable
You can run python program directly from the source code internally pythonconverse the source program into an intermediate form called the bytecode the bytecode code is then translated into the native language of the specific system
Two advantages of python
Redibility python programs use clear simple and coincise has instructions that are easy to read even by those who have no substainal programming background programs written in python are there for easier to maintain debug and enhance
Higher productivity codes used in python are considerably shorter simply and less verbose then other high level programming languages such as Java and c++
What what are tokens write the name of all the tokens in python
The tokens are the smallest individual units in program the small units makes make statements of python program and these are separated by white white space python have following token keyword operators identifiers punctuators literals variables
Define string literals with any two examples
The text and closed in double codes or single coat is a string literal text can be a single character or many characters python allows both single coat and double coat for string literals
What are the advantages of the script script mode
We can run multiple lines of code
Debugging is easy in script mode
It is appropriate for beginners and also expert
How many methods are there to run python code write their names also
There are two methods to run python code they are click on the run menu and then click on the run module option press the F5 key to run the program
What do you mean by operators write the name of different types of operators
Operators are the special symbols in python which initiate computation when it is applied with the two variables and objects in an expression expression the value that operator operates is called the operand they are 7 types of operators in python arithmetic operators operators assignment operators comparison operators comparison identify operators logical operators membership operators bitwise operator
How to declare a variable and assign a value to
Python variables do not need an expected declaration to reserve memory space space the declaration happens automatically when you assign a value to the variable the equal to sin is used to assign values to variables the upper and to the left of the equal to operator is the name of the variable and offer and to the right of the equal to operator is the value stored in the variable variable
What is the use of print statement in python
The print statement prints the given object to the standard output device or the text stream file the simplest example of using python print statement is spread the empty paranthesis at the end indicates python to produce and individual new land character which is the cause a blank line to appear on the screen you can call multiple times and vertical space it’s just as if you are hitting the word
How a single line come and begins
A single line come and begins with a hashtag symbol and the whole land is considered as a comment and in the end of the line example hashtag this is the print statement
Which method is used to find the length of a list
We can find the length of a list by the lan bracket method