Aids To Interpretation Flashcards
What are aids?
Sources of help the judges can use to help them interpret statutes
There are intrinsic aids and extrinsic aids.
What are examples of intrinsic aids?
-Long and Short Title
-Preamble or purpose section
- interpretation section
- schedules
-Long and Short Title - E.g. in Royal College Of Nursing V DHSS court reffered to long title of Abortion act to confirm its purpose
Can use for clues of purpose E.g. in Royal College Of Nursing V DHSS court reffered to long title of Abortion act to confirm its purpose
How is a preamble or purpose section an aid
older acts have a preamble outlining purpose, newer have purposes section e.g. Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Act 2006 states purpose is “to enhance the UK’s contribution to combating climate change”
How is the interpretation section an aid?
It’s like a glossary of key terms e.g. Theft Act s. 28 defines a “weapon of offence” in aggrevated burglary as “any article made or adapted for use for causing injury”
How are schedules an aid?
usually comes at end of act and contained detailed clarification of rules e.g. s.2(1) Hunting Act 2004 states “Hunting is exempt if it is within a class specified in Schedule 1.” Exempt classes set out in S. 2
What are examples of extrinsic aid?
- Dictionary - used to discover plain, ordinary meaning of word at time of Act e.g. DPP v Cheeseman
- Hansard - report on debates in parliament during progress of Bill. Since Pepper v Hart, courts can refer to Hansard to discover intention
- Human Rights Act 1998 - judges must Interpret Acts so they are consistent with human rights
- academic textbooks - in Dunlop v Selfridge, court adopted definition of “consideration” in contract law given by acedemic named Pollock