Aid Schemes Flashcards
Who was the Grameen Bank set up by, when and where?
Muhammed Yunus, 1974, Bangladesh
Through the GB how many have been able to set up a business?
2 million Bangladeshis
Who can apply to the GB?
only those with assets
What is the GB repayment rate?
What % of GB borrowers are female?
How much has the GB given in foreign aid?
What scheme has been set up in the DRC?
Village saving and loans association
Who funds the VSLAs?
children in crisis
With the VSLA’s how much can you borrow?
3 x the amount you save
Why has one VSLA location had to shut down?
Whats one threat of the VSLAs?
only 3 people have keys could lead to corruption
The VSLAs is run by the ? for the ?
people, people
Who do the VSLAs promote?
women in the household so they are more respected by men
When was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation founded?
What does the B&MGF focus on?
improving peoples health and well-being to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty