AICP Pre-Test Cards Flashcards
Federal Facility Cleanup Activities Guidelines
1992 Federal Facilities Environmental Restoration Dialogue Committee
- Strive to create a process in which communities and federal agencies are seen as partners in the dialogue on cleanup issues.
- Develop linkages among communities and public stakeholders, to share information about how priorities are being set and decisions will be made.
- Produce results that restore the environment, while maintaining local community needs.
- Provide access to resources, information, and training, so that all stakeholders are able to participate in decision-making.
Computer-aided negotiation
a project-management tool that illustrates the relationships among all the activities involved in completing a project and identifies the sequence of activities likely to take the longest to complete
zero-based budgeting
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
Based on the concept of at least one urbanized area of 50,000 or more population, plus adjacent territory that has a high degree of social and economic integration with the core. As of 2013, OMB defined and delineated 388 MSAs. A typical MSA is centered on a single large city that wields substantial influence over the region. However, some MSAs contain more than one large city.
1937 Housing Act
Viewed as a progressive bill that established a permanent public housing program in the U.S. Section 8 of the act authorized the payment of rental housing assistance to private landlords. Section 8 also authorized “project-based” rental assistance programs where the owner reserves some or all of the units in a building for low-income tenants.
Fifth Amendment
Provides that “no person shall be…deprived of…property, without due process of law; Nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.
Norman Krumholz
Equity planning
Top 5 Household Surveys
American Community Survey; American Housing Survey; Current Population Survey; National Crime Victimization Survey; National Health Interview Survey
AASHTO Functional Classification System
Functional classification is the process by which streets and highways are grouped into classes, or systems, according to the character of traffic service that they are intended to provide. There are three highway functional classifications: arterial, collector, and local roads.
Collector Street
Provide a moderate amount of land access, distribute travel to smaller areas, and interconnect major roads.
Environmental Justice
Bill Clinton - 1994
EPA executive order 12898 -Federal actions to address environmental justice in minority populations and low-income populations.
Purpose to focus federal attention on environmental and human health effects of federal actions on minority and low-income populations with the goal of achieving environmental protection for all communities.
Audience Response System
Instant polling software used in conjunction with a slide presentation. A USB receiver/base station retrieves data provided by an audience using wireless hand-held devices and stores this information on the presenters computer. Some ARS programs offer the option of participating in the processes via personal cell phones or laptops. The most obvious benefit of ARS is the change to receive instant and accurate feedback from the audience. The feedback is assumed to represent honest opinions because answers are anonymous.
Standard State Zoning Enabling Act
According to the act, the rezoning process includes:
- submittal of zoning application. 2. application reviewed by staff. 3. notice given of planning commission hearing. 4. staff report created. 5. planning commission hearing. 6. planning commission recommendation. 7. Recommendation forwarded to governing body. 8. notice given of governing body public hearing. 9. governing body public hearing occurs. 10. governing body decision.
Federal Definition of Homelessness
A person who lacks a fixed, regular nighttime residence…and has a primary night residency that is: a shelter or “a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.”
Fire Ratings
Based on distance to nearest fire station and availability of water to service a fire.
Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Gross floor area/buildable area
Clarence Perry’s Neighborhood Unit Concept
Identifies 5,000-9,000 residents with a density of 10 units per acre and a school at the center and buildings around the edges for shopping
Cost-Revenue Analysis
Takes into account anticipated revenues and expected expenditures in capital and recurring sources.
Percentage of Multigenerational Households
In 2009, 16.7% of population lived in multigenerational households based on ACS data.
Climate Change 5 Strategic Points of Intervention
Long-range goal setting
Plan making
Standards, policies, and incentives
Public investment
Development work
Herbert Simon
A decision-making strategy that entails searching through the available alternatives until an acceptability threshold is met.
National Rate of Homeownership
According to 2010 census, 65% of residential units are owner-occupied.
Columbia, Maryland
in 1963, The Rouse Company began the development of the 14,000 acre master planned development. It was developed to provide jobs, recreation, shopping, health care, and a mix of housing at different price points. Designed to create a jobs housing balance.
- Master planned community
- Prior land assembly
- Neighborhood clusters
Colocation Facility
Allows businesses to rent storage space for servers and other equipment. It provides space, power, cooling, and physical security for the networking equipment for many different companies.
Nonsampling error
Relates to things that can happen that create unreliable data
Detroit Vacant Lots
Detroit has approximately 70,000 vacant lots making up approximately 27% of the land area.
Traffic Volume Measurement
Average Daily Traffic (ADS) - number of vehicles that travel on a road in any given day
Number of Acres of Land per Household to Feed US Population
Two acres to feed a household of four using bio-intensive method of agriculture.
Nuisance Laws
Prior to comprehensive zoning ordinances, local governments used these to ensure property owners were able to have the quiet enjoyment of their land.
Biophilic Design
Brings humans and nature together through sustainable strategies, which can include lighting, ventilation, access to water and natural elements.
Dillon’s Rule
1872, Judge Dillon found that local governments are subordinate to the state and are only authorized to perform actions permitted by the state.
Home Rule
Authorized home rule jurisdictions the authority to pass regulations without express authorization from the state.
Planning Agency Organization
Subject Area: transportation, land use, housing
Functional Approach: planning, regulations, information systems, investment, policy
Legal Status: legislative functions (planning, code writing), quasi-judicial (regulatory), enforcement (permit administration)
Saul Alinsky
Community organizer and activist. Founded the Industrial Areas Foundation in Chicago. An influential writer who wrote Feveille for Radicals (1946) and Rules for Radicals (1972), which are important statements of community organizing.
National Marriage Rates
Just over half of adults age 18 and older were married in 2010, compared with 72% in 1960. Only 20% of 18-29 year old’s were married in 2010 vs. 59% in 1960.