AICP Deck 4 Flashcards
Harris & Ullman
They proposed in 1945 that urban areas grow by the progressive integration of a number of seperate nuclei, which become specialized & differentiated (Multiple Nuclei Theory)
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
Multi-year scheduling of public physical improvements based on fiscal analysis and population projections; Typically covers next 5 - 6 year period; Addresses long-term community needs
At what benchmark does housing become unaffordable?
30% of gross income goes toward mortgage payments
John Muir: Major contribution?
Founded Sierra Club in 1892 to promote protection and preservation of the natural environment
The Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899
prohibited the construction of any bridge, dam, dike, or causeway over any navigable waterway in the U.S. without Congressional approval.
These are linear stretches of open situated along both natural features (streams, rivers, ridglines) and manmade features. Systems can be used to connect multiple wildlife habitats or to create water quality buffers that filter runoff and prevent pollu.
Civilian Conservation Corps: Year, purpose?
Created in 1933 to provide work for unemployed youth and preserve natural resources
What is the value assigned to a piece of property by a municipality for real estate purposes called?
assessed valuation (not the same as a market valuation)
A capital improvement budget includes those facilities that are planned for construction in which of the following time spans?
1 year
What does this case address: FCC v Florida Power
Takings claim; utility rents
What year was the first dumbbell tenement was built
Rachel Carson (1907-1964)
Wrote Silent Spring in 1962 about conservation and the environmental problems caused by pesticides leading to a nationwide ban on DDT and other pesticides.
When were the Standard state zoning enabling act and the Standard City Planning enabling act and the issued? Who issued it and when?
In 1924, Secretary Herbert Hoover, of the U.S. Department of Commerce, issued the Standard State Zoning Enabling Act.
What is an annexation?
process by which unincorporated county land is incorporated into an existing district or municipality
Dillon’s Rule
Municipal governments only have the powers that are expressly granted to them by the state legislature, those that are necessarily implied from that grant of power, and those that are essential and indispensable to the municipality’s existence
How does the National Flodd Insurance Program (NFIP) limit extent of possible damage due to flooding?
NFIP requires homes in designated floodplain to be elevated & businesses in flood hazard locations to be elevated or flood-proofed
What are the two major factors impacting air quality (beside pollutants)?
Temperature and wind speed; ozone (smog) builds up in head and humidity
“What do ““inclusionary ordinances”” require?”
Set-aside of land or money to construct affordable housing, within a subdivision or elsewhere in the community
Alfred Bettman
“first president of ASPO, key founders of modern urban planning, Euclid vs Ambler. With Ladislas Segoe on the ““Cincinnati Plan.”” ““Capital Improvements Budget.”””
Clarence Perry
Neighborhood Unit - The Regional Survey of NY and its Environs, 1929
location quotient
it is basically a way of quantifying how concentrated a particular industry, cluster, occupation, or demographic group is in a region as compared to the nation.
What is an easement?
Acquisition or control of a portion of property rights by someone other than the landowner
Highest population density according to the 2000
New York has a population density of 10,292 people per kilometer. San Francisco has a density of 6,423 per kilometer.
Spur Industries v. Del Webb Development (DWD) 1972
Feedlot was determined to be a public nuisance. For a business to be a public nuisance there must be a populous in which people are injured.A business must also be protected from the knowing encroachment of others.
What year was the first model tenement was built in New York City
Moderate income households
Earn between 80-120% of Area Median Income.
1975, Emergency Housing Act
HUD gave short term mortgage assistance for temp unemployed or underemployed
Theodore Roosevelt: Year, contribution?
Took office in 1901; staunch supporter of burgeoning conservationist movement
What analysis would generate results indicating the community’s population cohorts?
Analysis of housing demand
Ethics: Rules of conduct:
1) Provide adequate, timely, clear and accurate info, 2) must not advocate opposing positions, 3) must not take unfair advantage of a sitaution, 4) Avoid conflict of interest of appearance thereof
The Land Ordinance of 1785
provided for rectangular land survey of Old Northwest.completed following the end of the Revolutionary War.provided systematic way to divide and distribute land to the public.established sections and townships.goal to raise money through the sale of land
Urbanized Areas
An area consisting of at least one central place and adjacent territory, with a general population density of at least 1,000 people/square mile of land area and a minimum residential population of at least 50,000 people
Regional Survey of New York and Its Environs, 1928
Viewed land use as a function of accessibility
What are the eight elements to a strategic plan?
1 Needs analysis, 2. ID results, determine long-term objectives, 3 SWOT, 4 involve stakeholders, 5 Dev and Eval Alternatives, 6 ID role of city, 7 Develop funding policy, 8 Evaluate performance
What is performance zoning?
focuses on intensity of development that is acceptable & its impact on the environment
What established ripeness doctrine?
partly the 1985 Williamson County REgional Planning Commission v Hamilton Bank decision of US Supreme Court
How many feet in a mile?
5,280 feet = 1 mile
Inferential Statistics
determine characteristics of a population based on observations made on a sample from that population. We infer things about the population based on what is observed in the sample.
NAACP v Township of Mount Laurel (Mt Laurel II),
“1983 NJ SC. Due to noncompliance with prior decision, established criteria for determining fair share in growth areas. ““Affirmative measure”” included removal of restrictive barriers, density bounses, mandatory set asides and mobile home zoning.”
Location Quotient
is the formulat for computing basic and non-basic industries.
Golden v. Planning Board of Ramapo
Recognized growth phasing programs. AFPO’s
What percentage of a normal distribution is included between two standard deviations above and below the mean?
Continuous Variables
can have an infinite number of values
In what year did the Bay Area Rapid Transit System (BART) begin?
The BART rail system began in 1972 in San Francisco.
one or more strata of rock or sediment that is saturated and sufficiently permeable to yield economically significant quantities of water to wells or springs. An aquifer includes any geologic material that is currently used or could be used as a source of
Confidence Interval
A range of values around a sample statistic; the population parameter is expected to be within that interval
What are the characteristics of a healthy city?
clean, safe physical environment; stable & sustainable ecosystem; high degree of public participation; mtg basic needs for food, water, shelter, & work; vital economy; & optimal level of health care
Small Scale Map
Shows a large land area with little detail.
What are bimodal numbers?
A grouping of numbers that has two or more modes. Example: (1,1,2,2,3,3)
tract development
the construction of similar residential units over large areas
What is interval data?
Ratio data has an ordered relationship and equal intervals. Distance is an example of ratio data because 3.2 miles is twice as long as 1.6 miles. Any form of central tendency can be used for this type of data.
Who wrote design with nature? when? what is it about?
Design with Nature by Ian McHarg, published in 1969. This book focuses on conservation design.
North American Industry Classification System
The industry classification system that replaced the SIC system. The Census uses these numbers to crunch economic data.
What book did Richard Babcock write in 1969?
The Zoning Game
The Supreme Court in Nectow v. City of Cambridge dealt with which of the following issues?
What theory is Charles Lindblom associated with?
Incrementalism. It is a method of working by adding to a project using many small (often unplanned), incremental changes instead of a few (extensively planned) large jumps.
Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)
Was adopted in 1972 to provides funding for coastal state programs designed to coordinate and regulate specific activities within defined coastal zones
What is another name for fiscal impact analysis?
Cost-Revenue analysis
NYC Tenement House Law (1897)
Required buildings to provide only narrow airshaft btwn adjacent structures and only two toilets on each floor (called dumbbell tenements bc of their shape)
Design with Nature 1969
This book was written by Ian McHarg and encouraged environmentally conscious approach to land use. It used transparent map overlays which were the predecessor to the use of GIS today.
Who was the first full-time planner for a United States city?
Newark hired Bartholomew, making him at age twenty-four the first full-time municipally employed city planner in the United States.
Economic Base Analysis
looks at basic and non-basic economic activities. Basic activities are those that can be exported, while non-basic activities are those that are locally oriented. The exporting (basic) industries make up the economic base of a region.
Agins v. City of Tiburon
Taking: The question in this case was whether the ordinances took Agins’ property without just compensation. The U. S. Supreme Court affirmed the zoning ordinances did not on their face effect an uncompensated taking.
What year was the Americans with Disabilities Act passed
Dolan v City of Tigard (1994)
US Supreme Court, Takings, commission required Dolan to maintain greenway on hardware store property; Ruling in favor of Dolan, established principle of rational nexus for regulatory action
1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act
1st Farm Bill. New Deal leg. Introduced price support, production adjustments, and commodity loans.
Community Development Planning Elements
Citizen participation. Local residents lead community improvements and include professional advice. Collaboration of citizens with local leaders to understand and address community needs.
Grand Coulee Dam: Year, location, significance?
1941; Columbia River in Washington State; largest concrete structure in U.S.; for irrigation, power and flood control
City of Boerne v. Flores 1997
This Case challenged the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The Supreme Court ruled that the act is an unconstitutional exercise of congressional powers that exceeded the enforcement powers of the fourteenth amendment.
Clean Air Act - 1970
nitrogen, oxide, carbon monoxide, lead, sulfur dioxide, ozone and particulates - six key regulated pollutants. created NAAQS - National Ambient Air Quality Standards. (National)
Jane Addams
1889, Chicago - founded Hull House a settlement house. Attracted educated middle-class people to live in poor urban neighborhoods to provide social and educational services.
City of Monterey v. Del Monte Dunes at Monterey Ltd. 1999
SC upheld award in favor of developmer after city’s repeated denials of a development permit for a 190-unit residential complex on ocean front property.Court found repeated denials of permits deprived the owner of all economically viable use of land
Calvin Coolidge US President (1923-1929)
First Issue of City Planning 1925 In 1925, the American City Planning Institute and the National Conference on City Planning published the first issue of City Planning, the predecessor to the current Journal of the American Planning Association.
Location Quotient (LQ)
Measure [ ] of industry in local area compared to regional area.
Delphi technique
Used to develop consensus between two or more groups that are in conflict. Develop goals & objectives. Group facilitation skills.
State v. Baker 1979
The court determined that a municipality cannot utilize criteria based on biological or legal relationships in able to limit the types of groups that may live within its borders.
NRCS Soil Survey
The Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey maps identify soil types.
“How many acres of ““prime agricultural land”” in the U.S.?”
240 million acres (25% is in metro areas)
Kelo v City of New London (2005)
Eminent domain
When was the APA created and what two organizations joined to form it?
In 1978, the American Planning Association was created through a merger of AIP and ASPO.
Modified Exponential
Pop Estimate. Aassumes there is a cap to the change and that at some point the growth will slow or stop, resulting in a curved line.
What book did TJ Kent write? when?
The Urban General Plan by TJ Kent, published in 1964.
What is a market feasibility study?
evaluates demand for particular types of development as well as potential costs of a development project & the potential for profit given market conditions
Land Ordinance of 1785
Provided for the rectangular land survey of the Northwest Territory, subdividing land into townships of six square miles. The ordinance was the first standard for the subdivision of land in the United States.
Construction Industry of Sonoma County v. City of Petaluma; U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit (1975)
The Court upheld quotas on the annual number of building permits issued.
What is per capita daily solid waste production?
4.4 lbs/person (40% paper, 18% yard trimmings, 7% food scraps; 8% plastics)
Housing Act of 1954
Established Section 701 planning grants to local govts
Nominal Group Technique
PI. Group process uses problem identification, solution generation, and decision making that can be used for groups of any size that want to come to a decision by vote. Participants then rank the solutions. The solution with the highest ranking wins.
Fasano v. Board of County Commissioners of Washington County
Required zoning to be consistent with comprehensive plans and recognized that rezonings may be quasi-judicial as well as legislative.
Non-Basic Activities
Locally oriented.
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) (1998)
Successor to ISTEA; added new initiatives for improving safety, protecting natural environment, advancing economic growth and competitiveness; emphasized transit as alt to highway expansion
What was the Oregaon Land Use Act?
created statewide planning system 7 required identification of urban growth boundaries separating urban from rural areas
What was the first major US city to adopt a comp plan? Who produced it and when?
In 1925, The City of Cincinnati was the first major U.S. city to adopt a comprehensive plan, produced by Alfred Bettman and Ladislas Segoe.
Berman v Parker (1954)
Eminent domain, Department store, Established aesthetics and redevelopment as a valid purpose for exercising eminent domain; Public ownership of land not the sole way to promote public purpose;
What does an aerobic organism require for survival?
Free oxygen
Cincinnati Plan 1925
Alfred Bettman and Ladislas Segoe, was the first to be officially adopted by a major American City. It was broader than previous plans, including information about housing, recreation, garbage, schools and financing.
Shift-share analysis
Use to compare and contrast growth rates among industrial sectors; Used to distinguish btwn the effices of national and local economic trends
recovery planning
know how the community will respond in teh weeks & months following a hazard event
How many housing units per census block?
Census Block is the smallest level at which the Census data is collected. There are typically 400 housing units per block.
What is the Symptomatic Method of population projection and estimation?
It uses available data to estimate the current population. For instance, the avg household size is 2.5 according to the U.S. Census. If 100 new single-family building permits are issued this yr, approximately 250 new people will be added to the community.
Community shopping center
100,000 sf to 450,000 sf range 150,000 sf average mid-size department store or discount store as major tenant
“In what federal environmental law is the term ““potentially responsible parties”” (PRPs) used?”
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) identifies potentially responsible parties for environmental contamination.
response planning
know how the community will respond in the immediate aftermath of a hazard event
In this case, the respondent argued that the city had violated telecommunications act by discriminating against a commercial enterprise:
City of Rancho Palos Verdes established that there are administrative procedures to remedy violations of the telecommunications act and that an individual cannot force compliance.
Greenbelt towns
Gov’t sponsored towns based on Garden Cities in 1930s; Greenhills, OH; Greendale, WI; Greenbelt, MD
1982 Coastal Barrier Resources Act
Designated undeveloped coastal barrier islands. Ineligible for direct or indirect federal assistance to support development, i.e. flood insurance (State, Regional)
Manufactured Housing Improvement Act 2000
The act established installation and building standards for manufactured homes.
Impact fee / linkage fee
Sometimes assess on new commercial or industrial development to address new need for affordable housing triggered by additional workers
“What does ““fee simple”” mean?”
Someone owns land outright, with all rights associated with land ownership
New York City Zoning Resolution 1916
The first zoning ordinance in the US was enacted in New York primarily to stop massive buildings such as the Equitable Building from preventing light and air from reaching the streets below. The ordinance covered the entire city and controlled land use, b
A Theory of Transactive Planning 1973
“John Friedmann-where the planner meets with individuals in the community to discuss issues. Through a process of ““mutual learning”” the planner shares technical knowledge, while the citizen provide community knowledge. “
Spur Industries v Del E Webb Dev Co (1972)
Preexisting feedlot became a nuisance for a newer residential area; state court of appeals ruled that feedlot should move to accommodate addtl urban dev; dev’rs required to pay expenses and damages
1964 Housing Act
Section 312 included funding for home rehab loans. Gave assistance to moderate income households.
Year and purpose of the Civil Rights Act?
In 1964, the Civil Rights Act outlawed discrimination based on race, creed, and national origin in places of public accommodation.
Standard City Planning Enabling Act 1928
The Act, outlined the powers of municipal planning commissions and required the adoption of a master plan by local governing bodies.
What is an environmental impact statement?
EIS are for federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. If the environmental assessment determines that there is a significant impact, then an environmental impact statement is required.
Natural Resources Planning Board: Year, purpose?
1939; Prepare comprehensive plans for public works; abolished in 1943
What Act of Congress gave public land to each stateto be sold for the establishment of “engineering,agriculture, and military sciences” colleges?
The Morril Act of 1862
Robert Lang
2002, Edgeless Cities. dominant urban form with large isolated suburban complexes not accessible by pedestrians.
Baby Boomers
People born between 1946 and 1964.
The State of Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld the use of planned unit developments first in which case?
Cheney v. Village 2 at New Hope. The Court in 1968 found that planned unit developments are acceptable if the regulations focus on density requirements rather than specific rules for each lot.
Low Income Housing Tax Credit 1986
Tax credit created under the Tax Reform Act of 1986 gives incentives for the utilization of private equity in development of affordable housing. Enabled nonprofit organizations to raise construction funds by selling tax credits
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980
reated a $1.6 billion superfund to clean up abandoned hazardous waste sites and requires major industries to report annual releases of toxic wastes into the air, water, or ground.
Concentric Ring Theory 1925
Ernest Burgess-urban areas grew outward as a series of concentric rings. center of town will have highest number of customers so it is profitable for retail. Manufacturing will pay less for land as they are only interested in access of workers.
“Who wrote ““Modern Housing”””
Catherine Bauer, in 1934
This Act was passed in 1935 by US Congress?
The Historic Sites, Buildings and Antiquities Act. Provided for the Secretary of the Interior to identify and restore qualified historic sites and properties.
Non-basic industry
Service Industry.
Who is Patrick Geddes?
Authored Cities in Evolution published in 1915. This book centers on regional planning
World’s Columbian Exposition 1893
“Daniel Burnham designed the fairgrounds in Chicago using principles of the City Beautiful movement. The fair came to be known as the ““White City”” because of the bright white painted buildings. “
Air Quality Control pollutants (6)
Ozone Particulate Matter Carbon Monoxide Nitrogen Dioxide Sulfur Dioxide Lead
Describe the unique groundwater threat posed by Karst geology?
Carbonate rocks (limestone and dolostone) are somewhat soluble in water; circulating groundwater can create large pore spaces and conduits of water; large objects can be transmitted over long distances; filtration effects are minimal
How large is a Traffic Analysis Zone?
Typically the size of a census tract
Who wrote The Last Landscape (1959)?
William H. Whyte, coined the term greenway
What is a CDP, according to the US Census?
A Census Designated place is recognized similar to a city, but it is not incorporated. Examples include a number of major master planned communities in unincorporated areas.
What is cost effectiveness analysis?
An analysis done to find the most cost effective alternative plans.
Lingle v. Chevron (2005)
“Jettisoned the ““substantially advances”” test for takings”
1990 Clean Air Act Amendments
Cap and trade system for SO2 and allowed EPA to withhold fed funds from metro areas that fail standards. Set limits on pollutants. Required states to create State Implementation Program (SIP) for failing metro areas. (Ex: State, Regional)
Management by Objective (MBO)
Drucker; Establishes overarching objectives using a collaborative process; 1) Determination and communication of organizational goals; 2) interpretation and definition of those goals into performance objectives for individuals; and 3) the measurement of p
What is the land area that contributes recharge immediately adjacent to a public water supply well?
Zone of influence; most heavily regulated portion of recharge area; often a 400 foot radius (12 acres)
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
Core area (city of >50,000 or Urbanized Area with at >100,000 people) with large population nucleus and adjacent communities with a high degree of economic and social integration with that core; May include 1 or more counties
Clean Air Act 1970
Implemented to protect public health and welfare by limiting air pollution emissions and exposure to ambient air pollutants.
An appeal to a zoning board of appeals decision would be most likely filed with whom?
State superior level court
What did the Indian Reorganization Act provide for?
The 1934 Act allowed Native Americans to adopt a constitution and organize for their common welfare.
Radburn, NJ 1928
Designed by Stein and Wright, the city was inspired by Ebenezer Howard’s Garden City Concept. It was the forerunner in the New Deal’s Greenbelt Towns.
Common citizen surveys
Mailed-inexpensive but slow, telephone-fast,cheaper but some no phone & must have interviewers, in-person-works well but very expensive & could be bias.
Norman Krumholtz
Chief of Planning in Cleveland 1969-1979 (AICP code of ethics?); Strong proponent of equity planning (working to serve those with few, if any, choices including poor and minority residents; President of APA 1986-7
1998 TEA-21, Transportation Equity Act 21st Century
Successor to ISTEA, included new initiatives like traffic safety, protecting env, advancing economic growth with more competitive and flexible transportation. Emphasized public transit.
Only map to cover the entire US in detail
USGS topographic map
1 acre = X sq ft
43,560 sq ft
“What case established the ““total takings”” test for a regulatory taking requiring compensation?”
1992, Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council
Walter Christaller
Central place therory: size and distribution of towns. HEXAGONAL SHAPE.
Name the three Garden Cities designed and built under Roosevelt’s new deal?
Greenhill, OhioGreendale, WisconsinGreenbelt, Maryland
How do PSTFs work and where are they used?
PSTFs use a combination of bio-mechanical treatment unit and subsurface discharge, and are used in residential subdivisions and small commercial/industrial developments.
What is fiscal impact analysis?
Fiscal impact analysis generally refers to efforts to estimate the budgetary effects of various types of land uses on local governmental jurisdictions or other local service providers.
The National Environmental Policy Act
of 1969 (NEPA) The Act requires that the environmental impacts of a project be considered. An Environmental Assessment is required to determine whether there is a significant environmental impact.
The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) is responsible for coordinating which federal programs?
National Environmental Policy Act Clean Air Act Clean Water Act Farm Bill Conservation
Cohort Survival Method
Pop Estimate. Uses the current population plus natural increase and net migration to calculate a future population. The population is calculated for men and women in specific age groups. Population pyramids. Most accurate population projection.
Is a city uses a on-map system how does the map function?
as both the master plan map & the regulatory zoning map
Transportation Improvement Program: FHWA requires this of MPO’s: lists all projects for which federal funds are anticipated, estimated costs and schedules
Associated Home Builders of Greater East Bay v. City of Livermore 1976
The Court upheld temporary moratoriums on building permits.
What is ripeness doctrine?
claim is ready for judicial review only after a property owner has sought all possible relief through variance or condemnation procedures
an accounting method of allocating the cost of a tangible asset over its useful life.
In 1928 the U.S. Department of Commerce passed the __________________ Act.
The Standard City Enabling Act
Focus Groups
Representative sample of a community. Facilitated in an informal setting directed toward a specific subject.
What are general slope guidelines for urban development?
0-0.5% = no drainage, not suited for dev 0.5-1% = no problems, ideal for all types of dev 1-3% = slight prob for lrg com areas acceptable for res 3-5% = mjr prob for com/ind/lrg scale residential; 5-10% = suitable only for specially designed development.
To whom is the planner’s primary obligation?
To service the public interest
Local transportation plans
looks at circulation, transportation, and public transit.
What is typically included in a zoning ordinance?
definitions, general provisions, delineation of zoning districts, & administration and enforcement guidelines
What is a zoning map based on?
future land use map (not existing)
What are the three steps in PPBS?
Organized by program (not functional object); extends programs into future to look at spending implications; all programs are put through quantitative analysis
The Edwards Aquifer in Texas is an example of what type?
Karst (limestone) aquifer
Civilian Conservation Corp. 1933
FDR formed the Civilian Conservation Corp. as a public work relief program for men. The purpose was to releave high unemployment stemming from the great depression and to focus on natural resource conservation. Ended in 1942
Wacker’s Manual if the Plan of Chicago 1912
In 1912, Walter Moody published Wacker’s Manual of the Plan of Chicago, adopted as an eighth-grade textbook by the Chicago Board of Education. This is the first known formal instruction in city planning below the college level.
French Quarter (Vieux Carre) 1921
Designated the first historic preservation commission in 1921 with the purpose of preserving the commercial tourism value of the area.
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
Uses computer-based info and sensing technologies to improve traffic coordination, system capacity and safety (i.e. freeway message signs, coordinated signals, automated toll collection)
What are the six transects?
Natural, rural, sub-urban, general urban, urban center, urban core
Who is responsible for the development process?
private sector generally
transect zoning standards
different 3-D standards for hierarchy of uses from rural to urban
What is Management by Objectives (MBO)?
MBO is a process of agreeing upon objectives within an org so that mgmt and employees agree to the objectives and understand what they are. MBO term was first popularized by Peter Drucker in 1954 in his book ‘The Practice of Management’.
Landslide Mitigation Measures
ord req a geologic review to eval stab of hillside before approv bldg perm;requires dev. to obtain grading permits; allow cluster dev. to avoid steep slopes;reduce int. of dev. thru reg. est. max. density, max. lot coverage, min parcel size or min s/bck
What is The Federal Property Administration Act of 1949?
The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 is a United States federal law that established the General Services Administration which is responsible for managing, acquiring, and disposing of federal property.
According to, The Practice of Local Government Planning, what three steps does the plan making process include?
- Goals and visions; 2. Analysis of current problems, and 3. Creation and evaluation of alternatives.
“What is the ““push analysis””?”
A push analysis determines if the introduction of a new business will generate additional customers.
What book initiated the Garden City movement? Who wrote it and when was it published?
Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform by Ebenezer Howard, published in 1898. This book initiated the Garden City movement.
Techniques to provide more affordable housing
Inclusionary Zoning, Fee-in-Lieu, Impact fee,
What was the significance of 1978, TVA v. Hill?
Endangered Species Act: Secretary of the Interior has the authority to decide if a federal activity threatens or endangers a listed species; halted the $100 m. Tellico Dam project for the Tennessee snail darter
Cluster development/cluster zoning
May protect green space by allowing higher density development on some sections of a parcel of land and non on other sections of the parcel
What do flood maps (FEMA) show?
boundaries of land that has at least 1% chance of flooding in any given yr & may show expected depth of flooding
Andres Duany
New Urbanism advocate.
What kind of analysis would generate results indicating home ownership or rental patterns?
Analysis of housing supply
Who wrote Cities in Evolution? when was it written and what is the book about?
Cities in Evolution by Patrick Geddess, published in 1915. This book centers on regional planning
The case Spur vs. Webb discussed what doctrine?
Coming to the nuisance
What are subdivsion regulations?
used to divide land into 2 or more parcels & regulate the lcoation & design of supporting infrastructure
Shift-share analysis
Compares and contrasts growth rates among industrial sectors, and to distinguish the effects of national and local economic trends.