[AIC] Mrs Birling Flashcards
Overview of Sybil Birling
• Her husband’s social superior
• Sits on the panel of a local women’s charity
• Denied Eva Smith
charity out of spite, Leading to Eva’s death
• Refuses to accept responsibility for her actions
Sybil Birling represents the cruelty and arrogance of the most powerful people in a society with such a vast divide between the rich and the poor
Key Characteristics
• Stubborn
• Selfish
• Lacks empathy
• Prizes social class
Themes represented
• Capitalism vs
• Generational conflict
• Responsibility
What does Sybil Birling symbolise
She represents the damage that can be caused by power and status in an unfair capitalist society
Mrs Birling abuses her social position:
she prizes social status above all else, and believes in strict class segregation, even chastising her husband when he praises the cook
Mrs Birling is hypocritical
she associates poverty with immorality and blames the father of Eva Smith’s unborn child for Eva’s circumstances, but rejects this idea when the Inspector reveals that Eric Birling was the father
Mrs Birling symbolises the older generation
her refusal to change her ways and take responsibility for her actions contrasts with the receptiveness of Sheila and Eric, who represent the younger generation’s potential to change for the better
Language analysis
Priestley uses a range of techniques to make Sybil Birling a deeply unlikeable