AIBILEEN Flashcards
bitter seed
‘i just didn’t feel so accepting anymore’
motif of her resentment
exhaustion of the racial tensions in the South
anger,injustice, inequality
reveals the CARE DEFICIT
relationship with MAE MOBLEY exposes the CARE DEFICIT
generates an inequality between the relationship of the domestic help and her children: who are abandoned and forced to accept that their separation falls behind their mother’s need to cater to white employers and their children.
‘Taking care of babies that’s what I do’
‘babies like fat’
‘I can’t keep her from turing out like her mama’
complexity of the nature of racism, its a socialised concept that permeates all generations
‘Lady, you didn’t raise your child at all’
‘Aibee, you’re my real mama’
care deficit
‘tell people the truth’
‘A course we different! Everbody know colored people and white people aint the same.But we stil just people
‘All I’m saying is kindness don’t have no boundaries’
‘After all the time i spent teaching Mae Mobely how to love all people, not judge by color’
‘You is kind… You is smart. You is Important’
AIBILEEN’S tone throughout the novel is one of enjoyment and pride as a MAMMY
white supremacists shaping the character of the MAMMY FIGURE: NURTURING + MOTHERLY
observational comedy
social critique
Aibileens fear of talking about black injustice, demonstrates how powerful white silencing was
epitome of HUMILITY and GRACE