AI Flashcards
What is the main idea of Plato’s rationalism?
Reason as a source of knowledge
What does the allegory of the cave symbolize?
- People being prisoners and seeing only shadows
- The struggle to enlighten others to pursue higher truth
What is the main idea of Aristotle’s empiricism?
Sense as a source of knowledge
What are the aspects of the Scientific Revolution?
- Rejection of authority
- Acceptance of observation over faulty reasoning
- Use of induction and experimentation
- Rediscovery of mathematics as a tool
What were Isaac Newton’s major contributions to science?
- 3 laws of motion
- Law of gravity
- Law of mechanics
What did Francis Bacon criticize in his philosophy?
Dogmas and philosophy authority of the pasts
What concept did Bacon introduce to defend empiricism?
Total reconstruction of science on solid foundation
What are the two ways of doing science according to Bacon?
- Deductive Way: From the most general axioms to the less general axioms and to theorems
- Inductive Way: Generalizing from sensory perceptions ultimately to the most general axioms
What are the four idols according to Bacon?
- Idols of the Tribe: False ideas of our mind, influenced by our human nature
- Idols of the Cave: False ideas resulting from our education and personal biases
- Idols of the Market: False ideas caused by the language we use, such as words with multiple meanings
- Idols of the Theatre: False ideas from accepting dogmas and philosophical views without critical thinking
What is the main idea of skepticism?
Reality is not perceived directly, but through the representations of our mind. Everything could be an illusion.
What was Descartes’ response to skepticism?
Reason as the source of knowledge, doubting everything to find certainty
What is Descartes’ famous quote?
Cogito ergo sum (I think, therefore I am)
What concept did John Locke introduce?
Rejecting inborn ideas and claiming that knowledge comes from experience
What are the two types of qualities according to Locke?
- Primary qualities: Objective qualities (e.g., temperature)
- Secondary qualities: How we experience the primary qualities subjectively (e.g., feeling hot or cold)
According to George Berkeley, what is the role of perception in the existence of things?
Things exist through our perception
Without secondary qualities and perception, things do not exist