AI/CI exam Flashcards
What is AI?
the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.
What is CI?
a form of computing modeled on the methods by which humans learn. As computers learn from processes based on logic and science, they become more intelligent. This differs from artificial intelligence in its perspective on imperfection: computational intelligence focuses on the growth of a system and does not use Boolean values (0s and 1s)
History of AI - Birth (1943 – 56)
○ McCulloch and Pitts (1943): simplified math model of neurons (resting/firing states) can realize all propositional logic primitives (can compute all Turing computable functions)
○ Alan Turing (1950): Turing machine and Turing test
○ Claude Shannon: possibility of chess playing computers
○ 1956: Dartmouth conference
History of AI - Early enthusiasm (1952 – 69)
○ Emphasis on intelligent general problem-solving
○ Heuristic search: A, AO, game tree search
○ John McCarthy: Lisp - AI programming language;
○ Marvin Minsky: ANN;
○ Alan Newell & Herbert Simon: GPS
History of AI - Knowledge engineering (1966 – 74)
○ Domain-specific knowledge is the key to success
○ Knowledge representation (KR) paradigms: declarative vs. Procedural
History of AI - Expert systems (1969 – 99)
○ DENDRAL: determine 3D structures of complex chemical compounds
○ MYCIN: 450 rules for diagnosing blood infectious diseases
○ PROSPECTOR: geological ES for mineral deposits
History of AI - AI industry (1980 – 89)
○ wide range of applications in various domains
○ Commercial tools
○ AI winter
History of AI - Modern stage (1990 – present)
○ more realistic goals, more application-oriented
○ distributed AI (DAI) and intelligent agents
○ resurgence of computational intelligence (soft computing) – ANNs, fuzzy systems, evolutionary algorithms
○ dominance of machine learning, deep learning
Major AI approaches
- Top -down approach
- Symbol processing
- Logic programming
OR - Search
- Knowledge-based systems or expert systems
- Agent-based
OR - Reactive machinces
- Limited memory
- Theory of mind
- Self-awareness
Major CI approaches
- Bottom-up approach
- Learning from experiences/examples
- Info stored in a distributed manner, no centralized control
- Bio-inspired:
○ Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
○ Evolutionary Algorithms
○ Fuzzy Systems
AI Application areas: name at least 5 areas and 2 concrete examples
- Physics - Spatial analyzis
- Computer science - Heuristics
- Engineering - Waveless
- Mathematics - Fuzzy sets & logic
- Machine learning - Decision tree
- Neuroscience - Artificial neural networks
- Biology - Evolutionary computation
NN architectures - feedforward vs. recurrent (feedback)
FF - the first and simplest type of artificial neural network, no cycle
RC - connections between nodes can create a cycle, allowing output from some nodes to affect subsequent input to the same nodes
NN architectures - shallow vs. deep
Shallow < 3 layers
Deep > 3 layers
Universal approximator: what it is?
Universal approximation theorems imply that neural networks can represent a wide variety of interesting functions when given appropriate weights. On the other hand, they typically do not provide a construction for the weights, but merely state that such a construction is possible.
Universal approximator: How to achieve it?
Approximating by building a tower function
Training of Multi-Layer Perceptron
- Given:
○ the target output for the output unit is t_j
○ the input the neuron sees is x_i
○ the output it produces is o_j - Update weights as: w_ij←w_ij+R(t_j − o_j)x_i
○ If output is correct, don’t change the weights
○ If output is wrong, change weights for all inputs which are 1
○ If output is low (0, needs to be 1), increment weights
○ If output is high (1, needs to be 0), decrement weights
Hebbian learning rule
Information is stored in the connections between neurons in neural networks, in the form of weights.
Weight change between neurons is proportional to the product of activation values for neurons.
As learning takes place, simultaneous or repeated activation of weakly connected neurons incrementally changes the strength and pattern of weights, leading to stronger connections.
w_i (new)=w_i (old)+x_i y
Gradient - what is it
In mathematics, the slope or gradient of a line is a number that describes both the direction and the steepness of the line.
Gradient - math
x n+1 = x n - alpha delta f(x n)
Gradient descent
First-order iterative optimization algorithm for finding a local minimum of a differentiable function. The idea is to take repeated steps in the opposite direction of the gradient (or approximate gradient) of the function at the current point, because this is the direction of steepest descent
Stochastic gradient descent
Updates the parameters for each training example one by one. Depending on the problem, this can make SGD faster than batch gradient descent. One advantage is the frequent updates allow us to have a pretty detailed rate of improvement.
The algorithm is used to effectively train a neural network through a method called chain rule. In simple terms, after each forward pass through a network, backpropagation performs a backward pass while adjusting the model’s parameters (weights and biases).
Running too many epochs may over-train the network and result in overfitting. (improved result on training, decrease in performance on test set)
How to prevent overfitting
- Keep a hold-out validation set and test accuracy after every epoch
- Maintain weights for best-performing network on the validation set and return it when performance decreases significantly beyond that.
- Too few hidden units prevent the network from adequately fitting the data.
- Too many hidden units leads to overfitting.
- Droput
What are the distinctive features of DL compared with shallow NN?
- Most AI systems have shallow architectures:
○ 1-3 layers of transformation - Deep architectures just do more:
○ 4-7 (or even 100+) layers of transformation - Deep is relative
Advantages of DL
- Shallow models cannot learn high-level abstractions
- Unsupervised learning could be “local learning”
- Effective at Producing High-Quality Results
- There Is No Need for Feature Engineering
- Scalability
Limitations of DL
Lots of data
Expensive to train due to complex data models
No standard theory to guide while working with tools
Output is hard to understand if not a classifier type
Application areas of DL: name 3 areas and 2 concrete examples
Image - convolutional nn
Sequential inputs - recurent NN
Control system - Deep reinforced learning
Networks/relational - graph nn
Parallelized sequential inputs - transformers
Convolution - definition
Convolution is a mathematical operation on two functions (f and g) that produces a third function that expresses how the shape of one is modified by the other, basically a giant matrix multiplication.
Convolution - math
(f * g)[m,n] = Suma k,l f[m-k,n-l]*g[k,l]
CNN architecture
Convolutional Layer
Pooling Layer
Fully Connected Layer
Activation Functions
CNN training
- Dropout training
- Data augmentation if your dataset is smaller. This helps the network generalize better.
- Early stopping if training loss/error goes above validation loss.
- Hyperparameters tuning method: Random search, grid search, evolutionary algorithms?
Fuzzy set vs. crisp set
In classical set theory, the membership of elements in a set is assessed in binary terms according to a bivalent condition—an element either belongs or does not belong to the set. By contrast, fuzzy set theory permits the gradual assessment of the membership of elements in a set; this is described with the aid of a membership function valued in the real unit interval [0, 1].
Fuzziness vs. randomness
Randomness deals with uncertainty arising from a physical phenomenon, whereas fuzziness arises from the human thought process.
Membership degree vs. probability
Fuzzy logic attaches a value between 0 and 1 which is uncertain and measures the degree to which the proposed statement is correct. In probability, it gives a value between 0 and 1, but it measures how likely is the proposed statement is correct
Membership function (MF) defined over discrete, continuous universe of discourse
Formally, a membership function for a fuzzy set A on the universe of discourse X is defined as µA: X → [0, 1], where each element of X is mapped to a value between 0 and 1. This value, called membership value or degree of membership, quantifies the grade of membership of the element in X to the fuzzy set A. Here, X is the universal set and A is the fuzzy set derived from X.
Generalized bell
T-norm operator
Intersection of two member functions (AND)
T-conorm operator
Union of two member functions (OR)
Operations of fuzzy sets
Subset, complement, union, intersection
Linguistic variable
Linguistic variables represent crisp information in a form and precision appropriate for the problem. They take linguistic values such as e.g. age is old or young.
fuzzy (soft) partition of I/O variables
Fuzzy partitioning of data to subsections from which if then rules are built; done by grid, tree, scatter partitioning
fuzzy if then rules
are expressions of the form “If A Then B”, where A and B are labels of fuzzy sets characterised by appropriate membership functions.
Fuzzy inference - firing strength
The firing strength of a rule is given by the product of the input membership grades, and this value is passed to the membership grade of the output to the corresponding fuzzy set
Fuzzy inference - definition
fuzzy inference is the process of formulating the mapping from a given input to an output using fuzzy logic
Compositional rule of inference
the first and the principal approximate reasoning approach. It allows inferring a result from a function which contains two operators: a t-norm and an implication
- center of gravity (COG)
- mean of maximum (MOM)
- center average methods
General structure of a fuzzy system
- rule base, containing a collection of
fuzzy rules - data base, defining the MF (linguistic
values) in the fuzzy rules - fuzzy reasoning/inference engin
What are the commonalities of various evolutionary algorithms?
efficient heuristic search methods based on Darwinian evolution with powerful characteristics of robustness and flexibility to capture global solutions of complex optimization problem
Compared with gradient-based optimization techniques, what benefits can be gained by using evolutionary algorithm?
EAs require no fitness gradient information of any kind to proceed, are easy to process in parallel and have the ability to escape from local minima where deterministic optimization methods may fail or are not applicable.
What kinds of search/optimization problems are suitable for the use of evolutionary algorithms?
EAs may equally handle single and multi-objective optimization, which are likely to involve more than one discipline. They have great advantages over traditional methods for solving multi-objective optimization problems, since they can be applied simultaneously with integer, discontinuous or discrete design variables; companions of different game strategies, they are not sensitive to different Pareto front shape and are able to find solutions located in non-convex or discontinuous zones.
Genetic Algorithm (GA)
- A probabalistic search algorithm that iteratively transforms a set (called a population) of mathematical objects (typically fixed-length binary character strings), each with an associated fitness value, into a new population of offspring objects using:
○ Darwinian principle of natural selection
○ crossover and mutation
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm
Use stigmergic communication via pheromone trails
What are the similarities and differences between NN and fuzzy logic approach?
It trains itself by learning from data set vs Everything must be defined explicitly.
Difficult to extract knowledge vs Knowledge can be easily extracted
Blackbox vs Clear, defined if then rules
Prior knowledge hard to incorporate vs Based on prior knowledge
Adaptive-Network-based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
Kind of artificial neural network that is based on Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy inference system. Since it integrates both neural networks and fuzzy logic principles, it has potential to capture the benefits of both in a single framework. Its inference system corresponds to a set of fuzzy IF–THEN rules that have learning capability to approximate nonlinear functions. Hence, ANFIS is considered to be a universal estimator. For using the ANFIS in a more efficient and optimal way, one can use the best parameters obtained by genetic algorithm. It has uses in intelligent situational aware energy management system.
Major challenges/issues with the existing AI/CI systems
Name and explain at least 3 emerging research areas of AI
Bio inspired AI
Advanced machine learning
Brain computer interface
Revolutionizing prosthetics