AI Flashcards
Who coined the term AI?
John McCarthy
What halted AI development in the late 20th century? What caused it to pick up pace?
AI development was slower for years because of data and compute → called the AI winter.
AI development is now accelerating due to more powerful microchips and more data (the Internet)
What is aleatoric uncertainty?
This is the inherent noise in the data. For example, variability in measurements or natural randomness
What is Artificial Narrow Intelligence?
AI that is good at one specific task
What is a Bayesian network?
Graphical network that maps the factors that contributed to a result and gives the factor that likely contributed the most
What is Blob or object storage / Datalakes?
Most flexible DB and good for handling unstructured data such as images. Often cheaper than traditional storage
What are Knowledge Graphs?
Summary panel of information (such as those given on Google for a famous person). Could be useful when building a DB of knowledge.
What is a FLOP?
Floating Point operation. One FLOP is a single arithmetic operation information floating point numbers, such as addition, substraction etc.
What is compute?
Compute is the number of transistors. This determines FLOPs
What is Moore’s Law?
Moore’s law dictates that the number of transistors can occupy the same space halves every two years.
What is Reinforcement learning?
The AI model receives inputs and tries to attain a goal. At the end, it is given positive of negative feedback and the AI model has to figure out what to do to improve the result.
Right behaviour receives positive feedback, the wrong behaviour receives negative. Up to AI to determine exactly what to input to get the optimal result. Very immature field.
What are Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)?
AI that can produce high-quality images from scratch
What is Machine Learning
Algorthms that allow computer systems to learn and adapt without explicitly instruction.
Supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, and reinforcement learning are all types of machine learning
One way to deliver AI. Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed quote from Arthur Samuel). Give an AI input and ML model gives output
Input and output can seem limited, but depending on the context, it can be precious
A high-performance AI needs large training data and fast and bountiful compute.
What is the input and output depend on the goal, data, and business
Supervised data can learn from unstructured and structured data
“Machine learning is an application of AI that enables systems to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.
Give the AI model the rules to distinguish X from Y, then it works from there and improves with practice and feedback
What is semi-supervised learning?
Builds a model using labelled and non-labelled data
What is deep learning
A type of machine learning that is based on artificial neural networks to extract insights from data.
Good when there are a lot of inputs.
Deep learning and NN’s are interchangeable terms. NN’s facilitate DL, which is a subcategory of ML.
A neural network using artificial neurons to create output from input. A neural network is a vast collection of artificial neurons.
They can assimilate multiple inputs to get an output. NN typically use unsupervised learning to figure out what drives the best output.
A neural network using artificial neurons to create output from input. A neural network is a vast collection of artificial neurons. They can assimilate multiple inputs to get an output.
In training, NN will figure out what drives the best output.
A form of ML. It uses a neural network to extract features and classify them based on patterns to provide an output. DL recognises similar features and groups images together - called clustering.
What are Cloud deployments?
When you rent space on someone else’s servers to run AI model
What is Transfer learning?
Learnings and infrastructure of an AI model trained on one tasks is helpful in achieving another task. The tasks often share metrics or processes.
What is Computer vision?
Image recognition and classification, object detection, object positional detection, Image segmentation (object recognition with exact boundaries showing what pixels belong to each object), racking (objects over time)
What is a CPU?
Made by Intel and AMD - compute in laptop