AH1105: studyguide 1 Flashcards
Rock Art: Southern Africa
Eland and figures
S. Africa (Game Pass, Drakensberg)
pigment on rock face
Rock Art: Southern Africa
Figures from Rock Shelter (Text: 14-7)
later stone age: before 1000 ce
pigment on rock
Southern Africa: Rock Art
Ornamented Figure (”White Lady”) (Text: detail of 14-4)
W. Namibia
later stone age, c. 2000-2000 bc
pigment on rock face
Rock Art: Southern Africa
Giraffes and non-objective shapes (Text: detail of 14-7)
before 1000 ce (later stone age)
pigment on rock face
Rock Art: Northern Africa
no identified ethnic group
Elephant (cf: Text 1-2)
Large Wild Fauna or Bubalaous Style, after 8000 bce
engraving on rock
Rock Art: Northern Africa
no identified ethnic group
Figures and Animals (cf. Text 1-4 and 1-5)
Algeria (Tassili n’Ajjer Plateau)
Archaic or Round Head Style, 8000-6000 bce
pigment on rock
San Peoples
aboriginal peoples of South Africa who speak Khoi-san (click) languages and are commonly referred to as “Bushmen”
Bushman or Bushmen
Common name for seveal aboriginal peoples–including the San–of southern Africa, expecailly in the Kalahari Desert
the natural coloring matter of animal or plant tissue or mineral substances, used for coloring or painting; especailly a dry powder that, when mixed with oil, water or another medium, constitutes a paint or ink
to mark with a cut
to cut or carve the surface of an object
in painting or sculpture: to have a generalized or essential form with only a sumbolic rsemblance to natural objects
(i.e. recognizable but not ‘realistic’)
in art: derived fro real-life or nature, or imitating it very closely (‘realistic’)
in painting or scultpure: a work which does not represent or intend to represent any natural object, figure or scene
the size of part of an object considered in relation to the sizze of a whole (e.g. the head in relation to the whole figure)