Agustine and Human Nature Flashcards
Human friendship
(Selfish love)
-A love of worldly things and selfish desires
- Generous love
- A love of others and the virtues (agape)
Uncontrollable desire for physical pleasures and material things
Heavenly society, in contrast with earthly society
Augustine and thinking like Manichees
Augustine through as humans we are in a battle with good vs evil and the individual has 2 souls pulling an individual
Philosophical thinking arising from Plato
Augustine’s conversion
Augustine converted to Christian at the age of 32 becoming a priest and then a bishop
Augustine as a Christian
-He ordered the destruction of non-Christian places
Augustine’s writings
Augustine wrote 93 formal works
Augustine on Adana and Eve
-For Augustine when Adam and Eve ate the apple was the turning lint for all of creation
Augustine after Adam and Eve ate apple
Augustine believe that Adam and Eve had a fruitful relationship with each other and with God
Augustine and friendship
Assisting believes that friendship is essential for any as it is the highest form of sociable nature (Concordia)
Augustine and original sin
- Augustine believed that we are born with freewill
- But Augustine also believed that we inherit original sin from Adam guilt and that we can’t do anything about original sin
Evil in the world
The sin on the world is on humans misused freewill