Agrnomic and Horticulture crops Flashcards
It is a plant in the family Fabaceae
Primarily for human consumption
Also called as green manure
grown for succulent underground organs
Root Crops
being harvest with diggers and digger-pickers
Root crops
deliberately grown for fiber
Fiber Crops
crops that provide raw materials and are industrially processed prior to the final use
Industrial Crops
provides the bedroock to sustainable agriculture
Forage and Pasture
edible parts of the plants other than separated grain that provide feed for grazing animals or that can be harvested
Forage and Pasture
valued mainly for edible or industrial oil that are extracted from them
Oil Crops
herbaceous. edible portion of the plant usually easten as part of the meal
product of vegetable growth edible to humans, such as the developed ovary of a seed plant.
cultivated in a vast area
Plantation crops
Plants grown for decorative purposes