list of agreement principles
11 items
The Objective Theory of Contracts
- A contract is formed by Offer and Acceptance
The Objective Theory of Contracts
- An advertisement is generally not an offer to sell
The Objective Theory of Contracts
- The terms of an offer must be definite
The Objective Theory of Contracts
- Auctions with reserve and Auctions without reserve (who’s making the offer?)
The Objective Theory of Contracts
- A rejection terminates the offer
The Objective Theory of Contracts
- A counteroffer is a rejection and a termination of the offer. It puts a new offer on the table
The Objective Theory of Contracts
The death of the offeror prior to acceptance terminates the offer but the death of a party
to a contract does not generally terminate the contract
The Objective Theory of Contracts
- An offeror may revoke his offer at any time before acceptance (subject to 2 exceptions)
The Mirror Image Rule
The Mirror Image Rule – To be effective an acceptance must be on precisely the same
terms as the offer
The Mailbox Rule
The Mailbox Rule – An acceptance is generally effective at the time it is properly