Agreement Flashcards
Trietel’s definition of an offer
An expression of willingness to contract on specified terms made with the intention that it is to be come legally binding as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is addressed
Gibson v MCC
Not sufficiently CPU to be offer
Storer v MCC
Sufficiently CPU to be offer
‘Uncertain first steps in neogitaion’
Fisher v Bell
Display of goods is ITT
Partridge v Crittenden
Adverts are ITT if not sufficiently certain
Grainger v Gough
Exception where advert is an offer if the advertiser has unlimited access to the offer product
Carlill v Carbolic Smokeball
Unilateral offer as advert was certain and evidenced intention by putting money in bank account
Spencer v Harding
ITTender are not offers
Blackpool Aero Club v Blackpool Council
Invitation to tender contained a condition to consider the offer. Not considered so breach of contract
Payne v Cave (Auctions)
Auctioneers request for bids is an ITTender
Warlow v Harrison
Obligation to accept the highest bid in an auction
Taylor v Laird
Offer must be communicated
3 methods of termination of offer
Rejection, revocation, lapse
Hyde v Wrench
- Must be mirror image acceptance
- Counter offer kills an offer
Stevenson, Jacques + CO v McLean
Request for information is not a counter offer and does not kill the offer
Payne v Cave (withdrawal)
If offer withdrawn before acceptance then the offer is no longer open
Routledge v Grant
If time limit set offeror free to revoke any time before acceptance
Dickinson v Dodds
- 3rd party revocation
- Where consideration is made to keep offer open this is an option contract
- Parties can set deadline for end of offer being open
Trietel’s criticism of the rule in Dickinson v Dodds
3rd party revocation places offerree in a difficult position as the offerree does not know whether the 3rd party is a valid party to revoke the offer
Byrne v Van Tienhoven
- Revocation must be communicated
- Revocation only valid upon receipt, postal rule does not apply
Great Northen Rail
General rule; Unilateral offer can be revoked anytime before complete performance
Exception; Where the party is able and willing to complete performance then the revocation is not valid
Errington v Errington + Woods
Where party capable and willing to complete performance unilateral offer cannot be revoked
If unilateral offer made to whole world must be revoked to whole world
Ramsgate Hotel v Montefiore
An offer will laps if not accepted in a reasonable time - 6+ months
Bradbury v Morgan
Death causes an offer to lapse
Financings v Stimson
Offer lapsed as car no longer in condition it was offered in