AGREEMENT Flashcards
learn facts and cases
Gibson V Manchester City Council 1978
the meaning of agreement:
C. house under cons government house purchase system, change to Labour and only binding to contractual obligations… broke off.
deciding if you have an agreement…
- an offer is established? (offer: com that is a deal complete and final set of terms)
- an acceptance is needed? (all other party needs to do: accept)
No offer in this case was reached, only ‘prepared to sell’.
Gibson is a definitive authority that a contract is an offer matched by acceptance.
Denning on Gibson
Denning in CA held that you can discern a contract on conduct.
Diplock in HL held that party can back out BEFORE contract either parties can back out, AFTER, only if other party allows.
Carlil V Carbolic Smoke Ball
advert: ball curing influenza, Carlil bought and got flu. AD said reward of £100 would be given if continued to get the flu.
inconvienced self, not doing usual, BUT doing something on RELIANCE of that promise.
Ref. to Pattridge V Crtitteden.
Walford V Miles
contract between two companies of a business takeover for 2 million.
A ‘comfort letter’ was enclosed, of which the claimants tried to uphold as binding.
Con was binded but when one party tried to move out of the D withdrew from con and decided to go w a third party, of which was against the terms wihin the ‘comfort letter’
Bilateral contract
exchange of goods: TWO PROMISES.
Unilateral contract
is a promise in return for an ACT.
e.g. Carlil
- Agreement (A & O)
- Intention: to create a legally binding relay.
- consideration: means something must be given/done in return of the promise.
occasionally… contracts must be in writing.
when is a contract concluded?
when acceptance occurs.
Invitations to treat
where you say you will do soemthing, which is designed to elict an offer… which you can accept/decline.
Sales of Goods Act 1979 S57 (2)
‘a sale by auction is complete when the auctioneer announces its completion by the fall of the hammer, or in any other customary manner & until the announcement is made, any bidder may retract the bid’.
auction w no reserve price
Warlow V Harrison:
concept of a collateral offer
ancillary offer giving rise to a second contract that can yield a remedy where the main contract fails.
collateral: DEBATABLE to what extent collateral reflect the genuine intention of the parties or constitute artificial devices serving the courts view that a remedy should be available.
collateral contract
unilateral: if you do X, ill do Y,
e.g. X= highest bid and Y = sell the goods.
holding auctioneer liable to what he said and rightful expectations of the bidder are NOT denied.
Fisher V Bell
flick knife display. came to sell the knives byt legal offence NOT committed as they were not offered: ITT
taking the product to the till is the offer which the worker can accept/decline.
Pharmaceutical society of GB V Boots Cash Chemists
if you buy a ‘drugs’ you must be under supervision of a pharmacist … where is the contract concluded?
but goods on show is ITT
customer bringing to till: offer
pharmacist can thus accept/decline.
Partridge V Critteden
wild live birds, bramblefinches, offered in npaper
NO criminal offence committed: ITT