AGR2303 Exam Flashcards


Module 1 Question 1 (10 Marks)

Describe the geographic distribution of canola, maize and mungbean crops in Australia and what influences this distribution.


The main factors of distribution are soils, climate, topography, pest prevalence, disease prevalence and economic status of the region. Mungbeans are best suited to subtropical and drier tropical regions of about 300-400mm of rainfall within a growing season. Much of their distribution and production areas is within regions used to grow cowpeas, including the coastal central region of Queensland and down to the irrigated regions of northern and central NSW. Favouring the warm/hot environments of these regions, they compete with cotton, sorghum and rice. They may be grown as a rotation crop with winter cereals such as wheat. They grow best on sandy loam soils with good drainage and a pH of between approximately 6 and 7.2

Canola has a wider distribution than mungbeans, growing from higher rainfall wheat regions of south east Queensland, all the way down through high-rainfall regions in the Tablelands, and through central and southern NSW, into the north of Victoria, as well as throughout south-western WA. This region of distribution is largely defined by higher-rainfall, but irrigation along western rivers of NSW is becoming more common and expanding its distribution. Canola also grows best on fertile soils with pH levels between 5.0 and 8.0

A minor summer crop, maizes distribution is primarily restricted to Queensland and northern NSW, as well as the Riverina region. As maize is quite adaptive to a large range of climatic conditions, inland irrigation systems now provide the most production. Rainfed maize is still widely grown however, in the higher rainfall regions listed above. Soils with neutral pH, and good water holding capacity and organic matter content produce the best yields and also affect distribution significantly.

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Module 1 Question 2 (5 Marks)

What are the adaptations that pasture must have that field crops and horticultural crops don’t?


Pasture crops must be adapted to high levels of inter-species competition, as a result of being grown in mixed species. This is different to field and horticultural crops that are primarily grown in single species. Adaptation to livestock grazing of the above ground or upper component of the plant involves protecting growing points of the plant. They must grow quickly also, for both of the aforementioned reasons, in order to be successful.

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Module 2 Question 3 (5 Marks)

Define conservation farming. How does conservation farming lead to improvements in crop production?


Conservation farming primarily aims to minimise the negative impacts of tillage upon agricultural landscapes. This is achieved through practices such as minimum or no-till practices and stubble retention. These practices may help minimise losses of soil biological and organic matter, and maximise soil nutrient and water retention, thus improving crop production through significantly improving soil health.

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Module 2 Question 4 (5 marks)

How does crop architecture and sowing depth impact crop production


Crop architecture is the population of plants and the row spacing, whilst sowing depth is the depth into the soil that the seed is planted. Both of these vary for different crop types. Effective crop architecture maximises the capture of resources. Ensuring competition for the growth factors of nutrients and water are not limited by over-population of a crop ensures that crops have the best chance to produce maximum yield.

Sowing depth balance is crucial in both protecting the seed, whilst allowing it to be shallow enough for rapid and easy emergence. If a seed is too shallow, dessication may occur which significantly impacts emergence and growth. A seed planted too deep may receive adequate moisture and nutrients, but uses much of its stored energy just on emergence, making its photosynthetic abilities upon emergence greatly reduced.

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Module 3 Question 5 (5 marks)

Outline Liebig’s law of the minimum and describe how it impacts on fertiliser practices.


Liebigs Law of the Minimum is essentially where crop growth is limited by the least available resource, commonly water or nitrogen (N). An example might be a plant that has adequate water and nutrient availability, with the exception of N. The plant will therefore only grow to the level determined by N availability, regardless of the supply of other resources. In this instance, there is no purpose or benefit obtained by adding Potassium or Phosphorus fertilisers, as the plant has adequate amounts of those already, but is lacking in N. Therefore, an N fertiliser would be the necessary fertilisation application. A lack of understanding of this important concept may result in costly and ineffective inputs for farmers.

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Module 3 Question 6 (5 marks)

How does nutrient budgeting help farmers to increase productivity while reducing environmental impacts?


Nutrient budgeting is used to identify whether an application system produces nutrient deficits, surplus or balance. It examines the number of nutrients inputted and outputted from a system. By correctly identifying what a system needs (in terms of nutrients), crops can be provided with an optimal and balanced nutrient application to maximise yield. A key component of nutrient budgeting is limiting nutrient losses to the environment. An example of this is the loss of N, which may result in acidification or eutrophication as well as the release of NO2 and NO.

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Module 4 Question 7 (5 marks)

List two preparatory steps that may be taken prior to the harvesting of crops. What is the purpose of each of these steps?


i) Weed control - This should be undertaken late in the crop growth cycle, as weeds have the potential to interfere with the harvesting process. Another crucial element of weed control is to limit the weed seed that may lead to a product being downgraded.
ii) Irrigation - The timing of the final irrigation before harvest is important. If it is performed just prior to harvest, running heavy harvesting equipment over the wet soils may heavily compact the soil, or even potentially bog the equipment. It should be planned well and timed so that there is sufficient plant-available water to complete its life cycle, but be appropriately dried by the time of harvest.

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Module 4 Question 8 (5 Marks)

How does crop maturity impact on the harvest timing of forage crops?


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Each crop is harvested at different stages of maturity. The maturity of forage crops and the subsequent timing of their harvest has significant impacts on the nutritive characteristics of the crops. Forage crops generally produce the best yields when the crop is in the reproductive growth stage. Going beyond this stage has been shown to reduce crude protein

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Module 4 Question 8 (5 Marks)

Outline the concept of harvest maturity for field crops and how it is different to crop physiological maturity?


Harvest maturity is the stage whereby the best possible quality and yield balance is met by harvesting. Too early may result in unripe or small grains, thus limiting yield, whilst too late may lead to a downgrade in quality. Harvest maturity is literally the stage a crop is harvested at.

Physiological maturity however, is when the dry weight of a seed is maximised. Field crops will generally reach harvest maturity after physiological maturity. Doing so before this point will often lower the quality and yield of the seed and grain.

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Module 5 Question 10 (5 Marks)

Describe two non chemical weed control methods?


Weed prevention is the best first measure. This involves preventing weeds from establishing themselves on the property. This can be achieved through preventing their introduction through seed contamination, quarantining livestock moved onto the property, and thorough / optimal cleaning of equipment, particularly during harvest. Two control methods include:

i) Cultivation - The primarily effective component of this mechanism is the disturbance of weed seedlings through their uprooting and subsequent death. Weed ecology is important to understand when undertaking cultivation as a primary weed control measure. Weeds have variable dormancy periods and adaptive mechanisms to cultivation that may mean that this control measure actually enhances or promotes weed growth and germination.
ii) Using a break crop / diverse crop rotation - The use of a break crop such as canola has been shown to be an effective weed control method. Rotating crops with varied characteristics prevents weeds from becoming accustomed to and adapting to the system.

These measures should be used in accordance with the weed ecology on the landscape, and usually as part of a multifaceted approach to control.

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Module 6 Question 11 (10 marks)

Describe what a ley farming system is and outline the benefits of this farming system


Ley farming is a soil conservation measure that involves phases of pasture within the cropping sequence, primarily to increase soil N. Used as an alternative to crop fallow, rotation legume species such as lucerne are used in N fixation and thus increase N levels in the soil for the grain or tilled crop. It is also particularly effective at improving soil fertility, increasing soil organic matter, and reversing declining soil structure and soil health. Weed management, primarily through livestock grazing and competition may assist in reducing weed seed set. The improved ground cover of pastures assist in the prevention of runoff and soil erosion. This is especially the case in perennial pastures that often have deep root systems, accessing moisture and nutrients from below the water zone and subsequently resulting in a drier profile. This limits the loss of water and nutrients to drainage. By possibly providing a direct and high quality food source for livestock, farmers are also able to increase the carrying capacity and productivity (weight gain) of livestock, through the consumption of feed such as legumes that increase animal growth.

These listed benefits of growing legumes (or other pastures) with tilled crops or grain will result in either improved soil conservation and health and thus indirect yield increases, or directly improve livestock productivity.

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Module 6 Question 12 (5 marks)

Define two different methods of calculating water use efficiency and identify when each of these methods would be used


i) Crop Water Use Efficiency (WUE): This is the seemingly simple concept of dividing the crop yield by the water used. A more accurate system of calculating is: water used = (soil water content at sowing - soil water content at harvest) + rain + irrigation – run-off – sub-root-zone drainage. This is a commonly used calculation and is often useful in comparing management practices and different crops.
ii) Farm production WUE: The gross production for a farm divided by the gross water inputs (both irrigated and rainfall). This can be useful in comparing entire farm systems. On broader, regional scales, it can also be used to assist in the implementation or introduction of policy.

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Module 6 Question 13 (5 marks)

What are two benefits to crop production from fallowing?


i) The increased storage of soil organic matter, increased mineral N and moisture retention are the most common reasons that fallowing is used. This benefits the coming crop (often, but not always, wheat) and generally improves the yield. Just one season of fallow may be sufficient to reduce the leaching of soil nutrients required for optimum plant growth.
ii) Fallowing is also a very useful mechanism in breaking crop disease and pest cycles. Many pathogens and weeds require a host to suvive and / or reproduce, and as such, an effective fallow will deprive them of this and break the cycle prior to the coming crops sowing period.

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Module 6 Question 14 (10 marks)

Why are crop rotations important for ensuring the continued productivity of crop production systems?


Repeated cropping of cereals can lead to a progressive building up of weeds and diseases. A viable alternative to ley farming is through crop rotations. Crops such as chickpeas as a break crop help raise soil N, whilst Canola acts as an effective disease break. Break crops can achieve benefits similar to ley farming, but with the added bonus of increased returns and a diversification of income sources and market reaching. Where water limitations are negated by irrigation, the storage of soil water for the next crop is of less importance than in dryland systems where soil moisture retention is of the utmost importance. In irrigated systems particularly, continued productivity may be more limited by mineral (particularly N or SOC) deficiencies. Complex rotation systems of crops also ensures that pathogens and pests don’t have a ready access to a host. These systems are biologically resilient and provide a number of potential non-chemical options to manage weeds, insect pests and disease. By increasing the soil health and mineralisation, diversifying income streams, and breaking cycles of pests, pathogens and weeds, crop rotations enhance the productivity of cropping systems, as well as increasing their sustainability.

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Module 7 Question 15 (5 marks)

Outline two potential mechanisms by which crop production impacts on the broader environment.


i) Freshwater eutrophication - Nutrients, provided to the crops as fertiliser, may run off into waterways (especially after heavy rainfall events or when excessively applied), causing an enrichment of nutrients, leading to events such as algal blooms and a decline in marine / fish species. This is particularly common in sandy soils that have rapid drainage, and as such should be a consideration of farmers when applying synthetic fertilisers to their crops.
ii) Greenhouse gas emissions - Nitrous Oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas almost 300x as potent as Carbon Dioxide (CO2). This gas is released from crops and pastures of which nitrogen fertilisers have been readily applied. This occurs as a result of biochemical processes that use inorganic N compounds such as nitrate and ammonium. Agriculture is responsible for approximately 80% of Australia’s N2O emissions.

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Module 8 Question 16 (10 marks)

Describe two limiting resources for crop production. What can potentially be done to minimise the impact of these limiting resource on food security?


As the global human population grows, so too does our need to be able to produce more food, with minimal impact on the environment and water availability. Some limiting resources of crop production include:

i) Water resources - This is perhaps the first thing we think of when we think of limiting resources for crops and hence, future impacts on food security. Many sectors compete for available water resources (environment, urbanisation, industry, etc.) which in turn limits it for agricultural usage. Climate change, and variable (and more extreme) precipitation patterns are linked with water resource limitations, via reduced rainfall in some regions combined with increased evaportranspiration rates and elevated temperatures.

In order to minimise the impact of water resource limitations on food security, the agricultural industry has to be able to maximise productivity and produce more with less. Understanding and maximising water use efficiency, implementing deficit irrigation practices where appropriate, maximising crop nutrition, using adapted cultivars. Farmers should be flexible with their water use measures, specifically in accordance with seasonal availability and optimal crop needs.

ii) Land resources - Another common limiting resource is the lessening of available land due to industry, environmental and urbanisation. Whilst some industrial measures may return the land to agriculture, urbanisation very rarely results in land being returned. Some have suggested that urban sprawl can be lessened through smarter urban planning, and measures such as building-up, whilst increasing population density, reduce urban sprawl.

Revitilising urban centres, and encouraging elements of subsistence and peri-urban / smallholder farming can minimise the impacts of urban sprawl on food security. Other issues for land use is the arability of the land, and the declining ability of land to produce crops, due to prior over-cultivation, significant erosion, salinisation and acidification. Many of these are as a result of previous agricultural practices, and should be addressed as such. Optimising fertiliser practices, utilising elements of regenerative agriculture, maximising water retention, crop rotations to maximise N (ie with legumes) and cover-cropping / practicing minimum or no-till farming can all be utilised to reduce the decline of land productivity.


Module 1 - What has been the major challenge to the introduction of successful broadly adapted tropical pasture legume to Australia?


Legumes have been more successfully introduced to temperate regions than for tropical regions, with subterranean clover and white clover being two well known examples. The climbing / vine growth habits of many tropical legumes make them unsuitable for grazing.


Module 2 - Outline and describe the negative consequences associated with tillage


Tillage, whilst commonly used and often a necessity in effective land management for cropping, has a number of significant negative consequences. These include:

i) Soil compaction - depending on the soil moisture and machinery used in the tillage process, compaction of soil may result, leading to an acceleration in run-off and hardpan layers, which significantly impact soil conservation and health, as well as plant growth.
ii) Soil erosion - through influencing aggregate stability, size and porosity, tillage can make soils far more vulnerable to run off after heavy precipitation events, or susceptible to wind erosion. By limiting crop residue, the force of raindrops can be quite damaging to soil stability too, and exacerbate further run off.
iii) Loss of soil organic matter and soil biota - Cultivation activities can seriously damage soil organisms and reduce or cease crucial microbial activity. Topsoil erosion, exacerbated by tillage, can greatly impact soil organic matter.
iv) Disrupts soil structure - Tillage fractures the soil and the loss of soil organic matter and soil biota has a significant impact on soil structure. Organisms such as earthworms, the soil engineers, that play a crucial role in soil structure, increasing soil nutrient levels and porosity and decreasing bulk density, are often obliterated by tillage which heavily impacts the structure of the soil.


Module 3 - Describe three different sources of nutrients? Why is an analysis of nutrient content important?


i) Fertilisers - the best known source of nutrients for plants, fertilising involves the synthetic addition of nutrients to soil to support crop growth. N is the most commonly applied fertiliser, specifically through concentrated fertilisers like Urea.
ii) Biological fixation - the N fixation of legumes (through rhizobia) is the most prominent biological fixation of nutrients.
iii) Atmospheric deposition involves the depositing of small amounts of sulphur, phosphorus and nitrogen. This is particularly important in rangeland grazing systems, but as of itself is insufficient to support crop growth.

An analysis of nutrient content is important as it maximises nutrient use efficiency by telling us which nutrients are limiting yield


Module 4 - What are some of the aspects considered when timing the harvest of horticultural crops?


The following examples used are within the context of fruit as a horticultural crop.
Shape - Some fruits, such as mango, change shape during maturation
Size - This is a common measure of harvest maturity, and is based upon the understanding that fresh produce will increase in size upon reaching maturity.
Aroma - The synthesis of volatile compounds of ripening fruit produces a characteristic odour which may be used to determine ripeness.
Acid levels - acidity decreases as fruits ripen
Sugar levels - A refractometer may be used to measure the amount of sugar present. The accumulation of these sugars, particularly amongst non-climacteric fruit, is an indication of maturity.
Firmness - This changes as fruits approach maturity, and whilst pressure testers can be used to determine texture based on firmness in many parts of the world, consumers, growers and harvesters still use the old method of a thumb and forefinger squeeze to determine maturity.
Colour - some fruits in particular, have ripeness visually characterised by their colour.
Abscission - as fruits ripen they begin to fall from the tree. This is an excellent (often late-stage) indication that they need immediate harvesting


Module 5 - What are your legal responsibilities when applying chemicals to control weeds, pests or diseases?


There is tight regulation on the use of chemicals as a control measure for weeds, diseases and pests. The person applying these chemicals is ultimately legally responsible. The legal responsibilities that this person has include:

i) Record keeping - Accurate records of chemical use (type, quantity, location, target, etc.) must be kept, both as a determinant of the effectiveness of the chemical and as a means of legal protection of the person applying the chemical.
ii) Label directions - Following the label directions is an important component in minimising herbicide resistance, as well as being a legal document. Chemicals must not be used for reasons other than what is stated on the label.


Module 6 - What are the potential impacts of irrigation on crop production systems?


Irrigation should only be used when water limitations are, as a minimum, partly removed. Some positive impacts of this on crop production systems include:

i) Multiple crop productions per year - crop rotations may be used in lieu of fallow, diversifying (and expanding) income streams and, if rotating legumes, potentially aiding soil N and thus reducing fertiliser costs.
ii) Increased yield and crop production - this is resulting from removing water as a limiting resource for the crop, as may be the case under rainfed systems

Some negative impacts include:

i) Disease - The creation of microclimates under irrigated systems creates favourable conditions for the expansion of disease
ii) Weeds - These often grow more rapidly in damp conditions, and unless carefully tended to, may outcompete crops for other resources (such as nutrients).
iii) Possible nutrient deficiency - as plants are growing quicker due to water availability, they require more nutrients to continue to grow, or even to survive. This should be addressed via fertilisation processes.
iv) Soil saturation can result in elevated levels of erosion. This is a result of excessive irrigation and poor WUE rather than irrigation itself, but can still be an impact of irrigation on crop production systems.

Irrigated systems require greater vigilance to plant density, nutrient availability, weeds, diseases and pests than dryland systems might.


Module 7 - How might the loss of pesticides or fertilisers to the environment be minimised?


Farmers should undertake soil nutrient analyses prior to fertilising, to be used as a guide in optimal application. This is to prevent over (or under) fertilisation / pesticide use / herbicide use, which, when excessively applied, can result in significant loss through drainage and run off, which has an economic cost as a wasted input as well as an environmental impact (eutrophication of waterways, N2O leaching, etc.).
Optimal irrigation scheduling is another important method to minimise loss of pesticides or fertilisers. Inadequate water application can lead to leaching of damaging chemicals or compounds into groundwater supplies. Soil saturation may also result in increased erosion.
The use of IPM and IDM effectively reduces the amounts of pesticides and chemicals used, and thus reduces the amount potentially lost to the environment. For IPM, this might include crop rotations, selective cultivars, etc.
The use of conservation farming, and utilising concepts such as stubble retention, crop rotation (using legumes to fix N) as well as regenerative farming concepts like agroforestry to improve SOC, is another potential option to reduce the use of pesticides and fertilisers by using natural biological methods.


Module 8 - How will climate change impact on food security and what mitigating actions could be taken to minimise this impact?


Climate change may impact on food security through changes in climate drivers (varied precipitation trends, increasing temperature, increasing evapotranspiration) resulting in significant impacts on type of crops, soil management, crop management and different practices used. The change in these climate drivers also lead directly to reduced food security through minimising crop productivity (ie temperatures exceeding crop tolerance levels). Increases in prevalence and severity of extreme events such as flooding, droughts, storms and heat waves are also damaging to crops, with the capacity to effectively wipe out entire crop systems. Ecosystems may be disrupted and microorganism impacted too, affecting the nutrient availability, and soil structure. This is in spite of the directly positive impacts on crops of elevated atmospheric CO2, although this may not always be a positive for all crops (ie soybeans have been shown to have reduced protein and N content). Weeds and pests will thrive in warmer and wetter climates.

Whilst agriculture does have a significant role in the production of greenhouse gases and the clearing of land, minimising carbon sinks, etc., in order for the global effects of climate change to be mitigated successfully, there must be sociopolitical will to do so. The agricultural industry can however, implement some of the following to mitigate the impacts of climate change on crop production and hence, food security.

i) Alter sowing dates - earlier planting times to avoid seedlings germinating in excessively hot temperatures.
ii) Adaptive cultivars - selecting cultivars which are better suited to the regional climatic change, or have different growth habits that won’t be as impacted by the change in climate drivers. Slow maturing wheat cultivars have been shown to have a role in assisting in soil management and growing more effectively than faster growing cultivars.
iii) Soil conservation measures / conservation farming: These methods will likely become progressively more crucial as temperatures rise and rainfall varies. Maintaining soil moisture, nutrient and organic content in challenging climatic conditions is vital.


Module 1 - How can Australian consumers be supplied with a wide variety of vegetable crops all year round?


Seasonal changes are a key reason for the diversity of vegetable crops around Australia. Their geographic distribution is utilised with the seasonal shifts in production regions to provide a variety of vegetables around Australia all year around. Seasonal rainfall is a simple example of this, with the northern regions (Northern NSW, SE QLD and northern Australia) being dominant summer rainfall zones (and drier winters), whilst the south is generally winter rainfall (and drier summers). As such, crops that require significant amounts of rainfall / water may be, depending on other climatic tolerance factors, grown in a different region during a different season.


Module 2 - What steps may be required to prepare seed for planting. In what circumstances would they be needed?


The key aims of seed preparation include to produce a seed with a high chance of germination, apply seed dressings where necessary and remove weed seeds. Some steps that are required in seed preparation include:

  • Seed screening - This involves testing the viability of seeds to be able to produce quality plants. This is an important step in seed preparations, prior to the seed being stored / placed in the gene bank.
  • Pelleting - This is generally where unusually shaped or inadequately small seeds are coated with an idle coating that makes them round. In acidic soils, Rhizobium spp. may struggle to survive. Lime pelleting legume seeds after innoculation can greatly assist with their survival.
  • Delinting - This is a mechanical process used on cotton seeds, that removes the fuzzy lint coating on the seeds that are an output from the process of ginning.
  • Chemical / pesticide treatment - These are often applied prior to sowing, to provide the plant with protection until it is able to better withstand pests or disease. This might be used where a crop is particularly susceptible to an insect or disease, such as canola (treated with dimethoate) to protect the seedling against the red-legged earth mite.
  • Inoculation - this is coating the seed with inoculant, adding beneficial bacteria to the seed that allows this bacteria to be present in the soil to assist in symbiosis and nodulation. Legumes are inoculated with rhizobium, for example, which improves their N fixation and ability to make BNF.

Module 5 - Why is prevention better than control for weeds, pests and diseases?


Controlling weeds, pests and diseases once they have a foothold, especially in-crop can be an extremely difficult, cautious and expensive process. As such, prevention is a far better option. The use of effective hygiene measures, such as cleaning down machinery equipment, maintaining strict biosecurity, and preventing contamination through seeds or hay bought onto the property, can be a far cheaper option than control measures. By preventing weeds, pests and diseases from taking hold, crops are given a far more optimal chance of growth, without the risks to health and yield associated with various pests, disease and weed invasions / attacks.

Control measures often involve chemical solutions, which can place the current crop at risk, as well as being an expensive additional input. For weeds, there can be great difficulty in identifying them on a large property. Whilst the use of drones and other technologies can be useful, farmers will likely have to go and physically inspect regions of weeds, and decide on the best measure of removal / treatment. This can be time consuming and costly.


Module 5 - Briefly outline each of the methods for controlling weeds?


i) Non-chemical treatment / mechanical weed control - This involves the use of tillage practices to disturb the weed seedlings and encourages weed seeds to germinate (so that they don’t germinate with the crops). There are a number of different methods of this, with some such as mouldboard ploughing burying the seed deep, whilst the ‘autumn tickle’ regime increases the speed of weed germination by providing it with surface cover, where it can then be destroyed using other control methods.
ii) Chemical control - Herbicides are an effective method of control when used safely. It relies on the correct identification of the target weed species, stage of growth of the weed and using the appropriate and correct chemical for the weed type. This must be done in line with legal requirements around this chemical, which involves following the label and keeping records.
iii) Seed destruction during harvest - this is where the stubble is burnt after harvest to kill weed seeds. It can be very effective, but is also very damaging to soil fertility and structure and as such is very seldom used.
iv) Pulling out - this is a far lower scale measure to temporarily control spot-breakouts of weeds, that involves pulling the weeds out at their source. This can be made difficult depending on the type of weed, their root systems, etc. The only expense here is time / labour.


Module 5 - Briefly outline each of the methods for controlling pests and diseases?


It should be remembered that, as with weeds, prevention is better than a cure, and preventative control mechanisms (such as quarantining) should be attempted or considered to minimise the necessity of curative control.

i) Identify / scout - Whilst insect pests are generally able to be identified with the naked eye, pathogens and other microscopic disease agents (such as viruses and bacteria) may need to be subject to laboratory testing to accurately determine the type of disease and scope of the problem.
ii) Tillage - Soil borne pests and disease may be controlled through this method, but it should be considered against the negative impacts or type of cropping system in place.
iii) Burning - this may be an effective means of control against some organisms, but has numerous unwated effects, such as soil structure degradation and aerial spreading of some spore types.
iv) Hot and cold treatment - temperature is a very useful mechanism for disease control, with both methods of refrigeration and heat soil sterilisation (ie from steam or hot water treatment).
v) Water management - Water prevalence or dampness can create microclimates needed for pests and diseases to flourish. Optimal (or deficit) irrigation may reduce this.
vi) Crop rotation - Creating disease breaks and planting resistant crops or disrupting the cyclic / reproductive patterns of the pest.
vii) Chemical control - this is the use of chemicals (insecticides / fungicides / bactericides, etc) that target specific insect pests and / or microorganisms and kill them. Care must be taken to follow the label and apply only the recommended amount, at the correct stage of crop development (if appropriate to use with crops).
viii) Plant breeding / resistant cultivars - planting cultivars that are (more) resistant to certain pests and diseases has been shown in various industries to be very beneficial. Cotton for example, has utilised Bt technology to help control and minimise the impact of helicover spp.
ix) Biological control - Although there are well known instances of this being poorly understood and used, many insect pests in particular, but also diseases have predators that keep the pest numbers under control. Enhancing the population of the predators is an important control mechanism, but should always be done with understanding of any cascading impacts this might have on other biodiversity or beneficials.


Module 5 - How can the build-up of herbicide resistance be minimised?


i) Herbicide rotation - frequently changing the type or group of herbicide used in a field each year does not allow the weeds time to develop resistance effectively.
ii) Crop rotation - Frequent rotation of crops, and using at least 2 different types of crops per year. The use of non-chemical methods of control can delay the build-up of herbicide resistance.


Module 6 - What are the technical challenges facing peri urban agriculture?


i) Light - the costs of artificial lighting for some peri-urban agriculture that seeks to maximise minimal land space (such as up-building) can be significant. It also requires careful management so as to replicate natural systems and trigger flowing at an optimal time.
ii) Land restraints - being smallholder systems, they are partially defined by a restriction on land space available for growing crops. Maximising this land space without compromising the integrity of the system, soil or landscape is a challenge.
iii) Management of hydroponic systems - This requires a careful management and comprehensive understanding of nutrient requirement and availability. It is quite easy in hydroponic systems to deprive crops of nutrients, as well as to create nutrient toxicity which can be severely detrimental to crop health.


Module 7 - Why is it important to minimise and or mitigate the impacts of crop production on the environment?


The impacts of crop production are important for a number of reasons, including the maintenance of biodiversity, minimising greenhouse gas outputs, preventing the leaching of nutrients into waterways, preventing a rise of groundwater nitrate, etc.

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Module 8 - Define the term “food security”


Food security is a multifaceted terminology, referring to all people always being able to access food that meets their nutritional and dietary standards, and be sustainable. The term should cover individuals social and cultural preferences too, and is a broad, global concept. As part of this global concept, ideally there should be no overabundance in some regions whilst there are chronic shortages in others.


Module 8 - List each of the challenges to achieving and maintaining food security?


There are numerous social, physical, cultural and even spiritual challenges to achieving food security. Some of these include:

  • Rapid human population growth
  • Climate change
  • Biosecurity and quarantining issues
  • Rapid decline of biodiversity
  • Depletion of resources (such as water in some regions)
  • Mineral deficiencies (ie. future phosphorus deficiencies are likely)
  • Population distribution (density in developing countries is rapidly increasing)
  • Trade and socio-political issues (different trade agreements or sanctions have significant impacts on nations food security).

Module 8 - Why is securing biodiversity important for food security?


Agricultural processes (such as land-clearing, nutrient leaching and run-off, etc.) have had significant impacts on biodiversity around the world. Biodiversity is directly important to food security, through a number of factors, such as:

  • Beneficials - organisms such as earthworms act as engineers of the soil, increasing its porosity and reducing bulk density, as well as providing the soil with vital nutrients
  • Pollinators - pollinators such as bees are responsible for aiding the reproduction of a huge number of crops which are vital for food security.
  • Soil nutrient cycling - microorganisms particularly play a crucial role in the biogeochemical cycle of nutrients, essential for optimal growth and yield of plants.
  • Genetic diversity - wild crops are often utilised by researchers and plant breeders to study and ensure genetic diversity. This allows the species to adapt and change with the changing environment and climate. These wild crops are at risk of being lost to climate change and land development / land use.

Richness of biodiversity is crucial to soil health, which in turn, is crucial to achieve a high level of agricultural output. This is necessary to achieve in order to ensure food security.


Module 2 - What are the reasons for tillage?