Agile Flashcards
Iterative Life Cycle
AN approach that allows feedback for unfinished work to improve and modify that work. Includes timeboxes. Manages risks as ideas ar eexplored.
Incremental Life Cycle
An approach that provides finished deliverables that the customer may be able to use immediately. Used for getting frequent feedback.
Iteration Based Agile
Team works on a few features at a time.
Servant Leadership
Practice of leading through service to the team. Address and understand needs of development of team members to ensure highest team performance. Purpose, People, Process. They Facilitate collaboration and remove organizational impediments. In Agile, PM’s are servant leaders that coach people who need help, foster collaboration on he team etc.
What are characteristics of servant leadership?
Promote self awareness
Serving those on the team
Helping people grow
Coaching vs. controlling
Promote Safety, respect trust
Promote energy and intelligence of others
Teams are self-organizing. Agile optimizes flow of value, emphasizes rapid feature delivery to the customer. Teams range frm 3-9 members and are colocated (one space)
a collaborative approach where team members with the necessary skills join forces to complete a task that is proving challenging for a single team member
a software development approach where the whole team works on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, and on the same computer.
Involves two programmers working together at the same workstation. One programmer (called the driver) writes code while the other programmer (called the navigator) reviews code in real time.
What are three agile roles?
Cross functional team members
Product Owner
Team Facilitator
T-Shaped People
Team members that have both focus specialty plus breadth of experience across multiple skills.
Reduces throughput of team’s work and impacts team’s ability to predict delivery. Mistakes are more likely to be made in multitasking.
Fishbowl Window
Set up long-lived video conferencing links between various locations in which team is dispersed. People start link at beginning of workday and close it at the end.
Remote Pairing
Use video conferencing tools to share screens.
Team Charter
How the team members interact with one another. Goal is to create agile environment in which team members can work to their best ability as a team.
When should a retrospective be held?
When team completes a release, when a few weeks have passed since retrospective, when team reaches milestone, when team appears stuck
Is about looking at the qualitative and quantitative data, then using the date to find root causes and developing action plans. Do not have too many action plans - trying to do too many things at once is worse.
Ordered list of all the work, presented in story form for a team.
Product Roadmap is created by who?
Product Owner
Refinement Meetings
Allow product owner to present story ideas to the team and for the team to learn about challenges in the stories.
Daily Standup Meeting
The daily stand-up is a short, daily meeting to discuss progress and identify blockers.
Antipatterns are common solutions to common problems where the solution is ineffective and may result in undesired consequences.
eXtreme Programming
Extreme Programming (XP) is an agile software development framework that aims to produce higher quality software and higher quality of life for the development team.
How to deliver value?
Continuous integration, test at all levels, ATDD, TDD, BDD, Spikes
Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD)
The entire team gets together and discusses the acceptance criteria for work product. Creates tests to allow team to write code.
Test Driven Development and Behavior Driven Development
Helpful for critical technical or functional element. a time-boxed research activity that helps teams make better decisions & deliver better products.
Watermelon project
Project status is green up until 1 month before the release date. Green on outside red on inside.
Burnup CHart
Used to show progress of project. Shows how much work has already been completed.
Burndown Chart
Shows how much work is left to be completed.
Sum of story point sizes for the features completed in the iteration
What measurements does Flow Based Agile use
Lead time (total time it takes to deliver an item) and cycle time (the time required to process and item) and response time
Feature burnup/burndown charts
Show how requirements grew over time
Story Points
Relative unit of measure used to estimate or planning work
How is Cost Performance Index calculated?
CPI = Earned Value / Actual Costs
How is Schedule Performance Index calculated?
SPI = Completed Features / Planned Features
What are the different types of conflict management techniques?
Collaborate/problem solve: incorporate multiple viewpoints. Win Win.
Smooth/Accommodate: Highlight areas of agreement rather than difference.
Compromise/REconciel: Searching for solutions, temporary lose-lose
Force/direct: Win lose situation where one pushes their viewpoint on the other.
Work Performace Reports
Physical or electronic representations of work. Used go generate decision making, raise issues actions ora awareness.
What are four steps to tailoring?
- Select initial approach
- Tailor for organization
- Tailor for project
- Impelemtn ongoing imrpovements
Kanban Board
Tracks progress, showing new approaches as “done”, those as tried as “in progress” those still waiting to be introduced as “To do”
Project Integration Management
Team members determine how plans and components should integrate. Collaborative approach with broad skill base.
Project Scope Management
Agile spends less time on trying to agree on scope at early stage and spends more time establishing the process for its ongoing discovery. Scope is defined and redefined in agile.
Project Schedule Management
Agile uses short cycles to undertake work. Large organizations might use roadmaps.
Project Cost Management
Projects that are uncertain won’t benefit from detailed cost calculations. Instead estimation methods are used.
Project Quality Management
In Agile, retrospectives are used. Small batches of work are used to help uncover quality issues earlier int he project.
Project Resource Management
Resources include specialists in self organizing teams. Collaborative teams also facilitate knowledge sharing.
Project Communications Management
Need tocommunicate evolving changes frequently and quickly. Team colocation helps along with posting project artifacts and holding stakeholder reviews.
Master Services Agreement
A master service agreement (MSA) is a fundamental contract outlining the scope of the relationship between two parties, including terms and conditions for current and future activities and responsibilities.
The essence of Scrum is a self-organizing team delivering customer value in a time-boxed period called a Sprint. Run on timeboxes of 1 month or less with durations called sprints where increments of product are produced. Consists of product owner (maximizes value of product), development team, scrum master (ensures scrum team adheres to practices and rules, coaches team on removing impediments)
Scrum Artifacts
Product backlog
Sprint backlog
eXtreme Programming (XP)
software development method that intends t o improve the results of software projects. Adopt techniques of core values (communication, simplicity, feedback, courage,respect)
XP Practice Areas
Gantt Chart
A Gantt chart helps you visualize the project schedule. It’s a bar chart you can use to understand the various relationships between correlating activities and study their current statuses.
Ishikawa Diagram
Also known as a fishbone diagram, this is a fundamental technique used by project managers to identify the reasons behind any defects, failures, and unsolicited variations. By showing cause and effect, the Ishikawa diagram can help you design better products and prevent potential factors from bringing about mistakes and shortcomings within your project.
Pair Matching
Pair-matching is performed by taking each option and comparing it one by one to all other options, and then voting or ranking which option is the most preferred.
Payback Period
The payback period (PBP) is the time needed to recover a project investment, usually in months or years. The longer the PBP, the greater the risk. Some organizations set a threshold level that requires payback periods to be less than or equal to a certain period of time
Collaboration Point
When estimating benefits and costs, a business analyst may work with a project manager with expertise in preparing estimates. Business analysts should also seek the support of financial analysts within the organization who can assist with the application of the valuation methods against the alternatives.
Net Present Value
The net present value (NPV) is the future value of expected project benefits expressed in the value those benefits have at the time of investment.
PMO Types
PMI talent triangle
Technical project management
Strategic business management
Configuration control
Managing changes to physical characteristics of product
Earned value analysis
Determines cost and schedule performance of projecy
Affinity grouping
Classify items into similar categories based on likeness.
Single point estimating
Involves using data to calculate single value
Net Promoter Score
Willingness of customers to recommend products or services to others