Aggression Flashcards


What you need to know



  • Explanations of aggression:
    • biological, including the role of hormones, brain disease and chromosomal abnormality.
    • psychodynamic, including the frustration-aggression hypothesis.
    • social learning, including modelling, punishment and monitoring.
  • Description and evaluation of studies of the development of aggressive behaviour.
  • Ways of reducing aggression, based on these explanations.
  • Evaluation of these ways of reducing aggression.
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What is Aggression?


The definition of aggression is:

Behaviour aimed at harming others

Aggression is antisocial behaviour: behaviour that harms, or intends to harm. Aggression can be verbal as well as physical and can stem for several different causes.

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What are the 3 theories of aggression?

  • Social learning theory
  • The biological explanation
  • The psychodynamic explanation
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What is the Biological Explanation:


This can mean that Aggression is innate /we are born aggressive or we have a significant biological change such as brain disease

Researchers have looked at the role of [BCH]

  • The Brain
  • Chromosomes
  • Hormones

on aggression and behaviour.

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Definitions brain


LIMBIC SYSTEM - The part of the brain that causes aggressive behaviour

PREFRONTAL CORTEX - The very front of the brain. It’s involved in social and moral behaviours and controls aggression

BRAIN DISEASE - Damage to the brain caused by illness or trauma

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Biological Explanation

The Brain


Aggression is caused by an interaction of different parts of the brain.

Aggression (like other instinctive behaviours) seems to be associated with the LIMBIC SYSTEM. This is the part of the brain that influences things like eating, sexual behaviour and aggression.

The part of the brain that controls these behaviours and STOPS us from being aggressive is the PREFRONTAL CORTEX. This is highly involved in learning. It knows when instinctive behaviour is appropriate or not.

BRAIN DISEASE affecting either the PREFRONTAL CORTEX or the LIMBIC SYSTEM may lead to abnormally high levels of aggression.

So in summary -

LIMBIC SYSTEM - Aggression, eating, sex behaviour. PREFRONTAL COTREX: Involved in learning. Stops inappropriate behaviour. Damage to the

LIMBIC SYSTEM or PREFRONTAL CORTEX = high levels of aggression

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Label the amygdala on a picture of the brain

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Case study Charles Whitman

  • In 1966 Charles Whitman shot his mother and wife and then climbed a clock tower at the university of Texas and shot 12 more people with a high powered rifle.
  • He was killed by Texas Rangers Police.
  • Prior to this he asked for help dealing with overwhelming violent impulses and asked for an autopsy to be carried out after he died to see what was wrong.
  • The autopsy revealed a tumour pressing against his ‘amygdala’ which is part of the limbic system. This is the part of the brain that causes aggressive behaviour.

[more info on his history:]

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Biological explanation of aggression:

Chromosomal abnormality


CHROMOSOMES - The parts of each cell that carry the genetic info from our biological parents

  • Chromosomes are made of DNA and code for why we are the way we are.
  • If there is damage on the chromosomes we may suffer physical or psychological problems.
  • XYY syndrome is an extra Y chromosome on the 23rd pair as it fails to divide.
  • When the 23rd chromosome (the sex chromosome) fails to divide, some men end up with an XYY arrangement. This is called Chromosomal abnormality. It has certain effects including making men more aggressive than normal.
  • Backed up by findings
  • VIOLENT CRIMINALS = higher than normal proportion of men with XYY chromosomes than in wider population
  • However more recent research has shown that it’s not quite this simple. Men with XYY chromosomes have a difficult time in adolescence due to increase likelihood of acne, learning difficulties and delayed language development (could lead to bullying).
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Biological explanation of aggression:



HORMONES are chemicals revealed by our endocrine system that affect how our bodies function and how we behave

  • Men are widely accepted to be more aggressive than females.
  • There are large differences in the hormones of men and women
  • Men have more TESTOSTERONE than women therefore this is thought to be the cause of more aggression in men.
  • This is supported by FINDINGS – violent criminals have more testosterone than non-violent criminals


Men = more aggressive than women

Men = more testosterone than women

CORRELATION: Testosterone – aggression

Backed up by Findings: VIOLENT CRIMINALS = More TESTOSTERONE than non- violent criminals

(Serotonin is another hormone that has been linked to aggression. Researchers have found that lower serotonin levels leads to higher levels of aggression.)

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Psychodynamic Explanation


  • The main focus of this is that aggression is innate, we are born with it.
  • This was proposed by Freud who suggested that we have an unconscious drive that causes aggression.
  • Our aggressive behaviour is caused by an internal force or instinct which he called THANATOS
  • THANATOS - the part of our unconscious that causes our aggressive drive
  • It is this that drives us to self-destruction.
  • This instinct is building all the time creating pressure [remember the saucepan] until sooner or later we cannot control it and it makes us do something aggressive.
  • We protect ourselves from our instinct towards self-destruction by using - EGO DEFENCE MECHANISMS (displacement and sublimation)
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Ego defense mechanisms - Freud


Ego defence mechanisms definition:

Behaviour strategies used by the individual to protect ourselves.

Freud proposed a number of ego-defence mechanisms to cope with the anxiety:

  • Displacement - Transferring negative feelings toward something that will not harm us (i.e. shouting at someone who hasn’t done anything to us when we’re angry about something else)
  • Sublimation - Channelling negative energies into an acceptable activity (i.e. sport – an aggression outlet)
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Dollard frustration-aggression hypothesis

  • Dollard agreed with Freud that we have an aggressive drive building up inside us (Thanatos)
  • but disagreed that it would suddenly spill over into aggressive behaviour for no reason.
  • He said it needs a trigger.
  • He proposed the ‘Frustration-aggression Hypothesis’. This basically means that aggression is caused by frustration. So anyone frustrated will behave aggressively.
  • Can be everyday things that frustrate us - an argument, being late etc.
  • This explanation argues that aggression may be directed onto a target other than the cause of frustration.
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Social Learning Explanation

Explain Imitation

and Vicarious Learning + Reinforcement


The main focus of this is that aggression is learned behaviour.

As we encounter new situations we look to others for guidance of how to behave and we copy it. This is called

IMITATION - copying the behaviour of a model

VICARIOUS LEARNING - learning to imitate by observation (e.g. a young child imitating a role model by swearing)

For children there are lots of new situations so they look to adults for how to behave. We can learn just by watching what others are doing.

VICARIOUS REINFORCEMENT- learning from role models being rewarded or punished.

If children see a role model being reinforced for doing something e.g. being aggressive it creates the expectation that they will be reinforced in the same way. E.g. watching a film in which the hero defeats the villain by hitting him. A child might learn from this that hitting people is a successful way of getting what you want. As a result aggressive behaviour has been learned.

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Social Learning Explanation

* Modelling



a role model provides an example for a child.

Children are more likely to imitate models if they are:

  • similar
  • attractive
  • powerful
  • caring
  • and crucially if they are REINFORCED for doing something (even with negative reinforcement)
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* Explain Punishment

Social Learning Theory


PUNISHMENT - a stimulus that weakens behaviour because it’s unpleasant and we try to avoid it

The implication of children copying what they see is that the punishment can actually have the opposite effect. Parents are role models and children copy them.

If a child is hit by their parent they are more likely to hit others. This means that the parent - the role model - is unintentionally teaching the child aggressive behaviour.

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* Explain Monitoring

Social Learning Theory


MONITORING - judging whether our own behaviour is appropriate or not

People monitor their own behaviour all the time.

Bandura (1963) also found reinforcement can be internal i.e. Pride or self-praise. We judge our own behaviour. So for example if we feel good about acting aggressively we will do it again

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Social Learning theory of aggression


IMITATION - copying the behaviour of a model

VICARIOUS LEARNING - learning to imitate by observation

MODELLING a role model provides an example for a child.

VICARIOUS REINFORCEMENT- learning from role models being rewarded or punished.

MONITORING - judging whether our own behaviour is appropriate or not

PUNISHMENT - a stimulus that weakens behaviour because it’s unpleasant and we try to avoid it

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Biological investigations into the causes of aggression


Initially research into the development of aggression was carried out on animals because of the fact it was impossible to manipulate hormones and explore the brains of Humans.

e.g. _Young et al w_ho studied monkeys

However, science has progressed and developed techniques that allow us to study the human brain directly.

e.g. Raine who studies differences between the brains of murderers and non-murderers. He wanted to know if murderers’ brains functioned differently and if this might be why they’re aggressive.


Young study

Biological investigation


Aim: To see what effect hormones have on aggressive behaviour.

Method: Young injected pregnant rhesus monkeys with testosterone and observed the levels of aggression in their offspring as they matured.

Results: The high levels of testosterone during pregnancy made the females grow up to behave like male monkeys

  • engaged in rough-and-tumble play
  • challenged the males for dominance in their troop.

Conclusion: Testosterone DOES seem to play a vital part in aggressive behaviour.


Young Evaluation



Although an early study, Young’s research does lend support to the theory that hormones play a large part in the development of aggression


It is problematic though to generalise these studies of non-human animals to humans as there are physiological and psychological differences


Raine study

Biological investigations


Aim: To investigate the brains of murderers

Method: Researchers gave 41 murderers in California a PET Scan and compared them with a similar group of non-murderers.

Result: There were some differences, for example activity in the pre frontal cortex of the murderers was lower than in non-murderers.

Conclusion: When the prefrontal cortex (and other parts of the brain) is not working normally, it can lead to people committing violent crimes.

* PET SCAN -a technique to show how the brain is working by imaging it while the patient is carrying out a mental task


Evaluation Raine



This study is highly scientific (for example it is replicable, objective, value-free and standardised).


When the participants of a study are all violent offenders we have to be careful about applying the conclusions to the rest of the population


Psychodynamic / other investigations


The frustration-aggression theory was investigated by Barker. Results indicated that frustration does increase frustration

Freud’s theory of aggression has been much harder to support. However there is some supporting evidence for the aggressive drive theory of aggression from people who had been unable to stop themselves from becoming aggressive

eg Megargee and Mendelsohn

## Footnote **Barker study**
_Aim:_ To see the **effect of frustration** on aggressive behaviour. _Method:_ Children were **kept waiting a long time** before being allowed to **play in a room full of attractive toys**. Their behaviour was then **observed**. _Results:_ The children were **more aggressive and destructive** than other children who had not been frustrated by being kept waiting. _Conclusion:_ Being **frustrated** does lead to an i**ncrease in aggression.**
## Footnote **Barker Evaluation**
* **It's hard to standardise frustration** – What's frustrating to one person may not be for another. * There are **ethical issues** to consider when researching children. Initially denying the children access to the toys might have caused **some distress (**albeit probably minimal). This needs to be balanced out with the benefits of the research. **Debriefing** the children well after the research could have been an important lesson for them.
## Footnote **Mergargee and Mendelsohn study**
_Aim:_ To see if there is a **link** between **aggression** and **personality type.** _Method:_ People who had **committed brutally aggressive crimes** were **interviewed** and given **personality tests**. _Results:_ These criminals seemed to have been **‘over controlled’** and **repressed** their anger until it built up to such an extent that it just **exploded following something really trivial.** _Conclusion:_ If people **do not let their aggressive instinct out** in small amounts from time to time, **the build-up will be so great** that they will not be able to control it. \*REPRESS - keep our emotions under very tight control and not express how we're feeling
## Footnote **Evaluation Megargee and Mendelsohn**
**Strength** * This study **supports Freud's theory of aggression.** * The results to M and Ms study have **intuitive appeal**. We can apply it to our own experiences of holding in anger and then getting triggered by something seemingly trivial **Weakness** * We must remember thought that **people can lie** in **interviews** and **personality tests** * If the participants are **violent offenders** we have to be **careful about applying a conclusion to the rest of the population.** * It's **hard to standardise frustration** – What's frustrating to one person may not be for another.
**Social Learning investigations - intro**
* An i**mportant** piece of research was carried out in 1963 by **Bandura** to see if children would **IMITATE** what they see. He constructed an experiment in a **laboratory** using an adult **ROLE MODEL** and a 'bobo doll' (BOBO DOLL - an inflatable doll of about 1.5 metres tall that is weighted at the bottom. It is designed to jump back up when it is knocked over.) * Further research on social learning explanations for aggression was conducted by **Liebert and Baron** who wanted to know if **watching violent TV affected the aggression of children.** He found that the group who watched the violent programme ***were* more aggressive** and that therefore watching violent TV does increase levels of aggression. * there is **contradictory evidence from Charlton** et al though. They found that there was **no effect**
**Bandura study**
_Aim:_ To see if young children would **imitate aggressive behaviour** they se**e role models performing** towards an inflatable 'bobo' doll _Method:_ Researchers divided **96 children** between the ages of **3 and 6** into **4 groups**, **three of which** were shown an **adult behave aggressively towards (kicking, throwing and punching) a large inflatable doll** _Results:_ the children who had **witnessed the aggressive** behaviour showed **more aggressive** **behaviour** than the children in the group that had seen none _Conclusion:_ **children will copy how they see others behave** - the aggressive bevaviour of role models
**Bandura Evaluation**
**Strengths** * This study does seem to show that **children's aggressive behaviour IS affected by what they see.** * It is a laboratory experiment - all **variables controlled** as much as possible **Weaknesses** * But Lab based research **doesn't reflect what** **happens** **outside** ie if **parents** see aggressive behaviour they **may explain to the child** that it's wrong. After all when a child is young, parents are more influential than other role models * Also arguably **demand characteristics** effected the results. One child was heard saying to her parent: "look Mummy. There's the doll we're supposed to kick." * There is also **contradictory evidence** concering the effect of watching aggressive behaviour. The **St Helena** project found that **observing** more violence **does NOT have any impact on aggressive behaviour** in children.
## Footnote **Liebert and Baron study**
_Aim:_ To see if **watching violent TV programmes** had any **effect on aggressive behaviour in children.** _Method:_ * One group of children was shown a **quite violent TV programme** * Another group of children was shown an **equally exciting sporting event**. * The 2 groups were then **observed** at play _Results:_ The group who had watched the **violent programme** were **more aggressive** than the group who had watched the sporting programme. _Conclusion:_ Watching violence on TV **increases t**he level of **aggression in children’s behaviour.**
**Evaluation Liebert and Baron**
**Strength** Lab based experiment. **Scientific** and **greater control over the variables** **Weaknesses** * There is **contradictory evidence from Charlton** et al about **watching** **TV and Aggression**. They used The **Island of St Helena** to see what affect the i**ntroduction of TV would have on a community** (2 year study) * They found **merely watching aggressive role models was not sufficient** to make a child c**opy aggressive behaviour** * Liebert and Baron conducted a Lab experiment - **low in Ecological Validity in comparison with Charlton's study** which was recorded in their **normal surroundings. We can be fairly confident therefore that their behaviour was natural.**
**Charlton study** **[know this only as part of your evaluation of Liebert and Baron}**
_Aim:_ To see if the **introduction of television** (and therefore **aggressive role models**) to a community **would affect the aggressive behaviour of children** _Method:_ For **two years after** the Island of St. Helena **first received television transmissions**, the **behaviour of the children was monitored** _Results:_ The children **did not show an increase in** **aggressive** behaviour after television was introduced compared to before it was introduced _Conclusion:_ **Merely watching aggressive** **role** **models** **will not be** **sufficient** **to make children copy aggressive behaviour**
**Charlton Evaluation**
_Strength:_ * A positive criticism of this study is that it has **high** **ecological** **validity.** This is because it took place over a **two year period,** and the children's behaviour was recorded in their **normal surroundings**. We can be **fairly confident therefore that their behaviour was so natural** _Weakness:_ There is **contradictory evidence** to this study. Such as that of Bandura and Liebert and Baron which suggests that observing violence **does result in increased aggression** in children
## Footnote **How do we reduce aggression - Biological**
The biological approach believes that since aggressive behaviour is **caused by biological factors, the way to reduce it must be to focus on biology too.** For example: * Surgery * Drugs
**Psychosurgery - the brain** **Biological means of reducing aggression**
**PSYCHOSURGERY:** ***an operation on the brain to remove or destroy the part that is causing abnormal behaviour*** * Method that deals with **brain disease by either removing or destroying parts of the brain that are not working properly.** * This can be done by i**nserting a probe into a precise location** and **heating up the end to kill nerves** * Surgery is usually carried out on the **Limbic system** because research has shown the **limbic** system to be **responsible** **for aggressive behaviour.** * it has been reported as **successfully reducing violent behaviour in patients.** * However it **may affect other functions as well** i.e. the ability to r**ead emotional cues or to understand dangerous situations**. * This is a last resort – **once brain tissue has been destroyed it will not grow back**. This means that if a mistake is made in the operation its **permanent**. This is why this is **not used very often**.
## Footnote **Using Drugs** **Biological means of reducing aggression**
One way of reducing aggression according to the Biological Method is through the **use of drugs.** This is the case with Attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorder **(ADHD):** ADHD = a disorder characterised by short attention span, poor concentration and uncontrollable aggressive outbursts * Part of ADHD is **aggressive behaviour** * ADHD is often controlled by the drug **Ritalin** * It has been found that Ritalin which **stimulates ACTIVITY in the brain** does **reduce aggressive** behaviour caused by ADHD. * This is because when the **PREFRONTAL CORTEX is stimulated** it is **able to control aggressive instincts** caused by the **LIMBIC SYSTEM.** * RITALIN - a drug used to control Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
## Footnote **Evaluation of Biological methods of reducing aggression**
Theory in general: * It is not fully understood **what parts of the brain are involved in aggression or the processes involved** so it’s **difficult to devise treatments** for specific problems. **Drug use – Ritalin for ADHD (through activating the prefrontal cortex)** **Advantages** * Drugs may work in **reducing aggressive behaviour** allowing the patient to have a **more normal life.** * Ritalin for example reduces aggressive behaviour by stimulating the prefrontal cortex which is able to control aggressive instincts caused by the Limbic system **Disadvantages** * These drugs may cause **negative side effects** for example **drowsiness**, inability to concentrate etc. This may lead to **deterioration in other aspects of the person’s social life and health** **Psychosurgery** **Operation on the limbic system** **Advantages** * Psychosurgery has been **successful in reducing aggressive behaviour in very violent people** **Disadvantages** * However, it **may affect other functions as well** i.e. the ability to read **emotional cues** or to understand **dangerous situations.** * Psychosurgery is a v**ery extreme form** **or** **treatment** and raises **major ethical concerns**, for example, a patient's right to **protection from harm** must be carefully balanced with the potential **benefits** of the treatment * This is a l**ast** **resort** – once **brain tissue has been destroyed it will not grow back.** This means that if a mistake is made in the operation it's **permanent.** This is why this is not used very often.
## Footnote **Psychodynamic methods of reducing aggression** **- Freud**
* Freud suggested that we **redirect our aggressive instincts into other activities** using our Ego Defence Mechanisms such as **SUBLIMATION** SUBLIMATION = Channelling negative energies into an ***acceptable / safe****** activity (e.g.sports) *** * According to Freud's theory CATHARSIS can also reduce aggression. CATHARSIS = The process of getting rid of your emotions by ***watching****** other people experiencing emotion*** Freud adopted the idea from playwrights in ancient Greece, that it was a **good thing to watch murders and other unpleasant things** in plays, in order to **'get it out of their system'.** In the modern day, therefore Freud's theory would suggest it is a **good thing to watch violence on** **television** **and films** because it is **cathartic -** it gets **aggressive instincts out of your system**
Frustration-aggression means of reducing aggression
* The Frustration-aggression theory suggests that since it is frustration that causes an outburst of **aggressive behaviour**, the **best way to reduce aggression is to avoid situations that cause frustration**.
## Footnote **Evaluation of Psychodynamic approach of reducing aggression**
**Freud** **Catharsis –** Purging your emotions by watching other people’s emotions * Watching something intense and violent could be a useful outlet * **Contradicted by other evidence** that watching violence can **increase aggression** (social learning theory) **Freud** **Sublimation** - Channelling negative energies into an acceptable activity like a sport will reduce the build up of aggression making it less likely to have an aggressive outburst. * [strength] It seems that people CAN be taught to reduce aggression by **directing it towards a ‘safe object’** * However [weakness] **some research contradicts the benefits of sports on aggression**. E.g. In R. Arms Study participants who watched football and wrestling reported **increased** **feelings of hostility** whereas others watching swimming events didn’t. * [weakness] **Biological research** also shows that sports can **increase** aggression. E.g. if your sports team loses it has been shown that there is a surge of **testosterone** that will cause aggression in men **Dollard** **Reducing frustration** (According to the principles of Dollard's frustration-aggression hypothesis) * [strength] There is some evidence that **being frustrated can lead to aggressive acts. Therefore reducing frustration could reduce aggression** * [weakness] Unfortunately though if the best way to reduce aggression is to avoid frustration this will prove **very difficult in real life because we cannot totally avoid or control frustrating events and circumstances** in our lives
**How do we reduce aggression** **Social Learning methods**
Social Learning theory involves the **use of** **imitation** **of role models** so it would suggest that we: * reduce exposure to aggressive role models, **increase exposure to non-aggressive role models** [MODELLING] * see **aggressive role models being punished for their** **behaviour****.**[PUNISHMENT] This was tested by**Bandura.** * People monitor their behaviour and judge whether what they (and others) are doing is good or bad. SL suggests that it is possible to reduce aggression by **getting people to think differently about** **how** **to behave.** [MONITORING] **Huesman** investigated this theory
**Observing aggressive role models being punished (through Vicarious Reinforcement)** **as a means of reducing aggression** **- Bandura**
_Aim:_ To see if **observing a role model being punished** would **reduce** the chance of aggression being copied _Method:_ Children were shown an **adult model** either * being **punished** * **or reinforced** for acting aggressively _Results:_ Those children who saw the model being **punished** were l**ess aggressive** themselves than those who saw the model reinforced _Conclusion:_ if children see that **aggression brings a punishment, they will not copy it**.
**Monitoring** **as a means of reducing aggression** **Huesman study**
_Aim:_ To see if **teaching children to think more carefully** about what they see would **reduce aggression** _Method:_ 1 group of children were taught to realise that * **what happens on television is not real.** The camera sometimes depicts things that do not happen, * people mostly use **non-violent methods** of resolving problems. * **Compared** with a control group of children who did not receive any training _Results:_ The children who r**eceived training** showed l**ess aggression** than the other group _Conclusion:_ **aggression will be reduced** by making children **think about how they behave** so that r**ole models on television become less influential**
**Evaluation** **Social** **Learning** **methods of reducing aggression**
**General** * Overemphasis on the influence of the environment and experience and **underestimates the biological factors** * Doesn’t allow for the h**uman ability to reason or consider moral issues.** (Think of the effect of the media without this!) * Most of these studies are **carried out in a lab** so can the results really be put in everyday life? (Low Ec Val) **_Modelling_** _- reducing aggressive role models in a child’s life to reduce imitation_ * This would be the **simplest way to reduce aggression** because children readily copy role models e.g. Reducing children’s exposure to media * **It’s unrealistic** that children will n**ever be exposed to aggressive role models** in the society we live in * The **media is sometimes blamed** for providing models for aggressive behaviour but they also provide **non-aggressive models**. E.g. investigation of behaviour of children after watching sesame street showed that the children's helpfulness and sharing behaviour increased. **_Punishment_** _- of role models for aggressive acts so that the child learns to reduce aggression through vicarious reinforcement_ * It does seem from studies such as _Bandura’s_ that if children see that **aggression brings a punishment they will not copy it** * However if the **children** themselves were **reinforced for being aggressive,** they ***all* copied** the aggression they had seen earlier. This suggests that children will **copy anyway if they think they will get away with no punishment** * The **role of punishment i**n reducing aggression is **complex**. An adult using an aggressive method to punished a child i.e. hitting them is modelling aggressive behaviour which children could imitate. **_Monitoring_** _- Providing Explanations and training to children about aggression so that they make more informed choices through_ _self monitoring_ * **People monitor their behaviour** so social learning theory would suggest that it is **possible to reduce aggression by getting people to think differently.** _Huesman_ et al found that aggression was reduced when children were made to **think about how they behave so that role models on TV became less influential** * The problem with **applying this training to real life** (outside the experiment) is that **many parents would have difficulty explaining such psychological ideas to their children**. They may not have the training or the concepts to teach this to children. * Also **parents aren’t always there** when their children watch TV to discuss the programmes afterwards.
All definitions Aggression
AGGRESSION - Behaviour aimed at harming others LIMBIC SYSTEM - The part of the brain that causes aggressive behaviour PREFRONTAL CORTEX - The very front of the brain. IS involved in social and moral behaviours and controls aggression BRAIN DISEASE - Damage to the brain caused by illness or trauma HORMONES - Chemicals revealed by our endocrine system that affect how our bodies function and how we behave CHROMOSOMES - The parts of each cell that carry the genetic info from our biological parents THANATOS - The part of our unconscious that causes our aggressive drive EGO DEFENCE MECHANISMS- Behaviour strategies used by the individual to protect ourselves. PET SCAN -a technique to show how the brain is working by imaging it while the patient is carrying out a mental task REPRESS - keep our emotions under very tight control and not express how we're feeling IMITATION - copying the behaviour of a model VICARIOUS LEARNING - learning to imitate by observation MODELLING a role model provides an example for a child. VICARIOUS REINFORCEMENT- learning from role models being rewarded or punished. MONITORING - judging whether our own behaviour is appropriate or not PUNISHMENT - a stimulus that weakens behaviour because it's unpleasant and we try to avoid it BOBO DOLL - an inflatable doll of about 1.5 metres tall that is weighted at the bottom. It is designed to jump back up when it is knocked over ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER (ADHD) = a disorder characterised by short attention span, poor concentration and uncontrollable aggressive outbursts RITALIN - a drug used to control Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) PSYCHOSURGERY - an operation on the brain to remove or destory the part that is causing abnormal behaviour CATHARSIS - The process of getting rid of your emotions by wathcing other people experiencing emotion SUBLIMATION = Channelling negative energies into an acceptable / safe activity (e.g.sports)