north west reigion in Africa seprates medirtanean coastay region from Sahra Desert
Atlas mountains
Entire width of northern Africa Largest desert in the world few people live here[nomads and traders} sand dunes, rolling hills, camels
Sahara Desert
south of the sahara dry, semi-araid very little rain cutting down trees, overgrazing slowly turning into a desert plants disapeaer, soil drys, and blows away [desertification]
along central coast hot and humid dense forest many animals/birds problem- cutting down trees
Tropical rain forest
close to equator middle of continet vast grass land/ more tropical farming good with rain [wet and dry seasons]
southern Africa surrounded by semi-arid areas becoming dryer [desertification]
Kalahari desert
longest river in the world flows north to south empties into meditreannean
Nile river
west centreal through rain forest beings at lake tangayika ends in alantic
Congo river
3rd largest river in Africa mouth, vast delta oil delta inmportant to petruleum industry
Niger river
one of the largest/ deepest fresh water lake
Lake Tanganyika
Victoria falls one of the largest lakes in the world
Lake Victoria
eastern coast borders indian ocean rich savanna grass lands colonized by brithish in 1800s gained freedom in 1960s
Largest country in Africa south of Egypt southern eastern Africa Nile river flows through one of most unstable countries in Africa today