agex Flashcards
Is the process of transmitting ideas, information, and technologies, from one person to
another with the intent of enhancing/modifying the learner’s knowledge, attitudes,
and/or skills.
Refers to the systematic procedure employed by extension worker in getting the vital
information across the client-learners. It includes everything one does or refrain to do
which causes behavioral changes in the individual learner
Refers to the art and skills of performance. This will involve the use of action or gestures,
changing facial expressions to depict different moods, varying voice, pitch, tempo and
are statements of what clientele will be able to do after the learning
The objectives
Is a “little method”. It is a teaching aid or a tool used to facilitate instruction. It is any
means, usually concrete, used to make the instruction better, meaningful and more
matter is what the extension worker will be presenting and discussing.
The subject
Time given to the extension worker to present subject matter, time of the day or
even the load time to of one to prepare the materials needed for the learning
Time Consideration
Radio, television, print-media fairs, field days, and exhibit
Mass Media
Like lecture, method demonstration meeting, group discussion, field trip, seminarsworkshop, conferences, role-playing, panel
Group Contacts
Farm and home visit, office call, telephone correspondence and result
Individual Contact
between the
extension worker
and clientele
either in the farm
or home of the
Farm and Home
This is a method of
teaching usually
conducted in the
farmer’s field
involving the
cooperation of a
whereby a
An extension
worker can also
make use of
business letters in
this method is the
reverse of both
farm/ home visit
and office call as it
lacks the personal
or face-to-face
contact between
the extension
worker and the
Telephone Calls
this is the reverse
of the farm and
home visit as the
clientele is the one
who goes to the
extension office
and seek for
assistance or
information from
the extension
Office Calls
An interaction between several number of individuals and engage in a
lively exchange of ideas about a specific topic
Is a prepared oral presentation on a given subject by a trainer or a resource person
while the audience is usually passive, i.e. simply taking notes or just listening. A lecture
is basically a means of sharing information the learners need to know. However, it does
not mean that all the sharing done by the trainer during the class period can be termed
as a lecture. The term must be confine used to achieve an instructional objective.
Gathering of the officers and members of an organized group, or a
group of intended clienteles with the extension worker for a definite
Is one if not the oldest teaching methods. This method
emphasizes the principle of “learning by doing”. It is easy to
learn things if the extension worker not only tells “how” but also
“show how” the skills is being done.
Is a planned and guided visit of a group of participants to a specific site or sites for
the purpose of obtaining first-hand information about an organization and its
services / products. It is also regarded as a means of showing. The participants how
people are doing certain livelihood or rural development activities. It allows for
exchange of ideas; it motivates people to adopt some improved practices through
actual observations.
means a meeting whereby a group of advanced
students studying under a professor with which doing original research and all
exchanging results through reports and discussions. In a broader sense, the term
seminar means not only to discuss the result in a meeting, but also to discuss any
activity or part of any activity in a specific purpose.
Is a meeting of individuals, preferably small number usually in a round table situation
who meet for a specific purpose. The key word is “purpose”. A conference can also
be defined as a discussion wherein participants exchange views
a method of adopting roles from real life other than those being played by the person
concerned and understanding the dynamics of those role. “Role fitting and role-taking”
other terms sometimes used to describe this process. The technique of role playing
offers opportunity for practicing skills in “doing” and implementing.
is an activity where a group of three to 10 people meet together to
discuss informally but deliberately a topic of mutual concerns usually
under the guidance of a leader.
Group Discussions
as a term suggests is held to give public recognition to
worthwhile accomplishments of the extension office, farmercooperators and the like
Achievement Days
Is a season-long event conducted in the field wherein the farmers are encouraged to
explore and discover for themselves new technologies/ options in a systematic manner
and to make decisions based on their own learning’s. The FFS was first introduced /
developed in Indonesia as a way of training rice farmers in Integrated Pest Management
(IPM). Since then the concept become popular in many Asian countries involving crops
and other than rice.
Farmers Field School (FFS)