agex Flashcards
Is the process of transmitting ideas, information, and technologies, from one person to
another with the intent of enhancing/modifying the learner’s knowledge, attitudes,
and/or skills.
Refers to the systematic procedure employed by extension worker in getting the vital
information across the client-learners. It includes everything one does or refrain to do
which causes behavioral changes in the individual learner
Refers to the art and skills of performance. This will involve the use of action or gestures,
changing facial expressions to depict different moods, varying voice, pitch, tempo and
are statements of what clientele will be able to do after the learning
The objectives
Is a “little method”. It is a teaching aid or a tool used to facilitate instruction. It is any
means, usually concrete, used to make the instruction better, meaningful and more
matter is what the extension worker will be presenting and discussing.
The subject
Time given to the extension worker to present subject matter, time of the day or
even the load time to of one to prepare the materials needed for the learning
Time Consideration
Radio, television, print-media fairs, field days, and exhibit
Mass Media
Like lecture, method demonstration meeting, group discussion, field trip, seminarsworkshop, conferences, role-playing, panel
Group Contacts
Farm and home visit, office call, telephone correspondence and result
Individual Contact
between the
extension worker
and clientele
either in the farm
or home of the
Farm and Home
This is a method of
teaching usually
conducted in the
farmer’s field
involving the
cooperation of a
whereby a
An extension
worker can also
make use of
business letters in
this method is the
reverse of both
farm/ home visit
and office call as it
lacks the personal
or face-to-face
contact between
the extension
worker and the
Telephone Calls
this is the reverse
of the farm and
home visit as the
clientele is the one
who goes to the
extension office
and seek for
assistance or
information from
the extension
Office Calls
An interaction between several number of individuals and engage in a
lively exchange of ideas about a specific topic
Is a prepared oral presentation on a given subject by a trainer or a resource person
while the audience is usually passive, i.e. simply taking notes or just listening. A lecture
is basically a means of sharing information the learners need to know. However, it does
not mean that all the sharing done by the trainer during the class period can be termed
as a lecture. The term must be confine used to achieve an instructional objective.
Gathering of the officers and members of an organized group, or a
group of intended clienteles with the extension worker for a definite
Is one if not the oldest teaching methods. This method
emphasizes the principle of “learning by doing”. It is easy to
learn things if the extension worker not only tells “how” but also
“show how” the skills is being done.
Is a planned and guided visit of a group of participants to a specific site or sites for
the purpose of obtaining first-hand information about an organization and its
services / products. It is also regarded as a means of showing. The participants how
people are doing certain livelihood or rural development activities. It allows for
exchange of ideas; it motivates people to adopt some improved practices through
actual observations.
means a meeting whereby a group of advanced
students studying under a professor with which doing original research and all
exchanging results through reports and discussions. In a broader sense, the term
seminar means not only to discuss the result in a meeting, but also to discuss any
activity or part of any activity in a specific purpose.
Is a meeting of individuals, preferably small number usually in a round table situation
who meet for a specific purpose. The key word is “purpose”. A conference can also
be defined as a discussion wherein participants exchange views
a method of adopting roles from real life other than those being played by the person
concerned and understanding the dynamics of those role. “Role fitting and role-taking”
other terms sometimes used to describe this process. The technique of role playing
offers opportunity for practicing skills in “doing” and implementing.
is an activity where a group of three to 10 people meet together to
discuss informally but deliberately a topic of mutual concerns usually
under the guidance of a leader.
Group Discussions
as a term suggests is held to give public recognition to
worthwhile accomplishments of the extension office, farmercooperators and the like
Achievement Days
Is a season-long event conducted in the field wherein the farmers are encouraged to
explore and discover for themselves new technologies/ options in a systematic manner
and to make decisions based on their own learning’s. The FFS was first introduced /
developed in Indonesia as a way of training rice farmers in Integrated Pest Management
(IPM). Since then the concept become popular in many Asian countries involving crops
and other than rice.
Farmers Field School (FFS)
is a place where anybody can openly voice their views
and opinions in a discussion-style setting. It might take place in person
or online, and it’s often made to promote conversation and debate
about a certain subject.
Included under the printed
media are the different
publications produced such as
brochures, leaflets, information
bulletins, newspapers, circulars,
wall newspapers, and comics used
to disseminate technologies and
other valuable information’s to
intended clientele.
is a pamphlet or more
than four (4) pages containing
essential information on a
technology package. Essentially,
this is in the popular or layman’s
is a single sheath
printed material containing brief
information on a specific
information that is not necessarily
a step-by-step procedural
instruction to follow but is also
needed by the farmers. The leaflet
may bear on both sides and may
be folded.
thin, unbound book
containing a specific topic; more
detailed than a leaflet.
- consists of up to 20
pages joined at the spine, longer
than a brochure
supplemental to
lectures contain some topics/
important information discussed
in the lecture.
a regularly issued
publication, keeps people abreast
to what is happening in their field
of interest
contains useful
information / instructions about a
specific subject matter; one-page,
continuous publication
generic for
printed material in comics
format; including illustrations and
text; a subtle way of putting a
message wherein a development
message is incorporated in the
-this print material
provides a valuable channel for
transmission of educational
this material is
similar in size and appearance to
posters. One difference though is
that the wall newspaper usually
attempts to communicate more
than one idea and has more
illustrations. Usually, the wall
newspaper is posted at busy and
strategically located bulletin
boards or walls or reading centers,
schools or barangay halls.
is a single sheet printed
material summarizing information
on technology package or
component technology. It bears
illustrations and brief text,
preferably in the audience
dialects. Flyers is used as
reference for further technical
assistance and for use as advance
handout information. A flyer bear
prints only on one side.
is a single sheet visual
containing photographs and
captions to highlight a
recommendation or promote
awareness. The poster is intended
to attract initial attention or
provide constant reminder about
a recommendation or message.
is a semi technical
publication on a package of
technology intended for extension
can be regarded as a public display of technologies, innovations,
products, or even services available to the farmers, fisherfolks, entrepreneurs, in
particular and the public in general.
Purposes of exhibits
➢ Give information
➢ Show how a certain process is done
➢ Encourage participation
➢ Promote innovation/ technology/ product
➢ Give recognition
-Printed or handmade
posters are good campaign
materials. It may be designed to
arouse interest and direct people
to a source of further information
or it may teach a lesson by itself
generally available for extension use
are an ineffective device for actual
extension teaching. Motion pictures
of a general documentary nature and
therefore, used mainly to attract
attention, arouse interest and to
The machine usually operates by
electricity. Colored slides can be made
up for the local area showing familiar
scenes, faces, and the same time,
teaching a new practice. Accompanied
by a lecture the slides are very
Nothing more than a
piece of flannel cloth stretched over a
flat smooth wood surface.
Sometimes used
by posting in a prominent place a
news sheet done in a large print.
This may give current agricultural
news, announce the meetings or
other farm events.
handled much the
same as wall newspaper
except that is more variable in
its presentations. Photograph
of some extension work of
local interest can be shown,
and local announcement of
various nature will appear on
the board
the real things
which have been removed
as units form their natural
visual symbols made
up of lines and geometric forms
from which pictorial elements is
absent e.g. diagram of the root
system of a plant, floor plan of
the house, direction for
assembling a collapsible
They are real things but
differ from objects in the sense that
specimens may be a small part
segment, piece or sample of the
whole that have been treated and
mounted in some special way in order
to preserve it
recognizable threedimensional replicas of real
are the tools of teaching through the sense of sight. They are supporting
materials & they alone cannot generate learning. They should be considered only a tool
that helps to do a job in a better way. Visual aids are of different types. The following
are the more commonly used ones
A good poster creates awareness &
interest among the people. It inspires & takes
people towards action. It consists of 3 main
parts. The first usually announces the purpose
or the approach, the second sets out
conditions, & the third recommends action. A
poster should be bold enough to attract
attention of the people & should communicate
only one idea at a time. It should have simple
letters which are clear & forceful. The size of a
poster should not be less than50*75 cm.
Common types OF CHARTS
- Organizational charts
- Flow charts
- Pie charts
- Line charts
- Pictorial graphs
- Trend charts
- Combination
visual symbols used forsummarizing, comparing and contrasting, and
explaining a subjectmatter.
Local cultural
programs, such as folk-songs & dramas,
are used as an effective medium of
communicating the message of
development programs. Dramatization
of a theme or story creates a lively
interest among the audience. Folksongs & dances related to the subjects
of local interest & importance, when
acted on the stage, bring them home
more forcefully
They provide a
writing & drawing surface for chalk.
They are usually used in schools,
colleges & meeting places. They
make possible the use of sketches,
drawings, words, symbols of a
combination of them to emphasize
a point. Blackboards are most
useful in group- teaching methods.
They are a very simple visual
aid. Good photographs show some action
& catch the feelings & emotions of the
people. They are so arranged that they tell
a story. They are displayed on a bulletinboard at a common meeting-place where a
large number of people can see them.
They should be clear & bold in
composition with proper captions.
can serve the purpose of making
announcements, displaying events
of short duration & photographs
of local activities. The information
should be written in simple
create a sense of
realization in a person. Models of new
farm equipment, compost pits &
sanitation devices & animals are mostly
prepared for those people who are not
in a position to see them in the actual
form. They are used to create interest,
promote understanding & influence
the people to adopt a certain practice.
They are a series of blackand-white or colored pictures depicting a
single idea, & instead of being individually
mounted are printed on a single length of
strip of 35-mm film. Such strips can be
shown to an audience of about a 100
people. The additional advantage in using
the film-strips is that the film can be
stopped anytime during the show to
explain or discuss a difficult or interesting
is a transparent picture or
photograph in an individual mount. For viewing
the image, the picture is projected through a
slide-projector which brings the enlarged image
into focus on a screen.
are very popular &
especially suitable for village situations.
Puppet shows can be effectively organized to
gather the rural people. For a puppet show, a
short story, brief scenes & quick dialogues are
necessary. Such shows can teach a lesson
about health, literacy, agriculture. Or homemaking.
are a set of
small compact cards approximately 30
to 45 cm. In size, & are used to bring
home an idea, such as the cultivation
of hybrid maize, compost-making &
other practices. Pictures on the theme
are drawn on these cards in a logical
sequence which are flashed before the
audience. Upon seeing them, the
villagers are able to follow a story more