Agents and Environments Flashcards
What does an agent do?
perceives its environment through sensors and acts upon it through actuators
What is a rational agent?
Acting rationally
- Chooses actions to maximize the expected utility using logical reasoning
- Rational to explore and learn
What is a Turing Test?
Acting humanly
A computer and human are asked questions to determine which is human. If the computer is indistinguishable from the human, it passes the Turing Test.
What is cognitive modeling?
Thinking humanly
Simulating human problem-solving and mental processing in a computerized model
What is formal logic?
Thinking rationally
The validation behind the thought in artificial intelligence
What is the gorilla problem
It is not obvious that we can control machines that are more intelligent than us.
What are the environment types for different agent designs?
- Fully/partially observable = agent requires memory
- Discrete/continuous = agent may not be able to enumerate all states
- Stochastic/deterministic = agent may have to prepare for contingencies
- Single-agent/multi-agent = agent may need to behave randomly
What is a reflex agent?
Chooses actions based on current percept
May have memory or a model of the world’s current state
Do NOT consider the future consequences of their actions
They can be rational
What is a planning agent?
Ask “what if”
Decisions are based on consequences of actions
Must have a model of how the world evolves in response to actions
Considers how the world WOULD BE
Optimal vs. complete planning
Optimal planning gives the best solution to a given problem
Complete planning considers a problem once all possible solutions are explored
What are the parts of a search problem and solution?
Search problems consist of: a state space, successor function (with actions, costs), start state, and goal test
Solution is a sequence of actions (a plan) which transforms the start state to a goal state
What is Depth-First Search?
Expand the deepest node first (fringe is LIFO stack)
Not optimal
What is Breadth-First Search?
Expand the shallowest node first (fringe is FIFO queue)
Optimal only if costs are all 1
When will BFS outperform DFS?
On sparse graphs with low branching factors, where DFS can get stuck following long, irrelevant chains.
When will DFS outperform BFS?
On thickly connected graphs with high branching factors, because BFS experiences an exponential blowup in nodes expanded as the branching factor increases.