Agents Flashcards
What is a rational agent?
An entity that exits and perceives its environment and acts according to some rules to achieve its goals.
What is an agent?
- Exists in an environment
- Perceives the environment
- Makes actions if a set of conditions are met
What is a caveat?
Computational limitations preventing us from designing perfect programs.
What action does a rational agent chose?
Whichever action maximises the expected value of the performance measure given the percept sequence
How much does Pear love me?
A LOT!!!!
What might a a Percept not supply?
All relevant information
Why are rational agents not omniscient?
Percept may not supply all relevant information.
Why are rational agents not clairvoyant?
Action outcomes may not be as expected or produce the intended result.
Why are rational agents not always successful?
- Percept may not supply all the relevant information
- Action outcomes many not be as expected or produce the intended result
What is the proposed definition of rationality a combination of?
- Information gathering
- Learning from precepts
- Agent autonomy
What is agent autonomy?
Compensating/fix errors for incorrect prior knowledge.
What does PEAS stand for when designing rational agents?
- Performance Measure
- Environment(s)
- Actuators
- Sensors
What are actuators?
Triggered actions as a result of an input.
What is a full observable environments?
An environment in which sensors can detect all aspects that are relevant to the choice of action.
What are the types of environments?
- Simplest environment
- Real situations (realistic)
What are simplest environments?
- Fully observable
- Deterministic
- Episodic
- Static
- Discrete
- Single-agent
What are real situation (realistic environments)?
- Partially observable
- Stochastics (random)
- Sequential
- Dynamic
- Continuous
- Multi-agent
What are the different types of agents?
- Reflex agents
- Reflex with state agent
- Goal-based agent
- Utility-based agent
What is the skeleton of an agent?
Input - current precepts
Output - action
Program - manipulating the input to create the output.
What are simple reflex agents?
Agent that selects actions based on the current precept. Implemented through condition-action rules (if-then).
What is the disadvantage of simple reflex agents?
There’s a large reduction in possible percept/actions situations.
What is reflex agents with state?
Agents that maintain an internal state. Over time updates state using world knowledge of how the world changes and how actions affect the world.
What type of environments do reflex agents with state aim to tackle?
Partially observable environments.
What are goal-based agents?
Agents that pick actions that will best fulfil a goal (provided by humans). Future effect is taken into account.