Agency, Partnership and Corps Flashcards
What are the two key requirements for an agency relationship?
- Consent by both the principal and the agent that the agent will act for the principal’s benefit. 2. The agent is subject to the principal’s control.
How can authority to act for the principal terminate?
Authority can terminate through various means, including the principal manifesting a desire to discontinue the relationship.
What binds a principal on a contract entered into by an agent?
The principal is bound if the agent had authority to enter into the contract.
What are the two types of authority tested in Agency and Partnership questions?
Actual authority and apparent authority.
Define actual authority.
Actual authority can be express or implied, where the agent is expressly given authority or believes it has authority based on the principal’s conduct.
What is implied authority?
Implied authority is present when the principal’s conduct leads the agent to believe it has authority.
What are the elements of apparent authority?
- The person dealing with the agent must have a reasonable belief in the agent’s authority. 2. The belief must be generated by some act or neglect on the part of the principal.
What is ratification in the context of agency?
Ratification occurs when a principal affirms or accepts the benefit of an agent’s unauthorized acts, provided the principal knew the material facts and had capacity.
True or False: An agent is bound to a third party on a contract if the agent had no actual or apparent authority.
What is vicarious liability?
Vicarious liability refers to a principal being liable for the torts committed by their agent while acting within the scope of employment.
What are the conditions under which an employer is liable for an agent’s torts?
- Acting in the scope of employment. 2. Minor deviation from employment. 3. Intentional tort for the principal’s benefit or authorized by the principal.
What is indemnification in agency law?
Indemnification allows a principal to recover against an agent for actions taken beyond their authority.
What are the principal’s direct liabilities?
The principal is directly liable for their own negligence in hiring, failing to fire, or failing to supervise the agent.
What duties does an agent owe to the principal?
The agent owes a duty of care and a duty of loyalty.
What is the presumption created by profit sharing in a partnership?
Profit sharing creates a presumption that a person is a partner unless the profits were received in payment of a debt, rent, wages, etc.
True or False: A partner is entitled to separate payment for services rendered.
What is required for extraordinary matters in a partnership?
Extraordinary matters require a unanimous vote.
What is the liability of partners in a general partnership for partnership debts?
Partners are jointly and severally liable for partnership debts.
What fiduciary duties do partners owe each other?
Partners owe the duty of loyalty, duty of care, and duty to account.
What does dissolution of a partnership entail?
Dissolution is a change in the relation of the partners, but does not end the partnership until winding up is complete.
What is the process following the dissolution of a partnership?
- Dissociation. 2. Winding up. 3. Termination.
Fill in the blank: A partnership is the association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners, a business for _______.