Ageing Flashcards
Ageing - Def
= the period of the lifespan characterized by a failure to maintain homeostasis under conditions of physiological stress.
Life span at birth for female?
Life span at birth for male?
Theories of ageing
- Immunologic: diminishing effect of the immune system.
- Cellular and transcription theory: limited ability to repair cells
- Atmosphere: effect of UV light + activate the chemicals to cause cellular damage leading to ageing.
Biological & physiological theories of ageing
- Wear & tear theory
- Autoimmunity theory
- Free radical theory
- Programmed (cellular) theory
- Somatic mutation theory
- Homeostatic theory
! Characteristics of disease in old age
- Rapid worsening and complications are common.
- Multiple causes: one problem with many causes ➤ treat all the causes.
- Variable presentation of disease ➤ Common presentations include: incontinence, falls, dementia and confusion ➤ Virtually any disease may present with these.
- More time is required for recovery ➤ due to impairment in homeostatic mechanism and loss of physiological reserve.
- Impaired metabolism and excretion of drugs: doses may need lowering to avoid side effects
- Social factors: are important for quick recovery.
- Multiple pathology: Ex: senile cataract + arthritis = falls
Examples of questions to ask in the Hx
- Obtain home details ➤ stairs, access to toilet
- Medication ➤ What? When?
- Social input ➤ regular visitors
- Type of care
- Speak to others ➤ relatives, neighbours, GP
- Plan and get involved in a care plan.
Geriatric assessment
- Measurement of the knee height.
- Nutrition ➤ Body mass index, Height calculation, Weight loss, Oral hygiene & dentition
- Hydration ➤ Skin tumour, Oedema
- Pulse ➤ Atrial fibrillation
- Erect and supine blood pressure. ➤ Postural hypotension
- Hearing ➤ Wax, Hearing aid
- Vision ➤ Visual acuity, Glasses, Cataract
- Cognitive function ➤ Abbreviated mental test
- Muscles ➤ Wasting, Strength
- Per rectum ➤ Faecal impaction, Prostate, Size, Consistency, Anal tone
- Skin ➤ Wounds, Ulcer, Infection, Swelling
- Joints ➤ Deformity, Pain, Swelling, ROM
- Gait and balance ➤ Get up and go test
Abbreviated mental test
- What is the time?
- What year is it?
- What is the name of the place …?
- How old are you?
- What is your date of birth?
- Please memorise the following address- 6 Netherhall gardens
- When did first world war begin?
- Who is the present monarch?
- Please count backward from 20 to 1?
- Can you recognise 2 people?
- Can you tell me the address I asked you to memorise a few minutes ago?
CNS - Changes with ageing & clinical consequences
- Neuronal loss
- Cochlear degeneration
- Increased lens rigidity
- Lens opacification
- Anterior horn cell loss
- Dorsal column loss
- Slowed reaction time
Clinical consequences:
- Increased risk of delirium
- Presbycusis / loss of high tone hearing
- Presbyopia / abnormal near vision
- Cataract
- Muscle weakness & wasting
- Reduced position and vibration sense
- Increased postural instability (falls)
Respiratory system - Changes with ageing & clinical consequences
- Reduced lung elasticity and alveolar support
- Increased chest wall rigidity
- Increased V/Q mismatch
- Decline in alveolar surface area (O2)
- Reduced cough and ciliary function
Clinical consequences:
- Reduced vital capacity and peak expiratory flow
- Increased residual volume
- Reduced inspiratory reserve volume
- Reduced arterial O2 saturation
- Increased risk of infection
CVS - Changes with ageing & clinical consequences
- Reduced maximum heart rate
- Dilation of aorta
- Reduced elasticity of conduit / capacitance vessels/aorta
- Reduced number of pacing myocytes in sinoatrial node
- Reduce exercise tolerance
- Widened aortic arch on x-ray
- Widened pulse pressure + postural hypotension
- Risk of atrial fibrillation
Renal system - Changes with ageing & clinical consequences
- Loss of nephrons
- Reduced glomerular filtration rate
- Reduced tubular function
Clinical consequences: 1. Impaired fluid balance 2. Risk of dehydration and fluid overload 3. Impaired drug metabolism and excretion Others: 4. Bladder capacity reduced 5. Change in pelvic support 6. Prostate enlargement 7. Urinary incontinence
Skin - Changes with ageing & clinical consequences
- Thing and sparseness of hair
- Hair follicles produce less melanin
- Capillary fragility of skin
- Atrophy of sweat glands
- Decreased response to pain and sensation
Clinical consequences:
- Baldness
- Greying
- Pressure sore
- Temperature regulation issues
GI system - Changes with ageing & clinical consequences
1. Reduced motility
1. Constipation
Bones - Changes with ageing & clinical consequences
1. Reduced bone mineral density
1. Increased risk of osteoporosis
Endocrine system - Changes with ageing & clinical consequences
1. Deterioration in pancreatic B-cell function
1. Increased risk of impaired glucose
Clinical concerns in old age - examples of conditions
- Dementia
- Delirium
- Incontinence
- Falls
- Hypothermia
- Postural hypotension
- Stroke
Other less common conditions: o Infection o Heart failure o Diabetes mellitus o Anaemia o Hypertension o Painful joints o Bone diseases o Atrial fibrillation o Dizziness & black out o Peptic ulceration o Immobility