What was the main reason Europeans began exploring?
The main reason they explored was to expand and find trade routes to India. To gain riches they needed to find new sources of gold and silver. They “needed” spices and silks. The Mongolian Empire fell from war, so this made the normal trade routes more dangerous.
What was the reason for the distruption of trade routes?
The Mongolian Empire fell. This ment that it was more dangerous along the regular trade routes because of raiders.
What goods were Europeans receiving from the east?
Europeans were recieving gold, silver, spices, and silk.
What did the Europeans need gold and silver for?
The Europeans needed gold and silver to manufacture money, jewlery, and other material items.
What was the reasoning for spreading Christianity?
In the bible there are passages that direct Christians to spread the word of god. Christains believed it was their duty to go and spread the word of God and convert people.
Who was Prince Henry and what did he do?
Prince Henry felt threatened by the Muslims so he set out to find Presor John, who was a mythical person who would help rid the Muslims from Europe.
How do Christian Europeans feel about Muslims and other cultures?
Christian Europeans were not fond of other cultures and felt they were superior. Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain launched a “reconquista” to convert of expel Muslims and Jews from Spain.
What is 🧭 used for?
The compass is used to find what direction you are travelling. This was likely to have been invented in China and was used by Muslim explorers on their ships.
What is the astrolabe used for?
The astrolabe uses the location of the North Star to calculate longitude.
What are the cross-staff and back-staff?🪄
The cross-staff uses the pole star to determine latitude. The back-staff was made as an improvement to the cross-staff and uses the sun’s altitude to determine latitude.
Which were the first countries to become involved in organized exploration. Where did they go?
Spain and Portugal were major explorers. Columbus sailed for Spain and sailed to the Caribbean. Dias and Vaso sailed south around Africa to get to India. Vaso de Gamma made it to India. Dias got mutined on his way to India.
Who was Ferdinand Magellan?
Magellan was the first to circumnavigate the globe. He was killed in a local skirmish in the Phillipines.
What is the Treaty of Tordesilla?
The Treaty of Tordesilla was where the pope decided that Spain and Portugal should split the world in two, and each would het half. The English were upset by this and becan interceppting Spanish ships and stealing the gold/goods returning from North America.
How did Europeans view the Indigenous people of South America and the Caribbean?
Europeans thought that they were supirior to these cultures. It is estimated that 90 million Indigenous died on contact.
What was Bartolome de Las Casas known for?
De Las Casas travelled to spain to appeal on the behalf of the Indigenous peoples.
What was the terrible cost of Imperialism?
The cost of imperialism was the lost of indigenous land rights. 90 million Indigenous were estimated to have died. Because Indigenous peoples had no immunity, deseases spread very quickly and almost wiped out the population.