Age Of Empire Flashcards
Post war foreign policy
Uphold Monroe doctrine
Ante-Bellum foreign policy
Isolation from Europe
Uphold the Monroe doctrine
Factors that encouraged imperialism
Economics-comp. for markets
Yellow press-William R. Hearst Joseph pulitzer
Social darwinism
Captain Alfred Mahan- navy was source of power
White mans burden
More advanced countries have a responsibility to help the not as advanced countries
In 1867 USA acquires Alaska from who?
What was Hawaii’s big crop and who was their biggest buyer?
Sugar and america
Who where the first people to go to Hawaii?
Creating a empire or rule by an emperor
How did the McKinley tariff of 1890 affect Hawaii
It put a high tax on sugar which hurt their economy
Who was the first president of the republic of Hawaii
Lauren Thurston
Pan-American conference
Purpose: to increase our force in Latin America and trade agreements
What was the problem in Venezuela in 1895
Gold had been discovered and both Guiana and venezuela claimed it
US is afraid Britain will use force to take it so we arbitrate. After this Britain starts trying to repair relations we US and view Germany as a bigger threat then America
What was the spanish American war fought over
What did cuba farm? And who was their largest customer?
Sugar and US was their biggest customer
what does the tariff of 1894 do
Puts a tax on Cuban sugar which leads to a rebellion in cuba
Who did Spain send to be governor of Cuba and restore order?
Valeriano Weyler and the yellow press nickname him the “butcher”
What sparks the Spanish America war
The explosion of the uss Maine because everyone thought the Spanish did it
What is the teller amendment
Says that cuba must be free and gives the president the authority to use force to keep it free and there is a promise for america to not annex Cuba to the US
Who is Emilio Aquando
Spanish revolt leader who helps the US In the Spanish American war
Who was William shafter
He was in charge of the war in Cuba
Who was 1st and 2nd in command of the rough riders
1st- Leonard wood
2nd- Theodore Roosevelt
The battle of el caney was where?
San Juan hill and kettle hill
Treaty of Paris of 1899
Ends the war
Cuba is free
United states gets the Philippines Guam and puerto Rico
Positive results of the war
Helped to heal the wounds between the North and the south
US becomes a world power in the far east
Negative results of the war
The constitutional question came up “does the constitution apply to the colonies/territories”
The insular cases said no
In Cuba we add the platt amendment to their constitution, what does it do?
It says that cuba could do nothing to threaten their independence and the US had the right to intervene and maintain the peace in Cuba and they had to provide US with military bases
Why is their a rebellion in the philippines and who leads it?
Because they thought they would be free like Cuba, Emilio Aquanaldo lead it
What was the purpose of the Hague conference and who hosted it?
Purpose: to encourage military reduction
Tsar Nicholas the 2nd of Russia hosted it
Through this they did create a permanent court of arbitration
What was the open door policy
John hay proposed it
Purpose: guarantee americas access to Chinese markets and guarantee the independence of china
What was the goal of the boxer rebellion
To drive out all of the foreigners of china
What does TR mean when he says “ speak softly and carry a big stick and you’ll go far”
He is talking about having a big and mighty navy
Reasons for panama canal
Hay-pauncefote treaty
The British surrender the rights to build the canal to the US
Now all we need is Colombia’s permission
Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe doctrine
The us has a moral mandate to force the latin American countries to pay their debts
Who kidnaps Ian Perdicaris in morocco
Russo-japanese war
Between Russia and Japan
They are fighting over Manchuria and Korea
Portsmouth peace conference
Russia and Japan end the war and find peace
TR gets the noble peace prize because of this
After the US and Japan become rivals in the Pacific
1905 Taft Katsura agreement
The us recognizes Japan’s ownership of Korea and japan recognizes we control the Philippines
1907 gentlemen’s agreement
Limits the amount of Japan’s who can immigrate to the US
1908 root Takahira agreement
Japan recognizes the open door policy in china