Define ‘age of criminal responsibility’.
From ten years of age, a person can be prosecuted for committing an offence. This is considered the ‘age of criminal responsibility’ when the offender knows the difference between right and wrong.
At what age does an individual gain criminal responsibility?
At 10 years of age, unless there are defences against the criminal charges.
( Innocence
Self defence
Mistake of fact
What is the age of criminal responsibility in NSW?
10 years old.
What is ‘doli incapax’?
A Latin term meaning ‘incapable of wrong’ (i.e. of criminal intent); the presumption that children under a certain age cannot be held legally responsible for their actions and so cannot be guilty of an offence.
What happened with the United Nations in 1989?
In 1989, the United Nations established a treaty on children’s rights known as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). (Aka CROC)
What did the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Child (CROC) include?
Many aims and requirements for the treatment of children, including certain rights for children under criminal law. Particularly, Article 40 (3)(a) of:
the convention encouraged the establishment in all countries/laws of a ‘minimum age below which children shall be presumed not to have the capacity to infringe the penal law’.