Age Of Chaucer Flashcards
What is the Anglo Saxon period in English literature?
410 CE to 1066 CE
Three famous poems from the Anglo Saxon period that offered integral insights?
-The ruin
-The battle of Maldon
Three primary poets who have written old English poems.
In which year did the Norman conquest England?
When was the battle of hasting fought?
14th October
The battle of hasting was fought between?
Norman army of Duke William and England army under King Harold.
Name 5 famous works of chaucer.
The Canterbury tales
The legend of good women
The house of fame
The parliament of fowls
The legend of good woman
What is the rhyme scheme of rhyme royal stanza?
Who was the king of England at the start of the Norman conquest of England?
William the confessor
During the regime of which monarch did chaucer live?
Richard II
Edward III
Henry IV
Chauser found his native tongue a dialect and left it a language. Who said this?
J L lowes
“With chaucer is born a real poetry” who holds the view?
Matthew Arnold
Which of the chaucer tales is a prose?
The Parson’s tale
What were the social groups or estates in the Canterbury tales?
One of the most flexible metres,…………. is a 5 foot line?
Who known as the chaucer of Scotland
William dunbar
Poem is known to be the first attempt in English to use the heroic couplet?
The legend of good woman
In which of the Chaucer work is the influence of Dante divine comedy apparent?
The house of fame
Which Canterbury pilgrim carries a brooch inscribed with the Latin word “love conquers all”?
House of fame is based on…… Form?
Dream vision
The poem Troilus and crideyde is based on the work of……..
The parliament of fowls was written to celebrate…….. second wedding
King Richard
…………… The longest tale in the Canterbury tales?
The knight tale
About……….. Lines are in The Canterbury tales?
………….poem is a story of the son of the ‘Trojan king priam’
Troilus and crideyde
…………… Is the longest and finest poem of chaucers Italian period?
Troilus and criseyde
……….. Hints that the grant of chaucer might not have been paid?
The complaint of Chaucer to this purse
Who translated Roman de la Rose into English?
Which Chausar works which is an allegory on the death of Blanche the wife of the patron?
The book of Duchess
Initially how many stories each were to be told by the pilgrims in The Canterbury tales?
Two stories
Which chauserian text parodies Dante divine comedy?
The House of fame
Which rhetorical pattern has been used by chaucer in the prolog of The Canterbury tales?
10 syllabic lines
Which tail In The Canterbury tale uses the tradition of beast fable?
The nun’s priest’s tale
Which of the following Poem is hector a character?
Troilus and criseyde
In chaucers The Canterbury tales to which shrine are the pilgrims going?
Shrine of St. Thomas at Canterbury
Which of the following is the first book of chaucer to be published?
The book of the duchess
“The life so short, the craft so long to learn”who said this?
Geoffrey Chaucer
From which tale in chaucer Canterbury tales have these lines been taken?
“God send the best of fortune so I pray, on whomsoever is last to pour the liquor.”
The parson’s tale
The reference to Malvern hills in which of the following works?
Piers the plowman
How many canto are there in langland’s piers the plowman
Who is the author of ‘A treaties on the Astrolable’?
Piers plowman is written in sympathy with the?
In which era was Piers plowman written?
The late middle age
In which language was the poem Piers plowman written?
Middle English
Which type of Verse is Piers plowman?
Alliteration verse
On one hot day of harvest when I had my health
And limbs fit for labour but lazed instead,
Doing nothing but drink and dream and doze
And traipse about thinking.
Above lines have been taken from which text?
Piers plowman
Confessions amantis is written by?
John gower
Confession amantis written by Gower is based on?
Which poem by John Grover runs to a some 33,000 lines?
Confession amantis
All christian life is to be measured by scripture; by every word thereof. Who said this?
Who is known as the morning star of reformation
In which year did Wycliffe translated the Bible into English?
The translation of the Bible was carried out by Nicholas of Hereford and?
Which of the following has been written by the poet pearl poet?
Sir Gawaim and the green knight
Identify the poet from the following who was known for Bruce, the supreme National poem of Scotland