AG HUG Flashcards
human geography
the study of the location of people and activities across Earth and the reason for their distributions
relationships among people and objects in space
the environment may limit some human activies but people can adjust
environmental determinism
how physical environment causes social development
cultural ecology
how humans and the environment interact
a group’s cultural features are altered to resemble those of another group
the process of changes in culture that result from the meeting of 2 groups
formal region
everyone shares in common one or more distinictive characteristics
functional region
focused around a node or focal point
vernacular region
a place that is believed to exist because of their cultural identity
portion of Earth’s surface occupied by human settlement
natural increase rate crude birth rate crude death rate total fertility rate infant mortality rate
stage 1
low growth, high CBR, high CDR
stage 2
high growth, high CBR, low CDR
stage 3
moderate growth, lower CBR, low CDR
stage 4
low growth, very low CBR, even lower CDR
stage 5
declining growth, low CBR, high CDR
the branch of medical science concerned with the incidence, distribution, and control of diseases that are prevalent among a population at a specific time and are produced but unique
industrial led what countries into stage 2
North America and Europe
medical revolution led what countries into stage 2
Asia, Latin America, and Africa
Dr. John Snow
medical geography, helped cure London’s Cholera by observing where people died
general term for all types of movement
short term, repetitve, or cyclical movements
Zelinsky’s Migrant Transition Model
- high daily or seasonal migration
- internation and interregional migration is rural to urban
- internation migration to countries in stage 3 and 4
money that is sent back to source countries of working migrants
brain drain
people who are the smartest that are leaving a country
a person been forced to migrate to another country to aviod the effects
asylum seeker
someone who has migrated that wants to get refugee status
material culture
food, shelter, clothing
the environmental factors that affect a crops characteristics
is a collection of languages related through a common ancestral language that existed several thousand years ago
institutional language
used in work, education, mass media, and government
2 largest language famileis
Indo European and Sino Tibetan
english is
indo european
Nomadic Warrior Thesis
proposed by M Gimbutas; Kurgan people who lived on the steppes; domesticated animals and wanted more land for their cows and horses
Sedentary Farmer Thesis
proposed by C Renfrew, trading food and agricultural technology lead to diffusion; lived in Anatolia
universalizing religions…
Christianity, Buddhism, Islam
Ethnic Religions…
Hinduism and Judiasm
religion rbanch
large fundamental division
religion denomination
united local congregations into a single legal and administrative body
religious sects
small groups broken off from a denomination
religion still dominant in the homeland of its foudner…
autonomous religions
self-sufficient, limited interaction between religions
set of religious belifs concerning the origins of the universe
Christians, Muslims, and Jews, burial practice…
2 largest hispanic groups trace their origins to…
Mexico and Puerto Rice
Plessy VS Ferguson
separate but equal doctrine
de jure
Brown VS Board of Education
stating segregation violated “Equal Protection clause”
repealed Plessy VS Ferguson and Separate but Equal Doctrine