ag flash cards
north west region seperates the mediterainean sea and the great sahara desert
atlis mountin range
north entire width of northern africa largest desert in the world few people live there the ones who do are traders and nomads there are sand dunes and rolling rocky hills animal- camels
south of the sahara dry semi-arid region, vary little rain cutting down trees and over grazing is making it posible that the sahel might become a plan desert. as the plants disappear the soil drys up and blows away
along the central coast hot adn humid climite- wet air vary dense many diffrent types of animals and birds trees here are also being cut down to use for oil.
tropical rain forest
middle of the contedent close to the equater region vast grass lnds, more tropical when it rains farming is good the soil is moist animal-lions
south africa surounded by semi arib areas becoming dryer
kalihare desert
largest river in the world flows south to northand emptys in the mediterainean
nile river
west central africa begins at lake tanganyca and emptys into the atlantic
congo river
3d largest river in africa
niger river
home to the victorian falls
lake victoria
on of the deepest lakes in the world
lake tanganyika