Aftermath Conversation Flashcards
What is the goal of the aftermath of a fight exercise?
To gain greater understanding by addressing the process and how the issue was talked about without getting back into the fight.
When should you start this exercise?
When both partners are calm and emotionally distant from the incident.
How should you approach your partner’s perception during this exercise?
Assume each partner’s reality has validity; focus on perception, not ‘the facts.’
What should you share in Step 1: Feelings?
Share how you felt without explaining why or commenting on your partner’s feelings.
List examples of feelings you might share in Step 1.
Defensive, not listened to, hurt, angry, unloved, misunderstood, criticized, worried, unsafe, frustrated, ashamed, abandoned, etc.
How should you describe your reality in Step 2: Realities?
Take turns describing your perception like a reporter, focusing on your own experience without blaming or attacking your partner.
How do you validate your partner’s reality in Step 2?
Summarize and say, ‘It makes sense to me how you saw this and what your needs were.’ Validation does not mean agreement.
What should you ask after summarizing your partner’s reality?
‘Did I get it?’ and ‘Is there anything else?’
What should you share about your triggers in Step 3?
Explain experiences or memories that might have escalated the interaction and why they are triggers for you.
Why is it important to share the stories behind your triggers?
It helps your partner understand your vulnerabilities and become more sensitive to you.
List examples of common triggers in Step 3.
Feeling judged, excluded, criticized, flooded, ashamed, lonely, belittled, disrespected, powerless, or out of control.
What should you acknowledge in Step 4: Responsibility?
Your role in contributing to the fight or regrettable incident.
What might have set you up for the miscommunication?
Examples: feeling stressed, taking your partner for granted, being overly sensitive or critical, turning away, not being emotionally available, etc.
What do you need to express regret for in Step 4?
Examples: overreacting, being grumpy, attacking, not listening, being disrespectful, or being unreasonable.
What should you do after apologizing?
If your partner accepts, move on. If not, ask what they still need.
What should you share to make future discussions better in Step 5: Constructive Plans?
One thing your partner can do differently and one thing you can do differently.
What should you focus on when creating constructive plans?
Stay calm and be as agreeable as possible to each other’s suggestions.
What are the Four Horsemen in communication?
Criticism, Contempt , Defensiveness, and Stonewalling.
What are the antidotes to the Four Horsemen?
- Criticism: Use a gentle start-up. 2. Contempt: Describe your own feelings and needs. Avoid describing your partner. 3. Defensiveness: Take responsibility. 4. Stonewalling: Practice physiological self-soothing.