After mid-term Flashcards
The space of places
Physical world where people live their day-to-day lives
The space of flows
Where increasingly city life and the work of the new global economy is conducted
The space of flows
Castells - Where increasingly city life and the work of the new global economy is conducted
Stout - Not just moving in and out or around the physical space of cities - but exploring and utilizing ‘the space of flows’ of the world city (network)
How internal features of a governing arrangement fit together to persue an agenda
Stone - Biracial coalition of governamental and white non-governmental (economic) actors governed
Governance emperical meaning
Form government to governance. From state to private-public-civil society
Governance analytical meaning
The process of coodinating actors, social groups, and institutions to attain particular goals discussed and defined collectively in fragmented, uncertain environments
- Government taking a step back and let the market do its thing
- ‘A theory of political economic practices that proposed that human well-being can be best advances by liberating individual entrepreneurial freedoms and skills within an institutional framework characterised by strong private property rights, free market and free trade
Classic liberalism
Reaching society’s best interest through:
- Individual freedom
- Unfetted market
- Non-interventionist state, exept pretect individual rights, libetry and property
Neoliberal ideology
- Market ensures that everyone gets what they deserve
- Individual citizren are seen as active subjects responsible for enhancing their own well-being
- Anything that isn’t privatised, isn’t effective
Neoliberal shift
- Financial cutbacks in central government transfers
- Shift to more business-like practices
- Public-private partnerships
Ladder of citizen participation
Nonparticipation - Manipulation and Therapy
Tokenism - Informing, consultation, Placation
Citizen power - Partnership, Delegated power
Favours empowering individuals and communities by involving them directly in planning and decision making - They are the real experts
favours skilled proffesionals advocating on bahalf of powerless clients - serve client
Equity planning
Seeks faireness or equity among different social groups as the overactig goal of every plan
Planner serves public interest - focus on skills and roles for conflict solving
Right to the city
People who feel excluded should strive for the collective right to shape everything about the city
Accumulation by dispossesion
Creative destruction hurts the poor and allows the rich to profit even during the next boom
Right to the city - reaction Wirth, Madanipour, Jacobs
Wirth - right to the city is a response of alienation
Madanipour - Parallels to the nature of exclusion of some groups in the city
Jacobs - Celebrates the quality of low income urban neighbourhoods because of rich cultural diversity
Multiple dimensions of social exclusion - in cities and the past
Dimensions of social exclusion
Economic exclusion - Lack of decent income, unemployed, trapped in low-income jobs
Political exclusion - Denied access to power, voting
Cultural exclusion - Based on language, religion, ethnicity
Growth Machines
Molotch - Economic growth oriented coalitions that dominate decision making
- controlled by elite group - business leaders, propperty owners
- Members of the growth machine have different priorities but all want to foster a good business climate that retains and attracts business
A fundamental dimension that ‘expresses’ urban society
Information age
Characterized by a network society
Theoratical approach to cities along three axes
Function - Dynamic opposition between the electronic global and the face-to-face local
Meaning - Complex relationship between ‘individualism’ (personla identity) and ‘communalism’ (shared identities of ethnic, social class and culture)
Form - product of interaction and conflict between physical and online dimention of space
Madanipour and castells
Madanipour - social exclusion similar to Castells exclusion by spatial seperation
Castells and Mumford
Urbanity, street life and civic culture should be as important to urban planners as ‘economic competitiveness’
- Mumford - Urban drama
Analyze data on information, technology, economies, organization of physical space in the most advanced cities and metropolitial regions in the world - Global city
Global city
Advanced cities where international financial functions concentrate
Corporate service complexes
Sophisticated networks of skilled professionals serving international corporations - clustered in global cities
Sassen and Engels
Corporations pull bilions of dollars out of a country and redirect funds to another - The concentraion of great wealth in hands of a few and severe dislocations in the lives of the many - Production and retailing become more dispersed - economic inequality is sharply increasing
Alternative approaches to the study of the global urban system - GaWC
GaWC group
Globalisation and World Cities research network
- Analysis of contemporary world city network
- Comarative historical studies of urban networks as far back as 16th century
- Theories of the generic processes of urban social transformation
Study these realtions between the global
GaWC model
Study these relations between the global cities by constructing network models - Reveal several levels of hierarchy
The global economy dominated by these networked global cities encourages a ‘continously expanding’ that he finds ‘hugely inequitable and frightenigly unsustainable’
The process through which we collectively shape or public realm to maximize shared value
Project for public space
PPS argues that making a good public place involves cultural, economic, social and ecological principles
Emphazises the importance of citizen participarion (Arnstein) - People who live, work and play in a area are the real ‘experts’ on how it may be inproved to best meet the local needs
Urban design
Considers social and economic factors and how a design fits other aspects of planning
Urban planning
Involves formulating goals and policies for an entire city and may invlove preparation of land use, transportation, environmental, neighbourhoods and other plans
Study park and plaza use to help draft a comprehensive urban design plan to improve - Street Life Project
Observing urban drama
Mumford and Whyte
Street Life Project
Amount of sittable space, food venders, open relationship to the street
Women are more discriminating to where they sit - High proportion of women - good park
Whyte and Spain
How does gender effect public space?